(Unity) Block Colours (How to undo)

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  • Hello. Not sure if this is in the right spot, I however also wanted to post this here in case someone had the same issue as me allowing them to troubleshoot this issue (move to correct subforum if need be). How do I undo this colour pallette problem to return to the default texture colours?

    I tried both red and white, I can't figure out how to undo this. I was also under the assumption it only effected one block, not all of them.



    Right Click on the colour Wheel before constructing blocks. Need to thank Yaro on Discord.



    I think red should add a "Remove colour" button between "Select" and "Cancel"

    [2:45 PM]It would be more intuitive

  • ArcticuKitsu You could use, "edit color 0" and the paint roller. But I agree with you, an undo mode is definitively more comfortable. ^^

    I haven't seen Red51 interact with my post so I want to note that I posted my problem first to then come back to edit my posting with Yaro (from Discord) solution after. I was left stumped for a good 10 minutes until he pointed out I could right click on a circle on the block.

    What baffled me further was how universal this selection was, not just on one block. The colour selection wasn't solely on one block type, it was for them all. I'm not sure if it was confusing to Red51 or not, but that's how it happened.

    As for using edit colour, I try to keep away from console commands but do appreciate it. I'm glad its there. I genuinely wish we had an obvious "undo button" or something of that sort, or at least a prompt so I didn't panic the way I did on Discord asking for help. If Yaro didn't help me I would have simply rage quit out of the game.

    Yaro has my special respect, and thank you Deirdre for the help <3

  • Originally it was our intention to have the color selection in the crafting menu only available in creative mode ^^ So in survival, it would be necessary to paint the block retroactively, but we're not sure about this...

    I agree that resetting the color is not very obvious... unfortunately there is no room in the color picker for an additional button :/ But we could maybe add a tooltip to the small color knob in the crafting menu (which would indicate that the color could be reset with a right click) :thinking:

  • Originally it was our intention to have the color selection in the crafting menu only available in creative mode ^^ So in survival, it would be necessary to paint the block retroactively, but we're not sure about this...

    I agree that resetting the color is not very obvious... unfortunately there is no room in the color picker for an additional button :/ But we could maybe add a tooltip to the small color knob in the crafting menu (which would indicate that the color could be reset with a right click) :thinking:

    "The more you know" moments :)

    Yeah, a tooltip is what I was thinking as well. Whatever work please try it, some poor gamer beside me may have their 10 minutes of panic as I had. Don't want a new-comer feeling what I felt. That panic was brutal.

    Thanks Red51, good luck. Something like Ctrl+Z could work also, if you can figure something out. I'll watch and see.

  • At the risk of sounding like a noob, how does one pull up the color wheel? It's got to be something simple.

    In the first image, in the first posting, look for the word 'Marble', then look at the block on the right side of that image. Look for a circle on the bottom left on that block, you'll see it being grey. Click on it to select any colour then make sure to select back (right click) after your crafting, or when you make new blocks.

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