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  • It probably should be noted that the dev's company is called KISS, keep it simple stupid, and that the original project name translated dream house. This is a technical team not fiction writers. Their keeping their options open and focusing on the bugs. Make it work, make it fun, then make up a cool story that sews it all together. Don't get locked into a specific path early by the lore and monster choices. How many games have made that mistake.

  • The idea I linked to is more for the dungeons and other structures to have some kind of history, which in the end gives RW bit of a history, but the intention wasn't ever to restrict RW or lock it into this or that...

    Anyways, I think I will promote a history, lore, or story if you want to call it that, for adventure mode which red has spoke of. I think this is the mode he wants to use for questing etc.. more RPG. So lets be done with the back and forth and put this under adventure mode. Leave normal survival mode totally open with nothing holding it down.


    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I can't really decide at the moment, though I have a feeling I would go for an option that is not listed.

    I'm certainly not looking for Zombies. If RW ended up with Zombies, I feel like I would be deciding between playing RW and 7 Days to Die.

    I think I like the idea of something realistic as far as natural predators, but perhaps also roaming bands of bandits. I think part of the reason it's hard for me to decide is that I feel the game walks a line between modern and not. What I mean by that is, through various selections of specific placeables and textures, one could setup a home or town (for example) resembling from a mid-evil period... but then, with other selections/decisions, setup something that looks modern. Because of this, I have a hard time wrapping my head around a time period for the game, which makes deciding things such as "monster" themes.

    That said, I might be the only one who is wrapped up in, or getting hung up on that element ;)

  • @weemcast

    Only zombie planned that I know of is a zombie dog. So no zombies. I think I've only seen one person actually want zombies lol.

    Natural predators are coming. Monsters in at least dungeons/ruins are coming (as far as I know.. of course they could change their mind...). I have tossed the idea around in my head about bandits. Especially if there are NPC villages. Maybe not bandits roaming around everywhere but only close to their camp/lair (cave or even ruins etc...). I would be interesting to have an enemy which can use the same weapons as players. So some might have a bow, some might have just a sword and some might blast your face with a pistol. But then it becomes real easy to get weapons... so yeah.. I've tossed the idea around but not sure how to go about it. I guess keep them primitive. But then.. what's the point really? Sooner or later they will be really easy. Anyways..

    Thing is, there is no time period. RW is RW, not earth or a place on earth (even if I hope for earth like elements). But yeah it is odd to build a medieval castle next to an office building lol... but that's the freedom of it.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I've seen a small minority asking for zombies so we're safe in having them being zombie free. I'm also having trouble pondering what kind of hostiles would be appropriate with how we tech up.

    Bandits? I wonder if scaling them to being few in number in event, Rimworld style? Maybe that's a bad example....Something that would happen roughly on your 20th day then every rough 20 days while being spaced out as to not encounter them often to turn it into a Bandit Sim. If they were next to villages then that would be something interesting to experience. What about caves? Possibly spawning in them with a few gear in a rate of 20% of spawning or something. Guns should be very rare for them, unless we have it check what the player uses or what age is unlocked item wise?

    You know, why not. Let it go all Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls, even Victory At Sea type of dangerousness where you encounter them at whatever hostilities. If they're too strong you wouldn't be able to loot from them anyways. Maybe if you set up traps, but even then.....

    The thing to keep in mind is that Red said that we would have to tech up from 'caveman' to modern tech so shall be fun seeing what kind of Bandits, monsters, and entities we shall encounter throughout our colonization and settlement buildings. I'd find it overly comical (and I guess annoying) when we get mobs trying to rob trains of resources. AI trying to steal from your stock-piles, train cars and just trying to leech from the supply routes on maps.


    @ZaCormyr That's the price to pay, or reward, to see your progress placed on the land with the old meets the new as you advance. With the way you build be similar to how our cities have old buildings constantly being fought over for newer structures; Old items for new ones. Shall be interesting seeing how we fight both the hostile world and our own advancements.

  • I'm not sure how you mix and balance bears, goblins, bandits and gun wielding highwaymen. Its the greatest challenge in this game. Mirror mobs as ZaCormyr moted is a nice idea. When you make a gun they get a gun.
    You could do biomes or zones with key resources and technological enemies matching the value of the resource. You want niter for you munitions you have to brave the 'highland's of dor' with its gun wielding goons with only a sword and a bow in your hands. Once you have your niter make that gun so the next time is easy.

