Canadian Convoy

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  • I have a feeling that this is a bit too much for the forums... political topics are sometimes extremely polarizing, and we really want to keep political topics away from the forums (unless it's something that explicitly affects RW or gaming in general). I would really like the forums to remain neutral in this regard, I hope you understand that.

  • I must admit I really did not expect such a response..

    This forum is not the right place for political topics. You won't change anything in the world by posting this in our forums, political topics just get us into trouble. Period. The ONLY thing we can do is stay neutral. If we vote for A, we get trouble from group B, if we vote for B, we get trouble from group A. This forum is about Rising World, it's not a political forum - especially when it comes to controversial and polarizing topics. People are here to enjoy RW and other games, they are not here to discuss political things.

    If someone from the other side had posted something against your topics, it would have been deleted accordingly. Keeping controversial topics (which have nothing to do with the game or gaming in general) just result in a fight sooner or later.

    There are other forums out there which focus on politics. You won't change anything in the world by posting these things there, but these places are definitely more suitable for political topics.

  • I could swear that one of your first posts was that you would understand if red would close this thread :thinking:.

    Honestly I'm glad that this posts are deleted because I don't want being confrontated with politic in this forum. There are lot of other platforms you can better "fight for freedom" than here.

    Sorry if I make you angry with my opinion. Have a nice day :)

  • Yeah, you're right. It's just a very "sensitive" time but not in the meaning of the word. We finally had a chance to get back to normal which would have allowed Rising WOrld and other games to jump back to their shining moments. Maybe that's too optimistic, I believe it so.

    Yeah, I'm also just annoyed and frustrated because we just live in a time where people are being segregated again, I'm just annoyed at that. You're right, I"m wrong and you are technically correct. I'm just going to let it go, I simply feel betrayed, hence my response. I wanted to come back and delete the posting, now I can't so now you view me in a much deeper negative light.......

    I don't know if time will allow this to mend the situation. Again, you're technically right, I just simply feel betrayed I'm just going to be frustrated in the background. Do what you need with Rising World, I'll just go to the side now, as I probably should have.

    As for the convoy, I wanted to post things as they were and yeah. More about awareness than posting in political forums.

    I'm just going to give up and move on. I'll still lurk but I know I just lost all the good faith built up here. I'm going to go delete my requests on the steam forums because of that lost faith. I'm genuinely not doing too well and now more so. It always comes back to "betrayal".

    Whatever move you do to my account I'll understand. Mute, ban, or whatever. Ever since I came here you were always pissed off with me and I do understand why. You're the boss and I'm just some Canadian moron.

    Thanks for having a cool game though. Not sure if I'm allowed to touch it now because of how I point things out. I should give it a wide berth for awhile. From the start of 2020 everything has just been a pile of crap for everybody. It continues on into 2022.

  • I could swear that one of your first posts was that you would understand if red would close this thread :thinking:.

    Honestly I'm glad that this posts are deleted because I don't want being confrontated with politic in this forum. There are lot of other platforms you can better "fight for freedom" than here.

    Sorry if I make you angry with my opinion. Have a nice day :)

    Yeah, you're right.

    I'm genuinely not doing so well with the thought of betrayal in various areas. I'm fine with thread banning, locking, and etc. It's the faith I had in humanity that was misplaced and now I have to gather my thoughts again. Imagine a bag of marbles having dropped everywhere to where you need to pick it up again.

    I need to give Rising World a wide berth for awhile............ For Red51's sake and for Rising World. Everything is just a mess.

    As with Red51, political forums is not where my posts belonged. It belonged in more casual settings where every day people could see them. People are corrupted in political forums as I post things as they are, not as others want them to be. I'm still however a moronic fool not knowing how to properly post them. I don't have the charisma as certain folks do to make it meld with every day life and etc in this world hence why this all fell like a house of cards on me. I'm just a human, though a very flawed one.

    Now, I'm just going to go elsewhere as to not cause any more disturbances. I was wrong in various things and Red51 is right. I'm wrong. I wanted to delete my posting and now everything is fucked up more than it should be. Everything is just a mess both IRL and in games.

