Update 0.4: Crafting, Smelting and lots of new Items

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  • Hi folks,

    The crafting update for the new version is now available! It introduces loads of new items and objects, a new crafting functionality, iron ore and the ability to smelt it, as well as many bugfixes and other changes!

    Crafting: It works a bit different compared to the Java version: You no longer have to access a workbench to see the crafting recipes, instead you can access all recipes at any time. If you want to craft an item, the particular workbench just needs to be in your proximity. To keep the crafting menu structured, there are various categories and sub-categories. There is also a search bar which allows you to search for a particular recipe.

    Please note that many recipes - or more precisely, the required ingredients - are still placeholders: The reason behind this is that many basic crafting resources are still missing. We will update the crafting recipes in the future.

    Please also keep in mind that you can currently access all recipes. In a future update we want to add additional requirements for crafting modern and advanced items (which will then be unlocked the further you progress).


    Ore smelting: We've introduced iron ore and a primitive smelting furnace for now. Smelting mostly works like in the Java version: You place ores in the furnace, fuel the furnace then wait until the ore is smelted. However, the new version introduces a few changes to make your life easier: To place ores quickly, you can keep your mouse button pressed while moving your mouse over the individual slots. Once the ores are smelted, there is a radial menu available to take all ingots at once from the furnace.

    There is also another detail when smelting ores: Ores now begin to glow before they turn into ingots. And while ingots are still hot (i.e. glowing), they cannot be taken from furnaces. This is a preparation for another feature we want to introduce in a future update.

    By the way: You can now adjust the time it takes to smelt ores. Of course this works in both singleplayer and multiplayer.

    Items: In order to make sure that the crafting menu isn't too empty, this update introduces a bunch of new items. We've migrated many tools from the Java version to the new version - and created new textures with much higher detail for them from scratch. This covers the axes, sledgehammers, rakes, hoes, scythe and sickle. We've also added a new steel scythe and steel sickle (these tools weren't available in the Java version before). These tools (except the hoes) are fully functional.

    We've also added new flashlights, a penlight, a canteen and waterskin, some medical items (bandage, splint and medkit), compasses and other items. One special item we've added is a spear: It serves both a melee weapon, but can also be thrown.



    Objects: There are also new objects available, including tents, a new workbench, anvil and various other objects. In addition to that, there are now also a few lamps available. One special features regarding lamps is that you can change the light color (we've added a new color picker for that) and brightness.

    Luminous blocks are now also fully functional: Just like any construction element, they are fully resizable. Use them for neon signs, as LED strip lights etc. Like regular lamps, you can change their color, brightness and turn them on or off (just hold your interaction key while looking at them). Once electricity is implemented, it will give you full control over these elements.


    Building: This update introduces a new "undo" command, which is quite handy. Use it to revert the last destructive actions. By default, it tracks the most recent 50 actions.

    This update also fixes several bugs (especially regarding permissions in multiplayer) and introduces some useful changes. For instance, doors can be blocked by construction elements. In addition to that, the paint roller works much faster now (there is now also a new paint brush, which now behaves like the paint roller previously did). Please find the full changelog attached.

    Stay tuned for the next update, which will introduce blueprints. Many parts of that update are already implemented, so it will take a lot less time until it's ready. After the next update, we will focus on finalizing the world generation.


    Changelog 2021-01-12 (0.4):

    • [New] Added lots of new items:

      • Tools for cutting trees: axe and steel axe
      • Tools to deconstruct blocks: sledgehammer and steel sledgehammer
      • Tools to smooth the ground: rake and wooden rake
      • Tools for cultivation: hoe and steel hoe (not usable yet)
      • Tools for cutting grass: scythe, steel scythe, sickle and steel sickle
      • Receptacles: canteen and waterskin
      • Compasses: old and modern version
      • Light sources: torch, penlight, flashlight and spotlight
      • Medical items: bandage, leg splint and medkit
      • Weapon: primitive spear (which can also be thrown)
      • Primitive items: stone axe, stone knife
      • Other items: soccer ball, rubberduck, combat knife, pouch and various resources
    • [New] Added ore smelting:

      • Added primitive smelting furnace for now (more furnaces will follow)
      • Smelting mostly works like in the Java version
      • Smelting duration can be customized in the settings
      • Mouse button can be held while placing ores (faster placing)
      • Radial menu on furnace gives option to take all smelted ingots at once
      • Ores begin to glow before they turn into ingots
      • Ingots cannot be taken from furnaces while they're hot (i.e. while glowing)
    • [New] Updated engine to version 2021.2
    • [New] Luminous material (ID 800) is now fully functional
    • [New] Added new crafting stations: modern workbench and anvil
    • [New] Added two tents: one-person-tent and modern tent
    • [New] Added shelters: primitive shelter and two canopies
    • [New] Added other objects: woodenbarrels, trough, old bench, cabinet, crowdbarrier, meat dryer, mattress
    • [New] Added lights: two bulkhead lamps, street lamp and floodlight
    • [New] A radial menu can be accessed on luminous materials and lamps (hold interaction key) to change light color and brightness
    • [New] Added "undo" command to revert the last destructive actions (only in creative mode)
    • [New] Added option to select the active monitor (if more than one monitor is connected)
    • [New] Added animations for sitting (on chairs) or lying (on beds)
    • [New] Added "chatnamesuffix" permission (info), to add a suffix to the player chat name
    • [New] Added "usealllights" and "useallobjects" permissions (general)
    • [New] When using the "item" console command to get a construction element, you can now append a color code (e.g. "item block #FF0000")
    • [New] Plain grass terrain texture is now available
    • [New] Added console command "bag" to spawn a pouch containing other items
    • [New] Added console command "shutdown" in multiplayer to shut down the server
    • [New] Added console command "serverinfo areas" to get a list of all areas (including all info)
    • [New] Added console commands "loadpreset" and "savepreset" to load/save a build size preset (similar to radial menu)
    • [New] Added option (graphics settings) to disable glass distortion and refraction
    • [New] Added option (misc settings) to toggle grid visibility on the preview element
    • [New] Added option to always show the grid on terrain (set "Game_AlwaysShowTerrainGrid" in config to "true")
    • [New] Mouse wheel scroll direction can now be changed in controls settings
    • [New] Double-clicking an item in inventory (or shift+click) moves it to the hotbar and vice versa
    • [New] Added "zoom toggle" key binding to controls settings
    • [New] Pressing the "Adapt to World Element" key while the paint roller is equipped now applies the color of the world element to the paint roller
    • [Change] Reworked many sound effects
    • [Change] Blocked doors and chests can no longer be opened (need feedback)
    • [Change] Player nametags can now be modified through permissions (prefix, suffix, color)
    • [Change] Fly mode and creative mode are now disabled when entering an area where they are not permitted
    • [Change] Improved performance when rendering lots of dense construction elements
    • [Change] Small improvements in terms of performance when having lots of lights in the scene
    • [Change] It's now possible to sit on benches
    • [Change] Paint roller now instantly paints elements (while the new paint brush now behaves like the paint roller previously did)
    • [Change] Server header image no longer gets stretched when using different aspect ratio than 2:1
    • [Change] Quickslots are now slightly bigger (size can be changed in config)
    • [Change] Color changes on construction elements (via "edit" command) work faster now (i.e. take less time to update the mesh)
    • [Change] Improved ingame time sync in multiplayer
    • [Change] Game window (when playing in windowed mode) is now resizable)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong ingame time on multiplayer servers
    • [Bugfix] Fixed player permission group not working properly after reconnecting to a server
    • [Bugfix] Fixed default new player permission in multiplayer not being set correctly
    • [Bugfix] Fixed admin tag not being shown in player list for admins
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong UV scale on cone and pyramid block shapes
    • [Bugfix] Fixed item animations of other players sometimes not being properly reset in multiplayer
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing localization in multiplayer menu and player list
    • [Bugfix] Fixed error on Mac when trying to join a multiplayer server
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues regarding LAN mode on Mac
    • [Bugfix] Fixed UI issues while scrolling
    • [Bugfix] Alt key no longer gets stuck when tabbing to the desktop
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong message when using the "edit texture" console command
    • [Bugfix] Fixed construction elements as item having wrong texture
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues with removing large scaled objects

    Hotfix 2021-12-02:

    • [Change] Crafting primitive tools no longer requires a primitive workbench
    • [Change] Hunger and thirst is now disabled by default for now (can be changed in settings)
    • [Change] Primitive furnace now has a bigger fuel capacity
    • [Bugfix] Fixed invalid items (e.g. map) being optainable via command (breaking inventory)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crafting workbenches not being recognized properly
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crafting ingredients not being removed correctly when crafting
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing localization string in furnace radial menu

    Hotfix (2021-12-03):

    • [New] Crafting menu now also indicate the amount of ingredients you already have in your inventory
    • [New] Tree logs and sticks can now also be used to fuel the furnace (in addition to lumber)
    • [New] Glow color of luminous blocks can now be specified during crafting
    • [Change] Cutting grass now properly takes into account the underlying material (no longer turning other materials into flat grass)
    • [Change] Now up to 3 players can sit on a bench simultaneously in multiplayer
    • [Change] Lights of other players (when a flashlight or torch is equipped) are now properly synced in multiplayer
    • [Change] Area permissions can now also override command permissions
    • [Change] Area permissions now only override settings which are explicitly set in the permission file
    • [Bugfix] Fixed iron ore not being removed from inventory when being placed in furnace
    • [Bugfix] Fixed item count not being properly taken into account when crafting an item
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong nametags in multiplayer
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a crash when aborting the loading procedure right after clicking on a world
    • [Bugfix] Fixed different block shapes sometimes being merged to a single item
  • the Pickaxe has been bugged since the last update, whenever i mine rocks, they disappear, can't build a forge or mine ore..

    Hmm... can you elaborate on that? When mining rocks, the stone goes to your inventory automatically (just like in the Java version), so there is no need to pick them up.

  • Alright, my first playthrough I made note of this in a notepad.

    - Amused by the soccerball and soccer net. Random, though necessary and comical. (Eventually found out it despawns. Wish it wouldn't despawn)

    - New menu is awesome. Friendlier, more visible. Shows everything you need right in front of you.

    - NPC Companions are a must (Friends kept turning me down, or simply unavailable).

    - More Medieval Gear desired by others (Armour, civilian, etc)

    - Planting trees gives me full grown trees (Saplings to mature trees instantly)

    - Some quality of live issues differences between Java and Unity. Certain things are tolerable, others need new learning. Any specifics will have to be noted at a later time. For now, one of them has to be desiring inventory with it going to crafting instead. Frustrating.

    - Primitive smelting furnace is a little bit too primitive. Burns fuel far too inefficiently, though probably intended for efficiency purposes and babysitting purposes.

    - Scything grass splatters green grass even on brown areas. Grass is like a paint balloon.

    - Forgot how to use the Menu wheel. Had to go into Settings to figure this out. (I miss the journal; F1 needs to be more visible. Forget when playing other games)

    - Forgot how to rotate items desiring the Java version of rotation of mouse wheel (or so I recall). Probably false memory from other games. Noted to be arrow keys for rotation.

    - Storage chest doesn't store stuff (probably intentional).

    - The open barrel has to be the best addition into the game yet. You can store loose items in it (not sure how long for despawn), and you can even hide in it by crouching.

    - You can hold the soccerball, even loosely throwing it. The open barrel is the best storage device to hold onto any loose soccerballs.

    - Primitive spear can be used to stab directly in front, or to hold above and throw. Once thrown, it can get stuck in items that are wooden, or 'light'.

    - Trying to use Cylinders and Ladders. Some explanation is needed (even in a journal), to explain how to build. Modular snapping was discovered when I looked into settings and when I was placing items. It's through settings I re-figured out how to use this feature.

    - Any water container (Canteen/Waterskin) appears to have unlimited water (for now). Not a problem.

    - Can't build below 290. Blockwise, just not placing items. A red X,Y,Z indicator popped up preventing me from building below that, unless it's with blocks.

    - Trying to build blocks of different type of the same texture bunches them up into the same primary block type. Stairs turns into the main square blocks of the same texture.


    Screenshot with descriptions:

    - Grass, when scythed, spreads out texture wise like a paint balloon.

    - I love the new inventory menu and auto-sort. I however wish it would default to inventory instead, not crafting.

