New Version Raytracing
- AshWardle
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Raytracing is definitely planned, and it would help us to implement things like proper global illumination (RW would really benefit from that), but as mentioned by paulevs , it has a low priority at the moment (considering the majority of players still don't have capable hardware, and there are still other more pressing features)
red51 I recommend a dynamic lighting variant for the luminous blocks. That’s really what I was expecting when I first used them. I guess I expected too much? Lol I really would love to see dynamic lighting with ‘LEDS’ for the glass houses that I love to make 😃
Well, probably we can only implement that with raytracing
A non-raytraced solution would introduce a lot of issues (in terms of performance) unfortunately... players can basically place an unlimited amount of luminous blocks, resulting in too many lights the game would have to handle...
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