  • I wanted to come back and delete the posting, now I can't so now you view me in a much deeper negative light.......

    Don't worry about that, no harm was caused, the matter was settled and we can now move on :)

    Whatever move you do to my account I'll understand. Mute, ban, or whatever. Ever since I came here you were always pissed off with me and I do understand why. You're the boss and I'm just some Canadian moron.

    Please don't say that, you know this isn't true ;) I have never really been mad at you in the past, and if you ever had that feeling in the past, I'm sorry for that, but it's certainly a misunderstanding then.

    You are still welcome here (it would be crazy to ban someone just for a few posts), and it would be a pity if you now decide to stay away from RW. So let's just forget about this matter. I can delete this topic if you want.

  • Don't worry about that, no harm was caused, the matter was settled and we can now move on :)

    If you say the matter is settled then I'll take your word for it. Just be aware I'm not stable right now. I feel attacked and partially defenseless needing to protect myself right now. I'm sorry that I put you through this, it's however how the world is influencing me right now. You are your surroundings.......

    I just feel like I can't speak my mind anymore. On Twitter I have people just bailing on me, or people believing whatever the media says. I just can't be friends with certain people anymore thanks to the media, politics, and crap. I want to have a more of an even ground again where people can be honest and naturally proud of what they enjoy instead of fearing how the current world climate would snub them. Nobody wants to boast about what they enjoy, praise it, share it in the way the Japanese hobbiests (Otakus) do. They're far more loving and passionate than any other group I've seen. I'm so upset with the media turning friends and social influencers against me and others to the point we get these threads, outbursts, and etc. It's why I'm a person who likes Anime sharing it proudly, even then, I struggle. It's that fine tight-rope getting trickier to walk on as the years go by. Nobody wants to be proud of their hobbies like the Japanese were.

    I just lost a cool anime buddy probably over this Freedom Convoy because I finally tasted freedom again. This Tyjo's guy had a severe depression issue which probably finally snapped on him forcing him to block me without opening up a dialogue to tell me why. But with how the media trumpeted fake news I now have to deal with burnt social bridges, alienation, and other nonsense. This is the only social bridge I wanted repaired, and the same for you, Red51. Even if I may have lurked from the shadows for those few months, or however long it would have taken.

    (Thank you government of Canada, they screwed everything up even here. I may have posted, they caused this to happen. Cause & effect. If they simply opened up dialogue to the truckers we could have had a more peaceful resolution on both spectrums. Just look at Alberta and the Ambassador Bridge dialogue.)

    I was in shock because the trashing simply came out of nowhere hitting me hard when I was already in a very low mood. Even at work today at my retail customers behaved like primitive beasts to the point I threw some stuff around, ("Really?!") when things are misplaced, or when customers are all grabby-grabby not giving you time or space to put stuff up. That, mixed with what's happening in Canada, and everything..... Everything all at once. I'm losing my sanity. Canadians aren't intelligent as they used to be causing me to snap the way you saw it. My friend in Vancouver is in far more pain, though in a better situation allowing him to mentally recover having a significant other to rely on. Others simply suicide, hence why the truckers are protesting. Why I shared it for awareness (not for army recruiting).

    I'm still in a bit of shock right now seeing bridges burnt. I'm trying to process it, accepting what's happening then moving on.

    Please don't say that, you know this isn't true ;)

    I'll take your word for it seeing as how you're one of the few developers actually wanting to mend our misunderstanding and differences. I'm in a bit of a shock right now, sorry.

    I have never really been mad at you in the past, and if you ever had that feeling in the past, I'm sorry for that, but it's certainly a misunderstanding then.

    I guess we'll keep it at that. Seeing as how we're trying to mend the situation I'll accept this and move on. With how I responded I wanted to shy away feeling as if I can't request anymore. Any other developer would have moderated me, banned me, and threw me on the street. I over-reacted at the shock of IRL & gaming side of things while just being overloaded with frustration.