    - Barrels with the open top have to be the best addition yet.

    - Chests need storage space (probably intentional, for now).

    - I love this barrel addition so much. I wish the soccerball stayed.

    - Having fun with spears.

    - I wish we could get blocks which compliment the circular hollow cylander at 2.0 x 2.0 size. I have a workaround for now.

    - My ladder hole problem with flush blocks. We need something to compliment the hole. Have a work-around for now.

    - May be a glitch, may be player error. I had two sets of ladders disappear on me when I was mining around. I heard an 'clunk', it disappeared so I had to make another pair of ladders.

    - I wish these blocks would just naturally snap under, not parallel to. When you're dealing with stairs you need them to be fluid, like modular snapping with ladders. The game should automatically assume you're snapping the next layer down, at any grid or shape size.


    If possible, can you allow us to have some food? A simple apple tree, or something cheaty, like the saplings spawning mature trees. I spawned in apples, for now. Whatever you can manage.

  • Thanks for your feedback so far :)

    i haven't built a modern workbench, i was able to make one on a primative one

    Hmm... yes it seems the primitive workbench is recognized as modern workbench... sorry about that, we will prepare a hotfix for that!

    the only thing (unless iv missed it) is a close button on the menus, ( or an "X" at the top corner)

    Yeah, that would be indeed quite handy... I'll put that on our to-do-list ;)

    NPC Companions are a must

    I agree, that would be a nice addition. Can't say much about them yet unfortunately, first we need to get the world gen and animals implemented, but then we can take a closer look at npcs ;)

    - Planting trees gives me full grown trees (Saplings to mature trees instantly)

    Unfortunately plant growth isn't implemenet yet, that's why it just spawns a fully grown tree :|

    Any specifics will have to be noted at a later time. For now, one of them has to be desiring inventory with it going to crafting instead. Frustrating.

    Oh, actually the inventory and crafting menu use different buttons: The inventory is opened by pressing TAB (at least that's the default key binding), while the crafting menu can be opened by pressing E. You can, however, change these bindings in the settings.

    - Primitive smelting furnace is a little bit too primitive. Burns fuel far too inefficiently, though probably intended for efficiency purposes and babysitting purposes.

    Yeah, it's pretty much like the primitive furnace in the Java version ^^ Better furnaces are in the works

    - Scything grass splatters green grass even on brown areas. Grass is like a paint balloon.

    It's indeed far from perfection, we will take a closer look at this!

    - Forgot how to use the Menu wheel. Had to go into Settings to figure this out. (I miss the journal; F1 needs to be more visible. Forget when playing other games)

    We will add a new journal in the future, we also have plans for a tutorial, but these features had a low priority till now (considering there are still so many core features missing in the new version) :(

    - Storage chest doesn't store stuff (probably intentional).

    Yes, unfortuantely that's also not implemented yet :silenced:

    - Any water container (Canteen/Waterskin) appears to have unlimited water (for now). Not a problem.

    It's indeed a temporary solution until actual water is implemented^^

    - Can't build below 290. Blockwise, just not placing items. A red X,Y,Z indicator popped up preventing me from building below that, unless it's with blocks.

    Oh, could you elaborate on that? Does that mean you can't play any blocks or objects below Y 290? :wat: Could you maybe share a screenshot of that indicator?

    - Trying to build blocks of different type of the same texture bunches them up into the same primary block type. Stairs turns into the main square blocks of the same texture.

    Hmm... that's not supposed to happen... I will check out what's going on there!

    - May be a glitch, may be player error. I had two sets of ladders disappear on me when I was mining around. I heard an 'clunk', it disappeared so I had to make another pair of ladders.

    This is also not supposed to happen, that seems to be a bug. As a workaround, you could "fix" this by disabling gravity for objects in the misc settings

    If possible, can you allow us to have some food? A simple apple tree, or something cheaty, like the saplings spawning mature trees. I spawned in apples, for now. Whatever you can manage.

    Food is planned, for now it probably makes sense to disable hunger/thirst in the misc settings. We will disable it by default with the next update (at least until food is implemented) :saint:

    - I wish these blocks would just naturally snap under, not parallel to. When you're dealing with stairs you need them to be fluid, like modular snapping with ladders. The game should automatically assume you're snapping the next layer down, at any grid or shape size.

