converting bp

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • so i logged into new version to see if i can set up some of my old bps. Some of my buildings are large so i had to make serveral bp and normally on the old version i could just easily set them back up because the had "blocks" in them so they basically snapped back into place and lined up perfectly with the other bp. But now on the new version when i try to line up two blueprints they dont want to line up and i cant seem to move the pb in small increments to get them to line up. is there a command or something i am missing? if not most of my large builds become worthless.

  • so i did an experiment. on the old version if i placed a rod on the corner of a block and then made a bp, i could reposition that bp back ontop of the original rod and then rotate the bp. this is a technique i used alot to create many of my builds. But with the new version: it is not letting me reposition a bp exactly on top of the original items. you can see in this picture the green rod was the original rod (which i changed colors for demo) the game will not let me move the bp so it is now exactly on top. in other words i cant move the blue rod exactly on top of the green rod.

  • It also seems the point of rotation is different. I made a bp like i used to do in old version, but on new version it is not rotating in center of bp but seems the point of rotation is changing as i rotate the print.

    interesting though, when i moved the rod to the center of a block i was able to realign my bp, so i am assuming this version is using the center of the block instead of the corner of a block like the old version. will keep experimenting with bp rotations to see if i can figure out how it is calculating the center.

  • so on the old version you could set up a bp like showed in picture and when you placed and rotated the bp, it would set the Center of the bp area as the rotation point. but in the new version it is setting the rotation point in the center of the objects that are placed not the area. This will make it much harder if not impossible to make complicated rotations, thus making building less fun than old version. Please please, rethink how this rotation is calculated or let us somehow select where we want the center of rotation to be.

  • so on the old version you could set up a bp like showed in picture and when you placed and rotated the bp, it would set the Center of the bp area as the rotation point. but in the new version it is setting the rotation point in the center of the objects that are placed not the area. This will make it much harder if not impossible to make complicated rotations, thus making building less fun than old version. Please please, rethink how this rotation is calculated or let us somehow select where we want the center of rotation to be.

    Totally get what you are saying, but for me I am finding you don't need to do blue print tricks anymore to build the thing's you want in the unity version oO the building alone is much improve such to the point no tricks are needed.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • i agree that the new system has many advantages, but many of my builds are based on very complex rotations and as of yet i have not seen any way to reproduce them in the new building system. I really need to be able to rotate a bp on a reliable/ predictable point. I could even function if when you have the bp loaded it puts a little arrow pointing to the pivot spot so i can manually move the bp to put the pivot where i need it to be. :)

  • Did you check out the pivot points? They allow several rotation points in one block. Hence allowing so much more options than java.

    If you insist to use the old bp i recommend adding a block on each part and use these to allign them in unity.

  • So have spent more time with new version. Many improvements have been made, but see a couple areas that need improvements.

    One is in the placement of blueprints. Cant seem to accurately place a blueprint, i setp to 0.01, turned on grid, turned grid off, nothing seems to help. Just not able to move the blueprint in small enough increments to be able to get it to line up with anything else in game (other element or other blueprints).

    The second is not being able to set a rotation point for a blueprint. I actually dont need to set a rotation point if that is not doable, but i do need to know exactly where the rotation point is (maybe with some kind of indicator). I then need to be able to move the blueprint to place the rotation point exactly where i need it to be.

    There is one other small slightly annoying thing that happens to me. When i open the game i have to resize the window which is not a problem. The problem is that whenever i use the command window and hit the enter key, it resizes the window to its original size.

  • Thanks for your feedback regarding blueprints! :)

    Some of my buildings are large so i had to make serveral bp and normally on the old version i could just easily set them back up because the had "blocks" in them so they basically snapped back into place and lined up perfectly with the other bp

    Basically that should still work: If the blueprint contains a block with unit size (i.e. 1x1x1), it will try to align this block with the grid (to get the same behaviour as in the Java version, make sure to use the largest grid size).

    If that doesn't work for certain blueprints, it could be a bug. In this case, please send me the blueprint in question (either upload it here or send it via PM to me), so I can take a closer look at it ;)

    It also seems the point of rotation is different. I made a bp like i used to do in old version, but on new version it is not rotating in center of bp but seems the point of rotation is changing as i rotate the print.

    This happens if the grid is active: The blueprint still aligns to the grid after rotating it, that's why it's slightly changing its position while rotating. To avoid this, you can either disable the grid by pressing G, or alternatively "lock" the element by pressing right CTRL (i.e. for manual positioning mode). In this mode, you can hold CTRL and use your arrow keys to rotate the blueprint.

    so on the old version you could set up a bp like showed in picture and when you placed and rotated the bp, it would set the Center of the bp area as the rotation point

    In the new version, the blueprint always rotates around its center, which definitely feels a lot more natural than in the Java version, where the originally selected area of the blueprint was taken into account: That area isn't visible anymore when placing the blueprint, so it feels like the blueprint rotates around an arbitrary point. These two gifs show how the same blueprint behaves in the Java version (rotating around a seemingly arbitrary point) and the new version (rotating around the center):


    Having said that, I agree that it would be a nice feature to change the rotation point for blueprints. In theory this partly works via pivots, but they're not working well with blueprints atm...

    Maybe we could think about an option to always use the blueprint area for rotation (so the behaviour would be like in the Java version) :thinking:

    Cant seem to accurately place a blueprint, i setp to 0.01, turned on grid, turned grid off, nothing seems to help

    When changing the movement precision, I'd recommend to disable the grid, otherwise the element will always snap to the grid.

    If you need a higher precision than 0.01, you can basically still use the setp command (e.g. setp 0.001)

    There is one other small slightly annoying thing that happens to me. When i open the game i have to resize the window which is not a problem. The problem is that whenever i use the command window and hit the enter key, it resizes the window to its original size.

    You're playing in windowed mode, right? When playing in windowed mode, the initial size of the window depends on the selected resolution (in the graphics settings). For example, if it's set to 1920x1080 (fullHD), the window will have a width of 1920 pixels and a height of 1080 pixels etc.

    However, I can confirm that when changing the window size manually (by resizing the window), it is set back to the original size when changing any options. Using certain console commands (like setp, setr or setl) trigger that, for example. We will change that with the next update ;)

    As a workaround, you could use the building context menu (by holding C) - changing any settings there should not interfere with the resolution ^^

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