    There was that bit back in 2015 with the manhole cover. I may have been ignorant, I tried to keep things contained ever since then. GEMA, and such. The locked negative review thread over on Steam. I guess you're right, it's just it hits weirdly. I've just been taught to be more honest with myself even if I'm ironically the shiest person. People tend to be shyer than me not doing as much as I do which is weird.

    Just know that going forward I'll always be ticked off with my fellow Canadians for squandering a chance to finally be free instead seeing them urinating on the truckers who provide for them. My friend in Vancouver is just as pissed off as I am (as my parents would be), and my friend in America wanting to finally get out of this stupid covid. I wasn't expecting an Army to be raised, only awareness. The media lies to the point influential Youtubers and such are now spewing lies and hatred against our truckers who keep us comfy at home. Who provided you your furniture? Food? Keyboard, among others? Truckers, or close enough.

    I want to move out of Canada. I want to go to some other country that actually has common sense, respects their work force, and doesn't bend over just because someone says so. It's going to be hard finding that place, even harder to move there. I'm at the point where I can see why people suicide (as noted in this Freedom convoy) with how Covid shoved them into a corner. I'm slowly finding my way there also, I however won't seek medical help with how screwed up everything is. I'm fucked because my system is fucked.

    I apologize for the curse words, I'm just as fed up as those protesting, as my friends are, and everything. Hopefully this explains where I stand and where my anger, frustration, and shock came from. I haven't been in proper composure on Twitter either. I'm too wound up. People also won't converse with me on a level field. Most are quiet, others aren't in tune with my frequency.

    You are still welcome here (it would be crazy to ban someone just for a few posts), and it would be a pity if you now decide to stay away from RW. So let's just forget about this matter. I can delete this topic if you want.

    Again, thank you. You're probably the only one (or rare few) who actually went out of their way to welcome me and keep me in their community. Other developers apparently don't give a crap. I'm too much of a random for them. Petroglyph Games were neutral with me then they just let me go. They had enough of me back in my more naive days back in 2006 when I was harassed and bullied from both community & developer side. Steam forums I'd get banned for the fun of it, they hated my feedback.

    I'd say give this thread 1 more day to live to wrap things up then lock, delete. Etc. It would indeed be a shame to stay away from Rising World. Going back to freedom was so close, yet now so far. I'm now villainized as I was back in 2017 just because I sided with Truckers in 2022. Various anime folks parted ways with me back in 2017 which then had me join the VRChat community in later half of 2017. I haven't seen those bloggers & hobbiests since. All I wish is for people to be honest with themselves as if they were drinking beer in a traditional European (or Mexican) setting just casually conversing instead of covertly burning bridges without saying why. Sorry, I just have too much frustration I can't keep my posts short right now.

    Red51, you're smarter than Trudeau and Watson. You opened up dialogue, you allowed me to mend the issue, now we can move on. This is what the Canadian politicians should have had done. Nope! I had to post crap in frustration to where we are now. Look at how easy it is to mend the situation, something the government can't do.

    I'm just a villain to certain people though. :thinking:

    (I probably shouldn't have been friends with them in the first place)


    Until this Canadian Freedom Convoy is done I'm going to be under its influence, just to warn you. Feel free to time me out if I have another stress-filled outburst. Either I have a body failure from the stress or we can finally move on with the Canadian government finally doing the right thing to end this. Too much alienation in this day and age annoying not just me, those in my social group and those who had posters of those who perished during the pandemic through other means.

  • One little addendum even before you may trash this. Another reason why I'm fuming right now

    Should be thanking ALL the truckers, not just the 90%, or however many there are. He's a Youtuber doing anime/game covers; He's an influencer. The truckers ALL provide and supply. I hate what the media had done. Bastards. I'm disappointed to see intelligent people make moronic choices as I had back in 2017 when I went against Trump. Politics is bad, and I agree with that.

    I'm also making the same mistake as Little V by siding with the truckers. I stand where I stand and that's my flaw to carry.