    Hmm... I'll put that on our list. Having a more specific handling for certain block shapes (like stairs) would be a nice thing, but it's a bit difficult to make sure it behaves correctly (due to the complexity of the building system). But I agree that having a better way for this would be quite helpful.

  • I agree, that would be a nice addition. Can't say much about them yet unfortunately, first we need to get the world gen and animals implemented, but then we can take a closer look at npcs ;)

    I know you've tried with NPC dummies in Java version. I give you props for that. I wish we could have resized them to 15 cm tall, and to as tall as we desired. You tried and I respect that. I know it also goes without saying, I just can't wait for when you look into NPCs and the NPC companions. Hopefully they can interact with the world in a basic manner when you cross that bridge.

    Good luck on the world gen, maybe by the time it's implemented we can have fun on the Steam Deck, etc. Or whatever shall happen. Good luck sorting it out. o7

    On a secondary side note other games are frustrating me when they don't care about their player base. Hope to eventually see even NPCs being this colourful in the various outfits. (No rush on the outfits, I'm just noting something I saw on my Steam activity for Kurtzpel game)

    That's just me though. Wanting to see the best in RW :)

    And for when the time comes I can't wait to see her in the game in one manner or another. Customization, importing models over NPCs Tower Unite/VRChat/Valheim style....

    Sorry for the gif, just hyped at the various potentials and the current coolness :nerd:

    Unfortunately plant growth isn't implemenet yet, that's why it just spawns a fully grown tree :|

    Noticed, and that's fine. I'm even amused it's even implemented this way to fill in voids and gaps. :lol: I had a nice chuckle because it actually works.

    Oh, actually the inventory and crafting menu use different buttons: The inventory is opened by pressing TAB (at least that's the default key binding), while the crafting menu can be opened by pressing E. You can, however, change these bindings in the settings.

    Silly me. I assumed both tab and 'e' were the same thing. Now that you've made me aware I'm now naturally opening up the inventory with 'tab'. :thumbup:

    We will add a new journal in the future, we also have plans for a tutorial, but these features had a low priority till now (considering there are still so many core features missing in the new version) :(

    Even if it's hastily done in a scribble I wouldn't mind. A quick 20 min job, or I can wait. Either or works, I'm not that picky on this. It would have helped though, for sure. Yeah, I guess you might as well plow forward with bug fixes, blue prints, world gen, then NPCs itself, as you've noted. Now that I know how this game works again it's all good. :thumbup:

    Yes, unfortuantely that's also not implemented yet :silenced:

    Haha. Is it planned to for a recent update or a little down the road? :thinking:

    Oh, could you elaborate on that? Does that mean you can't play any blocks or objects below Y 290? :wat: Could you maybe share a screenshot of that indicator?

    I tried to replicate my issue. I couldn't. I'm assuming it may have to do with the straight on placement from where you spawn all the way down to 290. I'm honestly not sure what happened. What I however saw was red indicator as you would in Blender and Unity when centering projects on the field.

    I basically stopped at this depth. It's loosely where I dug down. I made a wall behind the other ladder, dug down further getting to 162. :?::?::?::?:
    (Had to stop because it was getting too late to test)

    I've asked around if someone else could replicate my issue, nobody jumped to assist me. We'll see if anybody sees this post can replicate this issue. Maybe I'll unknowingly bump into the same issue later.


    Second batch of feedback:

    1) Props to the Menu BGM starting up. (Always in a rush failing to acknowledge this)

    2) Lantern - I wish when you pick it up it would automatically stay lit, even if returned to your inventory. It should prioritize an open hand. Or be able to attached to a belt/hip. The lantern is highly handy I could easily span three alternating them around to tunnel away underground. May need some Medieval alternate for this also.

    3) I love how torches can be lit and unlit, even staying lit for a good 3 minutes before snuffing out. All lights.

    4) I love the auto-walk up/down on elevated blocks. You don't need stairs (Can't recall if in Java or not)

    5) Tab is inventory, E is crafting..... I can get used to this now (I complained about this in previous batch). It's not an issue so I'm fine with this. Already used to it now that it's pointed out.

