blueprints different scales

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  • So i am trying to convert some old bps to the new version. i have a building that is too large for one blueprint so have broken the building down into 4 parts. I have blueprinted each part and gone into the new version. I place one part no problem, but when i try to place the other parts they seem to be much smaller than the first part. The other parts are so small that they actually can fit on a desk in the first part. How to i keep all the blueprints at the same scale so i can reassemble them?

    left side is first bp. right is same building but second bp. why are they not the same scale?

  • so i have finally got all four of the bps to be the same size. Not sure how i did it, i just restarted game and reloaded the bps.

    Is there a way to make sure the bp is snapping to the grid. what i am finding is that you can now place the bp anywhere as the old block system (which automatically put you onto the grid system) does not work in this new version. This means that when you place the building down from the bp it makes it very very difficult to work on the building. when you try to add a new block to the building it does not line up with the old grid system the building was built on which makes it frustrating if you want to make modifications on an old build. I have figured out a way to line up the old and new grids manually , but boy is it tedious. It would be much nicer if there was an option to make it auto snap to grid.

    I am sure i will get used to the new version, but boy i much prefer the old system. Thankfully alot of the old commands still work. It is just those few small differences that make what was an easy straight forward task on the old system, much more complicated on the new version.

  • New building system is much easier then the old one. You still can build in the same way as in old - there is still grid (scalable), old style of element placements and so on. But together with that new system allows any element be placed anywhere and have any size, rotation, color. It can be attached to other element with snapping and you can chose in which point. And the same thing works for objects and for blueprints, so it is a great universal building system that will help ypu build anything. All that you need is located in radial menu under C key or under some other hotkeys which are displayed in helper messages or in key options

  • tested it out, i was able to snap the bp to the grid, so all good.

    i am not a fan of the radial menu, much faster for me to type old commands than use the radial menu. Plus i have far more control with the old commands then is on the radial menu. i understand for new players the radial menu will make building much easier, but for us old builders, the radial wheel is just too limiting. The wheel does not bother me, i just tend not to use it. I have played for so many hours that my fingers have half the command typed out before i have even figured out what i want to do.

    exception would be in setting up claims. the new system is much faster with radial menu. although it would be nice to be able to see the size of the area you are selecting, or better yet have preset sizes you can choose from. also would be great if you can alter the size of the area even after it is placed

  • Gillwin I'm not a fan of the radial menu as well, cosole is the best for me.

    You could have placed your old buildings on one blueprint only. I blueprinted my whole city like this. I don't like the inaccuracy of copying the java version over to the unity version.

    I had perfect streets in the java-version, copying them to the unity and placing them is terrible, because putting them together exactly doesn't work anymore.

    It takes much longer and requires manual setting with setp 0.001 and time.

    I even have to add something to the roads. :(

  • Gillwin I agree, mostly use commands vs dial menu as well. Unity version however lets you be alot more precise with the set commands you are used to (setp setl setr etc) .. can now go as low/precise as 0.0001 where java was only down to 0.01. also try f8 sometimes (in creative), you may like that, great easy addition for some quick edits (missing a couple of options though but good for texture/color/shape changes and such). once you learn the new additions, aside those you don't prefer (dial menu), you will find even less building restrictions, can get much more detailed. all the old java techniques still work, among many other new ones to be discovered (like surface edit -- most shapes have one side that can edited/manipulated to form very unique shapes. Also texturescaling (can resize the texture to create amazing effects/patterns unique from the default texturescale of '1' for each object (e.g. texturescale 0 will make metal objects chrome-like/ultra reflective ... and every combination in between 0 - 0.001 - 0.01 ---> 10 (before the texture starts to get blurry). There is one texture, forget which ID, when you set the texturescale to 30 or above it gives a lava lamp type of look, where it will distort and change effects depending on what distance you are looking at it from .. really affects the tone of the texture you are working with to get the effect you may want (amazing what comes up when trying different values and each texture yields some amazing effects)

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

    Edited 2 times, last by Juggernaut ().

  • copying the java version over to the unity version.

    It will be better to recreate some large objects (like streets) in Unity instead of directly moving them from Java. Unity version don't have face culling, so even if your build is made from cubes you will get up to x6 times more polygons in Unity then in Java, which means huge FPS drops. So instead you can create similar construction, but with one huge element instead of dozens smaller. This will have a huge effect on large builds (like cities)

    I had perfect streets in the java-version, copying them to the unity and placing them is terrible

    In theory grid scale in Unity is same as Java, so grid-aligned blueprints should connect to each other fine. And they will connect even better if you will include terrain into them - terrain uses voxel-aligned grid with fixed size, so they will always connect to each other

  • In theory grid scale in Unity is same as Java, so grid-aligned blueprints should connect to each other fine. And they will connect even better if you will include terrain into them - terrain uses voxel-aligned grid with fixed size, so they will always connect to each other

    Brief example

    I exported two parts of same building from Java

    And placed it into Unity with active grid

    Building is perfectly aligned

  • The different sizes of the blueprints are a bit weird :wat: Did you maybe resize the blueprints by accident (with shift + plus/minus)? Anyway, I'm glad to hear that restarting the game apparently solved the issue :)

    i am not a fan of the radial menu, much faster for me to type old commands than use the radial menu. Plus i have far more control with the old commands then is on the radial menu. i understand for new players the radial menu will make building much easier, but for us old builders, the radial wheel is just too limiting. The wheel does not bother me, i just tend not to use it. I have played for so many hours that my fingers have half the command typed out before i have even figured out what i want to do.

    Actually almost all old building commands still work (e.g. setp, setl, setr etc), as mentioned by Juggernaut ;) I fully understand that some people prefer commands, but it's always a bit tricky if a core game mechanic solely relies on using console commands... that's why the radial menu was added ^^ No one is forced to use the building radial menu^^

  • It will be better to recreate some large objects (like streets) in Unity instead of directly moving them from Java. Unity version don't have face culling, so even if your build is made from cubes you will get up to x6 times more polygons in Unity then in Java, which means huge FPS drops. So instead you can create similar construction, but with one huge element instead of dozens smaller. This will have a huge effect on large builds (like cities)

    In theory grid scale in Unity is same as Java, so grid-aligned blueprints should connect to each other fine. And they will connect even better if you will include terrain into them - terrain uses voxel-aligned grid with fixed size, so they will always connect to each other

    That's definitely better, but my roads are good and i don't want to build new ones.

    (See my picture, too much workd to build it all again). ^^

    The grid should be the same, but it's not 100% correct. in the java version, you could put a block in the copied blueprints, align it with the other blueprint and they were 100% perfect. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible, the block still exists, but assembling it takes much longer. Sometimes the pattern fits, sometimes not. then it's best to put them together manually.

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