    I was briefly happy to be Canadian again to then see it snubbed by people disillusioned with a false image of Canada just because the media said something equivalent to "earth is flat" about the truckers. I want to move away from this brainless bunch of morons. I can't. It's no wonder people choose suicide, again, as noted in the Canadian Freedom Convoy. People either died from the shot or from being alienated by society. I'm just pissed off that I'm now a villain again, as I was back in 2017 when I chose the wrong camp by mistake. Society simply loves alienating. Thank you Canadian media for being a pile of trash for teaching people how to alienate one another instead of appreciating what we have in front of us.

    If you want to trash the thread you can. I won't snap. I'm ready for it now. 1 day and trash. Let me at least note I saw the responses (if any)

  • I'd like to add something to this.

    The RW forums are really not the place to discuss politics - granted, this is an off-topic subforum, still. You'll always have one person over here saying one thing, the other saying the other thing. That can end up in an endless fight unless someone (a Moderator) intervenes.

    red51 Honestly, these posts - they won't get you (or any other developers &/or moderators as well) in very much trouble at all, so long as you don't participate in the posts... by participate, I mean post responses to the posts. A simple lock, or move, delete, etc. is almost always justified because that's just simply trying to defuse a potential, if not already on-going, situation. Now, things are different over there in Germany, vs here in the United States, but still - you won't get in as much trouble as you think. Which, with that said, I say: take your own advice, and 'only stay neutral'. You've done okay so far.

    ArcticuKitsu I wouldn't say you are a moronic fool. And honestly, almost all political forums are going to be corrupt - you can't fix that. Being completely honest, I don't participate in political forums, because I personally believe that's just a waste of my time. However, I'm not going to tell you to do one thing or another - you do what you feel you need to do.

    And for everyone: Just remember! - Actions (& words, etc.) have consequences; good & bad.


    Lead Developer & Owner of Bytewerkz Ltd. (based in Colorado, United States).

    Multiplayer/Netcode Programmer & Logic Programmer for Zombie Survival Game Online (ZSGO).

    Edited once, last by yellow51 ().

  • The RW forums are really not the place to discuss politics - granted, this is an off-topic subforum, still. You'll always have one person over here saying one thing, the other saying the other thing. That can end up in an endless fight unless someone (a Moderator) intervenes.

    Off-topic sections are for exactly that, off topic. I know forums tend to ban politics because it gets very nasty with how Twitter has shown it to be, and Tumblr, and all those other social media places. Especially the media instigating fights for hate-clicks. (Look at 007's 'Tomorrow never dies' how news is weaponized). This is Red51's forum so I do understand. Sometimes some forums allow it, others don't, with Rising World appearing it could tolerate real world happenings even in a neutral manner. Reddit is banning users who don't agree with certain politics to the point it's like seeing a ship in water leaning mainly to the left side (not the right, or balanced). With the way the political climate is now the media encourages everything to be 'left', and only left. I thought I'd share a more neutral take with how even the media is corrupted to hell and back.

    Yes, this is a gaming forum. That I understand, though certain things I would have hoped could have been tolerably looked over. Again, I put too much faith where I probably shouldn't have. As noted previously, my posts don't belong in a political place with how harshly censored those places are. Corrupted, heavyily leaning, no freedom of speech, etc. You need a more normalized environment.

    What's done is done and I'm willing for this thread to die, even if I may end up bottling my frustration now spawning further outbursts and rage in other channels. Think of it like a steam engine with how it needs to occasionally vent or it goes "boom".....

    I wouldn't say you are a moronic fool. And honestly, almost all political forums are going to be corrupt - you can't fix that. Being completely honest, I don't participate in political forums, because I personally believe that's just a waste of my time. However, I'm not going to tell you to do one thing or another - you do what you feel you need to do.

    And for everyone: Just remember! - Actions (& words, etc.) have consequences; good & bad.

    I'm aware this post is trying to be neutral (or trying to reach both sides), it's just how the world climate is right now with people forcing opinions onto others when I simply wanted to share things as they were. I live in this city yet I still get disregarded because I'm "bias", or I'm not in the correct bandwagon, or whatever. I understand game forums banning politics, and I saw why in the Discord with how easy it is to control people to the point they knowingly or unknowingly follow the world narrative.