    6) I love the running animation when empty handed, something I forgot to note earlier.

    7) All the stone needs to find a stack in the main inventory, not the main hotbar.

    I wanted to play more sadly having to wait till later. Good luck Red51 :thumbup:

  • Good luck on the world gen, maybe by the time it's implemented we can have fun on the Steam Deck, etc. Or whatever shall happen. Good luck sorting it out

    Thanks! :) About Steam Deck, unfortunately I can't say much about that yet because we don't have a devkit... I don't see any issues though which should prevent the game from running there :thinking:

    Customization, importing models over NPCs Tower Unite/VRChat/Valheim style....

    That's definitely planned ;)

    Haha. Is it planned to for a recent update or a little down the road? :thinking:

    I guess it will be added with one of the next few updates ^^

    What I however saw was red indicator as you would in Blender and Unity when centering projects on the field.

    Oh, the red indicator may be the helper tool for building. It's disabled by default, but if you've played the demo back in December, that setting is active. You can disable it in the misc settings under "building" (disable "show marker") ;)

    1) Props to the Menu BGM starting up. (Always in a rush failing to acknowledge this)

    Thanks! :D

    2) Lantern - I wish when you pick it up it would automatically stay lit, even if returned to your inventory. It should prioritize an open hand. Or be able to attached to a belt/hip. The lantern is highly handy I could easily span three alternating them around to tunnel away underground. May need some Medieval alternate for this also.

    Yeah, we definitely want the lantern to be usable as item ^^

    7) All the stone needs to find a stack in the main inventory, not the main hotbar.

    This is a good suggestion, I will put that on our to-do-list!

  • That's definitely planned ;)

    Hype! Always struggle to contain my hype, I can't wait to see what you implement in the end. :thumbup:

    (Looks back at the gif in the spoiler in anticipation)

    I guess it will be added with one of the next few updates ^^


    Someone was curious Steam side also. I guess we'll see it when we'll see it (ready when it's ready). :nerd:

    Oh, the red indicator may be the helper tool for building. It's disabled by default, but if you've played the demo back in December, that setting is active. You can disable it in the misc settings under "building" (disable "show marker") ;)

    Probably. As for why it blocked the ladders has me stumped. It allowed blocks, just not ladders to snap lower. Maybe it is as you say. :thinking:

    Yeah, we definitely want the lantern to be usable as item ^^

    Excellent. I'll add onto this by saying I hope it's similar to how lanterns work in the game 'Dragon's Dogma'. Well, minus the constant refueling. That's up to you though.

    This is a good suggestion, I will put that on our to-do-list!

    Nice. Yeah, it was frustrating seeing stone land in my hot bar in #3-5 slots. One ladder goes to find 3-6 stone stacks I'd have to shift+click out. Also, I love that Shift-clicking, glad it's there. Stone should stay with its family, not hoard my inventory heh. :lol:

    Alright, awesome. Now that's noted time for a rest. Maybe I can Rising World tomorrow evening. :nerd:

  • I like the new update...but, is there a way to change the ingame settings as in ores, animals, spawnpoints etc?

    what do you want to change?

    ores - there is just 1 ore at the moment and it spawns only on the surface

    animals - no animals ingame yet

    spawnpoint - you can change your spawnpoint by either sleeping in a tent/bed or by using the command "septspawn"

  • Oh...right...i just noticed that one with the animals...my bad... :)

  • Probably. As for why it blocked the ladders has me stumped. It allowed blocks, just not ladders to snap lower. Maybe it is as you say. :thinking:

    That's weird :wat: Basically the red cross should not interfere with any objects... but I will check out what's going on there :)

    Nice. Yeah, it was frustrating seeing stone land in my hot bar in #3-5 slots. One ladder goes to find 3-6 stone stacks I'd have to shift+click out. Also, I love that Shift-clicking, glad it's there. Stone should stay with its family, not hoard my inventory heh. :lol:

    This makes sense. Right now stone behaves like any other item (i.e. first tries to fill the hotbar, then the inventory), but perhaps it would be better to have a more specific handling for certain items ^^

    I like the new update...but, is there a way to change the ingame settings as in ores, animals, spawnpoints etc?

    Settings like that will probably be available after the world generation update :)

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