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  • This plugin will change status bars and icons for the player. The goal is to make player GUI more comfortable and informative.

    What plugin adds:

    • Bars for health, stamina, hunger and thirst
    • Custom icons for broken bones, bleeding and healed bones
    • Possibility to have built-in elements instead of custom (configurable for element type)
    • Customisation for custom elements (size, colors, etc)

    What is planned:

    • Bars for oxygen and armor
    • Icons for temperature and other effect

    Sources (MIT LIcense)


    How to Install:

    Unzip archive into Rising World plugins directory (RisingWorld\_New Version\Plugins)

    How to update:

    Remove old plugin jar from the plugin folder and apply installation as usual (but with file override)

  • Since I'm not a fan of the old symbols, I like this plugin very much.

    Only the size here bothers me a little. I would wish for something more subtle; something to look at to check conditions. Something you don't keep in mind all the time.

    But that's just my personal opinion and maybe someone else has something to say about it :thinking:;)

  • Only the size here bothers me a little. I would wish for something more subtle; something to look at to check conditions

    I want to make a config later, so I can add the size of different UI elements into it together with other parameters (for example ability to have built-in icons instead of custom or ability to toggle different bars)

  • I'm working on a config system and enhancements for the plugin. Next version will hide HUD on screenshots and will be possible to configure, for example you can partially disable changes or configure size of bars

  • I'm working on a config system and enhancements for the plugin. Next version will hide HUD on screenshots and will be possible to configure, for example you can partially disable changes or configure size of bars


    You can hide the HUD with writing HUD in the console.

  • So, the new update is here :)

    Config update - now you can change most of new GUI parameters. Config will be generated automatically inside plugin folder after first launch.



    • Added config
    • Fixed incorrect elements rendering
    • Hide custom UI on screenshots
    • Ability to partially use elements of built-in UI (for example - status icons)

    Config Example:


    This config will make thin bars (as SonoBionda requested)

    Make sure that you removed old plugin jar from the folder during an update

    Download: version 0.2.0

    Original post was also updated

  • is there an interval to adjust the bars; when running, the stamina gauge would not change until it was empty.

    also stays empty until I run again for a certain amount of time

    or does it have something to do with the change in size?

    When switching to creative mode, the bars are filled correctly. but is there anything you can do to make them disappear completely?

  • So, the new update is here :)

    Config update - now you can change most of new GUI parameters. Config will be generated automatically inside plugin folder after first launch.

    Wonderful :thumbup:

    Here is my setup, I like the vanilla health and stamina bars but prefer custom hunger and thirst bars:

    Suggestion: Configuration for the colors and transparency. For example healthBarColor = 0XB01A1AFF :)

  • In the next version plugin will check if there are more than one plugin jar in the folder and will show message to server admins (or singleplayer since in singleplayer you are an admin).

    Bars color and their background color will be configurable

    Colors can be in both RGB and RGBA formats (standart hex coding for color, so you can use any graphical program to select desired colors)

  • New update is here! This version will require RW Unity or newer since it uses new API that we get in it


    • Options to change color of bars and their background in the config (requested by Yaromid)
    • Option to change size of custom icons
    • Fixed many small visual offsets in built-in UI
    • Healing bones should be displayed correctly (new game API)
    • Stamina bar is fixed (new game API)
    • Error UI for admins if plugin was not updated correctly

    Download: Version 0.3.0 (bars color update, RW

  • i know, last post is older than year, but the plugin works.
    Only the original icons of hunger and thirst will not be removed.

    # Replace hunger and thirst icons with custom bars
    # Default is true
    replaceHungerAndThirst = true

    Any idea to fix it?

  • Only the original icons of hunger and thirst will not be removed.

    Hmm... this seems to be an issue in the game itself :thinking: According to the plugin code (thanks for posting it on github paulevs), it just overrides the style of the hunger/thirst icons (using the Internals API) - that code looks correct. However, apparently the way how searches/queries work have changed in Unitys UI Toolkit in newer Unity versions, which breaks our current code (used by the API to find a UI element) :wat:

    We will try to fix that with the next update. Unfortunately there is no workaround for plugin creators :/ But there is also no need for plugin creators to change anything (so this plugin should work properly again after the next update)^^

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