    The "moronic fool" part is what social media labels you when you don't parrot their nonsense. It's how in the 1990's rap music was this "best" thing, if you didn't like it you were this uncool fool. This is applied heavily on all social media, forums, among other places, including Reddit. You're not allowed to voice your own opinions, god forbid the world would explode if you do. You mention something even casual everything just explodes..... One example is Canadians in War games, though other example scan be made not relating to that. Pick a topic, someone will find something to be offended by it on Reddit, or other forums.

    I genuinely want to leave politics out of everything, hence why I'm a Canadian 'Otaku' type person biasly loving anime over North American nonsense now-a-days. Europeans used to make the best content; Rising World being the latest. You get what you desire while North Americans forgot how to make proper content. Everything has to be political, even 'Colony Survival' and 'Eco' to the point I'm genuinely getting sick of it. I just want to play my games. If I wanted something political I'd play Nier: Automata or even Metal Gear Solid which makes you question reality, not force you into a zone telling you what to eat, act, and do. Japanese games are for entertainment, it's why I'm there. It makes you question things by asking questions in those philosophical manners. It's why I love anime.

    I'm well aware of the consequences. I broke when I cursed at Red51 with how I was being attacked from all angles similar to 2017 refusing to just be "down to earth people". People don't understand talking nor dialogue anymore. There's also no loyalty in friendship anymore either. People bail at the first sight of trouble, it's annoying. When you do open up a line with people they then refuse to see eye-to-eye to the point I'm still villainized. You just can't win....... A Mexican buddy told me how we should do it by drinking over a beer while discussing things, as we normally should in anything. The world forgot how to do this (the old European traditional way).

    I know it's a catch 22 when I want to shy away from negativity when I post it. When you don't call something out it won't go away. Ignoring things sometimes makes the issue grow to the point we're in this situation with the convoy protest, or other concerns in gaming or elsewhere. We're also at the point the media is now trying to alienate truckers because Dictator Trudeau & Watson told them to. It's like a Dictatorship, or communism (as Europeans noted). Canadian government won't open up a line of dialogue, only that the truckers are "assholes" among other negative labels. People are humans.

    Canada has turned into its own version of Communism so we're all pissed off with Canada, especially those who survived hardship overseas in various areas. They're however being gaslight, alienated, among other nonsense. You break when you're not taken seriously.


    I'll let Red51 now judge if we should close this thread or not. It's his forum, I'm simply fed up with how stupid my government is and how people just bail on you without talking, or how corrupted North American media is. THankfully Japanese and some European media can be respected while used as escapism. :wacko:

  • Im fairly new to this forum though been a lurker for a bit so I hope it s ok for me to comment. I hear you Kitsu, I hear your frustration and anger and possibly despair. We are all feeling this to some degree for various reasons, we all just want this to end. All we can do is try to control our response and to keep loving and being kind to others (yes even our enemies), it is the best way to combat fear and anger. Games can be a great equaliser if we allow them to and keep them a place to enjoy our creativity and share that with each other. Building rather than destroying, uplifting each other rather than pulling down, so lets just have fun creating worlds that are for all enjoy! :) <3

  • Im fairly new to this forum though been a lurker for a bit so I hope it s ok for me to comment. I hear you Kitsu, I hear your frustration and anger and possibly despair. We are all feeling this to some degree for various reasons, we all just want this to end. All we can do is try to control our response and to keep loving and being kind to others (yes even our enemies), it is the best way to combat fear and anger. Games can be a great equaliser if we allow them to and keep them a place to enjoy our creativity and share that with each other. Building rather than destroying, uplifting each other rather than pulling down, so lets just have fun creating worlds that are for all enjoy! :) <3

    Yeah, the frustration and anger is real, and I do feel bad for unleashing it on Red51. It however is caused by my surroundings to the point I simply snapped. My various online and offline friends are also as fed up as me having the same level of anger and frustration simply wanting these lockdowns to end without people sounded like scripted bots "It's your duty", as if we're drafted in some moronic war, or something. I was told to disconnect from social media etc (I lost the tweet now having to note it here now). I can't. Discord is how I talk to "friends", Twitter is how I keep in touch, and everything. Yes, I can disconnect but only for so long. I however do have my outlets, it's however being pushed in on by moronic people causing me to be snappy. I'm ranting for a reason, not because I want to.