  • One fictional back story I thought of is a world where magic is the norm and technology is seen as pseudoscience and dangerous quackery. The player is a technology user hunted for his beliefs. A refugee that's been burned out when they found the machinery. You need to rebuild, hide you cogs and motors better. Find others like you and build an enclave strong enough to stand against the magic luddites and their goblin foot soldiers. It might work in this world but magic and story are both hard work.

  • You could do biomes or zones with key resources and technological enemies matching the value of the resource. You want niter for you munitions you have to brave the 'highland's of dor' with its gun wielding goons with only a sword and a bow in your hands. Once you have your niter make that gun so the next time is easy.

    Now that is a thought! It could be done so it is quite the challenge, so AI would have to be damn good (or I suppose they just have enough health to make it a challenge...)! Would need to make sure that players don't spawn in those biomes. Or maybe they are not biomes. Could use the dungeons, temples and ruins for this. You find a temple complex (including underground tunnel networks etc..) and possibly some type of monster(s) lurk there or some nasty bandits wielding bolt action rifles. You have to make your way to their boss and defeat him, and from him or his special chest or whatever you can get some resource required for making the rifles. Or maybe just a specific part? Either way, if you want to make two rifles, you would have to find and clear out two of these temples, ruins or dungeons with these specific bandits in them.

    This way devs can control just how many weapons can be made. Once the temple etc.. is cleared out, a random monster/bandit type spawns. Just make sure the same type doesn't spawn there too often. Of course there is the issue of people destroying the dungeon etc.. but that issue is there anyways. Unless they are automatically protected. Can't remember if that part is planned lol....

    One fictional back story I thought of is a world where magic is the norm and technology is seen as pseudoscience and dangerous quackery. The player is a technology user hunted for his beliefs. A refugee that's been burned out when they found the machinery. You need to rebuild, hide you cogs and motors better. Find others like you and build an enclave strong enough to stand against the magic luddites and their goblin foot soldiers. It might work in this world but magic and story are both hard work.

    This I think is exactly what people don't want. A history, story or lore which directly affects the players and is a big game mechanic. I was trying for one that was more passive and just provided places for items and monsters to spawn etc... Being hunted is a step in the wrong direction I believe. Only thing I want coming to my build and messing with stuff is maybe some deer trying to eat my lettuce, or a cougar going for my goats!

    Although I like the mix of magic and tech, it's very close to a game idea I've had for a long time and though of posting here. But, not sure if we will have any magic. Time for a search... Hmm.. nothing on spells. I don't think magic is wanted haha. I would accept some. Nothing crazy.. just some basic stuff. Anyways...

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Not sure exactly what they are going to do.Personally i like the natural predators.I think having bears and wolves roaming around would be nice.Also think at night having wolves become more aggressive and hunt in packs would be pretty neat for a night threat along with whatever else.

    As for dungeons/caves i'm not sure. I'm not against "monsters" but i just think it's a bit played out.

    Either way,enjoying the game.Looking forward to future updates.

  • Wolves, bears, lynx, eurasian lion or panther, Wolverine. The problem is finding a properly rigged animal. Everyone does wolves and bears so the rest is rare. Wild boars might work. There are a few rigged boars about.
    A bull or bull deer that is inclined to attack on sight is a possibility. They do that.
    Then you have snakes and other reptiles. Rats in caves and ruins.
    Ravens defending a nest is a possibility.

    Most other predators are harmless to man.

    The challenge is to find animal that fit the world concept and if biomes are added then you have all sorts of options crocodiles, rhinos, hippos, rogue elephants. Then you have to find something that rigged and does not look wrong walking on a slope. Goblins are easy there are hundreds of cheap goblins out there.
    However it occurs to me that a small texture change could turn a goblin into a convincing ape, baboon or something like that.

  • For me is Rising World a game, where nature and atmosphere is very important and the realism a Little bit, too. That´s the reason why I chose the realistic animals like wolfs, bears and so on. I want to enjoy the nature I want to chill and build :thumbsup: !

    Fight together and not against!

    OldDustyDan :thumbup:

  • Here there OldDustyDan, nice avatar! I like that one. Anyways, I am "patiently" waiting to see what the devs will do regarding monsters. I also want more of a real world atmosphere in the wilds of Rising World. Maybe some monsters but nothing that makes it cartoony or silly. Regardless, whatever monsters they will add, they will provide a way to turn them off completely. So you will have what you are hoping for. ;)

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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