Found a bug

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Ok , I found a bug today. Ill keep watching for it since it has only happened once so far.

    But I was picking through a mtn and all of a sudden I turned around to head back out the way I picked in. Will the opening that I had picked out was gone. It had filled back in.

    It took a min of re picking but I found the hole again after about 5 feet of picking again.

  • Ok, found out what is causing it. Juggs was able to replicate it also . I sent a report about it also from game console.

    But I was using the sledgehammer to flatten the floor in the tunnel I had just dug. using the left mouse button it started filling in the tunnel and pushing me backwards . Help this helps

  • Unrelated, but I was underground and had sledgehammered a block platform/floor I was standing on. When it disappeared I fell through the world all the way to hell. (It was orange so I assumed Hell.) Then I died. :D It was pretty funny, but I'm thinking that wasn't supposed to happen.

  • Unrelated, but I was underground and had sledgehammered a block platform/floor I was standing on. When it disappeared I fell through the world all the way to hell. (It was orange so I assumed Hell.) Then I died. :D It was pretty funny, but I'm thinking that wasn't supposed to happen.

    Yeah this happened to me as well, moral of this is " never remove a block that you are standing on that is 1/2 way in the ground " mind you I got a very nice view of hell ^^^^

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