    The real main cause of my snapping was the following

    1) Constant disagreements (you need to agree sometimes on something or else you're not tuned in, like a radio)

    2) People deciding to unfollow/block me as if I'm some villain. Just because the media told people Convoy truckers (or whatever else) is evil they now view me as evil. It's making me lose faith in humanity more and more.

    3) Constant arguments and voiding of your own thoughts, life, and etc. People view you as a terrorist, alt-right, or whatever even sending in their own followers to silence you. I had to spend a night fighting back against these Twitter morons just as much as I had to defend myself on Discord, and elsewhere.

    And yes, it's fine to post. Everybody is free to post. I however get annoyed when people try to lecture me while not on the same frequency as myself, or even the world's frequency. That's the only thing that gets on my nerves, always has. Even in Ottawa when people tried to blame me for irrelevant things.

    Games, anime, youtube (non-politics) is what keeps me sane. Genshin Impact, Rising World, and now Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Having so much fun. I haven't watched anime in so long (ever since Convoy came), something I need to get back to doing. I've been busy trying to keep up on top of the lies and slander by the media to which people now believe instead of me, who lives in this city and country.

    For example:

    I could say the earth is round, the media could say the earth is flat; People believe the media saying the earth is flat...... That's where my frustration also comes in.


    On a side-note: I had the funnest gaming session yet thanks to Pokemon Legends Arceus.

    Now I'm just going with the flow wondering what Red51 shall do to this thread. Pokemon was very fun. I want to keep playing it.

    I'm still disappointed in how 'sheepish' people are being though to the point it's causing me to snap. My city also pretending it won a WW2 battle at a place called 'Billings Bridge' over fake Nazis, or whatever. While they pretended to have won an imaginary war I was busy playing Pokemon. Sucks to be Ottawa right now fighting imaginary enemies. :wacko:

    I even had to deal with dropping my phone one morning cracking the screen on wood flooring. I have so much to spend on lately.


    I'm patiently waiting for Rising World's biomes update and for my Steam Deck to arrive.

  • Games, anime, youtube (non-politics) is what keeps me sane. Genshin Impact, Rising World, and now Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Having so much fun. I haven't watched anime in so long (ever since Convoy came), something I need to get back to doing. I've been busy trying to keep up on top of the lies and slander by the media to which people now believe instead of me, who lives in this city and country.

    Fun is good to be having at the moment and this is where Virtual worlds can be a good thing. We feel less isolated being in a community even if its online and virtual. What do you like to do in Rising world? What style do you enjoy building?

  • Fun is good to be having at the moment and this is where Virtual worlds can be a good thing. We feel less isolated being in a community even if its online and virtual. What do you like to do in Rising world? What style do you enjoy building?

    I miss playing VRChat with friends. Everybody went to their own hangout turning that into a ghost-town. People make great worlds to explore, the Japanese community being the best when it comes to world building. Noting this because you said "virtual worlds" making me thing of VR & VRChat.

    The ironic part is I feel more isolated in a community. You may participate more in small bursts, it then fades away when life takes over. It's been nice seeing people build their worlds though with Deidre, Mag, among others making cool builds.

    What do I like to do in Rising World?

    • Build a quick little settlement to then build outwards into outposts which gradually turn into their own settlement. Making little fishing huts, quick shelters using PNB system.
    • Build roads, railways, and pathways linking them together for swift transportation
    • Building towers in major settlements with 9 floors referencing Japan's Kitsune folklore of 9 tails
    • Putting posters up of various personal and anime things
    • Mining stuff, organizing my loot, and theming my builds to each loot type. Ore building for ore, restaurant for food, and etc.
    • Play with Rising World specific features: Blueprints, posters, BBQ'ing, throwing logs into ponds, and all the other small gimmicky RW'esque features.


    As for what I expect or hoping to do in Rising World?
    (Post-Biome update)

    • Build my grand 'Arcticu Empire' to stay this time. Towers, grand structures, and the like. I may not have time as I used to, I will however do as much as I can.
    • Hope to have NPC companions to join me on my adventures as in Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim, Starbound, among other companion-based games. Have them combat, harvest, mine, cook, and the basic tasks. Maybe even help with blueprint building.
    • Have additional NPCs take on imported model form (VRChat, Tower Unite, Valheim, etc) to join me on my adventures as additional helpers. For example, taking on anime forms, or cartoon forms, Marvel forms, Star Wars, or whatever people relate to.
    • Creating a proper railway line. Having trains roam around the island, possibly even underwater connecting islands.
    • Having boats fill in the other voids. Help travel around the RW world as I set up colonies, outposts, etc. Have ports, etc.
    • Have a blueprint city of other people's creations trying to theme it the best I can.

    I basically go with the wind, in short. I allow the terrain to dictate how I build while I try to have some control over it also. A bit of harmonic balance here and there.

  • Wow you have some great plans, will be great to see how it all progresses. Yeah Virtual worlds can get like that to, people move on to other things. I played the Java version a few years back and have been waiting for the Unity. Loot organisation can be rather cathartic to, as is farming in these types of games. I recently posted my first unity build blueprint to, a white stone cottage, its basic but im happy with it.

  • Holy shit.........

    Justin Trudeau enacted the 'Emergency Act' similar to how Palpatine did in Star Wars episode 3 of the prequels. It's minus the military, it's however a similar action because it deals with a politics he doesn't back. This is what the Truckers wanted to protest parallel to the vaccines and with the whole 'F*** Trudeau' bit, now more than ever. Trudeau tantruming using brute force instead of being a peaceful diplomatic leader. Canada has now turned into a Police/martial Law state for the next 30 days with Trudeau now having the power (of the police) to stamp out any protest he deems "terroristic" in nature, something the Convoy wasn't. Convoy was peaceful, it honked, it gave out food, and people partied.

    Lawlessness? Nah, it was peaceful in its own Canadian way. Police were there.

    They can now track crowd funding, can suspend, freeze any digital assets. They can forcefully get tow trucks to tow protesting trucks, they can void trucks from ever being a company asset, and even suspend insurance, among other severe penalties.

    Sounds a lot like a Communism to me, something the Chinese & Europeans warned us about. We didn't want to listen, hence now Canada has turned into a semi-Police state thanks to Trudeau.

    Trash this post if you want, just know I'm far more livid than I was before though I wont' snap. I'm simply disappointed Trudeau painted everybody with a broad brush labeling everybody "terrorists". He claimed to listen, he failed to open up a proper diplomatic dialogue. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU DO THINGS AS A PEACEFUL COUNTRY!

    Again, I'm sorry to Red51 for posting these, it's just Canada is suffering right now with the media and SJWs throwing Canadians under. For the 15 days we felt free (to those who protested) feeling alive again. Now we'll feel dead again needing to "tow the line". Get back in line and be the gear keeping the economy running. You can only protest if it's Trudeau's backed BLM riots of burning churches, toppling Queen Elizabeth statues and such.

    Canada is screwed...........


    Wow you have some great plans, will be great to see how it all progresses. Yeah Virtual worlds can get like that to, people move on to other things. I played the Java version a few years back and have been waiting for the Unity. Loot organisation can be rather cathartic to, as is farming in these types of games. I recently posted my first unity build blueprint to, a white stone cottage, its basic but im happy with it.

    I have a lot of plans. It's only a matter of time and if I have the free time to even get around to these. It's up to Red51 if he wants to entertain my desires by making them possible or letting me float in the sea at the whim of default plans of his own desires. It's his game and I'm just a passenger. He's the captain, I'm the passenger.

    I've been considering uploading my jukebox for the music plugin for Java. If we ever get the same feature for Unity it would be useful there also.

    I love themeing everything to each loot type, or farming type. I would do it again. Now that I have access to the Titanic I would love to have to build it in survival mode when the time comes. Survival elements while actual ships go past it. I'm also curious to know how farming shall be now if I'm going to be forced to be a fisher person instead when diseases of crops and everything comes into play.

    We'll see when we get there with how the updates and life shall influence things.

  • I have a lot of plans. It's only a matter of time and if I have the free time to even get around to these. It's up to Red51 if he wants to entertain my desires by making them possible or letting me float in the sea at the whim of default plans of his own desires. It's his game and I'm just a passenger. He's the captain, I'm the passenger.

    Red51 has made an amazing creative engine and one of few who do listen to their player base. You are right in that it is his game and he knows what needs to be and how to balance all the different aspects of it. It will be interesting when more discover its abilities.

  • Red51 has made an amazing creative engine and one of few who do listen to their player base. You are right in that it is his game and he knows what needs to be and how to balance all the different aspects of it. It will be interesting when more discover its abilities.

    That he has, and why I'm here following Rising World. It has this potential no other game even comes close to. Maybe Valheim, maybe Planet Explorers, both games however don't fit the style I'm used it with the latter missing the point and the former still growing as a game. Empyreon is cool, as with any other game. I always come back to Rising World because it has the right feeling of everything. When I joined back in 2015 it was over NPCs between Rising World and Blockscape; Rising World won. We ended up getting close to NPCs with NPC Dummies with plans to scale them from 15 cm small to giant characters.

    It is indeed his game, and I do respect that. I really do. With how powerful RIsing World is however there is obviously room for additional aspects which Red51 may not be aware of (or simply dread, or not 'culturally aware' on the anime side), which RW may need to help it feel more welcoming in various ways. I feel bad for him on that front how Rising World is this giant beast of a game requiring a lot of effort to simply move forward, hence his second coder noted on Trello. Boats and trains alone is a game on its own which would potentially (on paper) put other train sim games to shame. Traincraft for Minecraft already does this. What Red51 has noted solely on the train front would put every other niche train game to shame. On paper, at the very least.

    As for how to boost Rising World's popularity? Simple, modding.

    Allow Rising World to tap into what it had previously in Java with the plugins adding in music, custom items, among others. If Red51 can allow NPCs to take on external appearances (view NPCs in Tower Unite, or how we port over models into avatars for VRChat) then that is how Rising World shall rise higher. Even maybe on the level of Skyrim, or near it in various ways. Rising World is an open-world game needing to tap heavily into modding, especially modded NPCs using external models, among other elements (being vague as to not type a novel). People would have a happy field day customizing the game to their liking in a deeper sense.

    I know how to nudge Rising World into a more popular area. It's however up to Red51 to work on his own main game as I try to suggest suggestions which may allow Rising World to be welcomed by more, more appealing, or what I've seen work in other games. A bit arrogant, maybe. I only mean the best. I've tracked games for a long time and played my fair share so I know what works and what doesn't :)

    (Take a day off and spend a day playing Tower Unite while playing with the customization options for the condo. Play with the NPCs, check out Steam workshop with NPCs. Even pick out an 'Illusion Studio' games by checking its player creator , its studio. Though, the actual charm may take awhile to see, the whole point is allowing people to import custom models as entities to which the player could then have follow them around, or use as vehicles, etc. It's a wide world, might as well have some NPC companion you can call your own to join you, especially from other realms.)


    Red51 is still smarter than our childish Trudeau trying to emulate the CCP & Darth Sidius.

  • It has this potential no other game even comes close to.

    So so much potential. If Minecraft and Opensim/Secondlife had a baby Rising world would be it. I have a friend im trying to convince giving Rising World a try for a project he has in mind , but he being resistant to it. I tried Planet explorers for a bit but got bored and have not tried Valheim. I agree with the modding/customizing aspect of it, I think that is why Minecraft was so successful and what Hytale is trying to achieve (if it ever comes out). Opensim/Secondlife is not really that user friendly and uses an outdated system (see this thread Second life is outdated. : secondlife ( ). Rising world has the potential for something big if the balance of creative freedom and functionality is achieved well.

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