Elevator Plugin for Unity

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Elevator Plugin Version 1.0

    Ok the plugin is coming along

    Now has return to what ever floor the player is on just walk upto the elevator door on any level

    • Lots of testing now ready to code a way to select the floor, ATM it only goes up, and down, to go back down ATM you need to goto the top floor, so keep going up till it goes done
    • Notes: to place the elevator hit the ( left shift + L)keys, the elevator will show but it wont be in its final location, to place it move the preview around using the mouse and then hit the right mouse button
    • Also then placing a elevator you cannot place it on a edge of a chunk, the best location is in the middle and near the bottom of a chunk, this is a limitation ATM and may change

    When building ATM its best to activate the elevator first, then ride the elevator to the next floor to work out each floor height, floor heights will be able to be set upon placing a elevator later on, but for now its set to every 8 blocks.

    Version 0.2

    • Fixed a bug that stopped the Elevator working if going outside a chunk it was placed in
    • Elevator now returns to the bottom floor if you ride it all the way to the top, ATM to get it to move up each level, you need to activate it by moving into about the center of inside the Elevator

    Version 1.0

    • Added Button Menu ----- pops up on the right side of the screen, click the floor you want to goto max 10 floors floor 0 to 9
    • Removed all chat messages
    • fixed other bugs and things

    Version 2.0

    • Upgraded Elevator Look
    • Added doors that open and close
    • Added better lighting

    Version 3.0

    • Added outside doors
    • coded outside doors to open and close
    • fixed a number of bugs

    Version 4.0

    • Added some sound effects
    • added border around exit doors, this makes the finish look better
    • Removed all chat messages

    Version 4.1

    • Just a (null) bug fix

    Version 4.1

    • Placing is now updated
    • you now use the f key on the elevator doors to call the elevator
    • you now use the f key on the inside walls of the elevator to bring up the floor selection menu
    • fixed bugs that stopped the plugin working on servers, should now work on servers too
    • to delete you now look at menu inside and click the delete button

    Notes: sound files need more work, also calling doors trigger every time you go close to the door, i hope to change this once the API is updated for what i have planned.



    • Elevator4.2.7z

      (2.74 MB, downloaded 58 times, last: )

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • isn't the i key used for player information on servers? might use the L instead, lower case of course. Not bad for a concept but here again I would make world reliant data bases for different worlds. You are adding things to the world that doesn't need to be in all worlds created in single player. I have many more suggestions but will save them to see where you are going with this.

    After more testing , I tried to make a second elevator right next to the original 1 I made and the first elevator comes down to the ground then the second elevator goes up and they freeze in place. then I exit the game and restart RW and go back into the world and the second elevator is gone. just reporting my findings.

  • isn't the i key used for player information on servers? might use the L instead, lower case of course. Not bad for a concept but here again I would make world reliant data bases for different worlds. You are adding things to the world that doesn't need to be in all worlds created in single player. I have many more suggestions but will save them to see where you are going with this.

    After more testing , I tried to make a second elevator right next to the original 1 I made and the first elevator comes down to the ground then the second elevator goes up and they freeze in place. then I exit the game and restart RW and go back into the world and the second elevator is gone. just reporting my findings.

    yeah lots need to be done, it was a 5min code for proof of concept,, my idea is a menu opens when you are in front this menu can call the elevator if its on another floor, then when inside the menu changes to a menu with floor buttons to pick the floor you want to goto, ive also been thinking about how ill add doors that open and close i 90% on that i can do it, any ideas are welcome

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • have the doors mark the floors. They open and can still be seen but become recessed in a wall when you build around it.The box can then just move from door set to door set. You might want to make the doors dubble like a real elevator. an inner set that moves with the box and opens with the outer doors on each floor. this would cover up the floors seen while moving

  • I also follow this plugin with great interest. :thumbup:

    I would also find doors as a boundary for the individual floors very good. Even more important for the outside than for the inside.

    A button to call the elevator could perhaps be attached to these outside doors?

    Also, if that's possible, the menu only appears when you click the button (or use "F") and not because you happen to be walking down the hallway.

    Is the elevator really a room or just an area that you can design yourself?

  • I also follow this plugin with great interest. :thumbup:

    I would also find doors as a boundary for the individual floors very good. Even more important for the outside than for the inside.

    A button to call the elevator could perhaps be attached to these outside doors?

    Also, if that's possible, the menu only appears when you click the button (or use "F") and not because you happen to be walking down the hallway.

    Is the elevator really a room or just an area that you can design yourself?

    Yes on future API update we maybe able to add button on the outside, the elevator will have 4 doors, for the design it's not editable sorry but this was a 10min build, I can spend more time and add more details but ATM this is a place holder for me to get the underlying code done 👍 as I said this is just a proof of concept atm

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • I was just thinking, you know those old freight elevators that have the sliding accordian gates you have to open before you can get out or have to open it by hand before you get in, you might try something like that. The old old old european and colonial elevatores were something like that.

  • I was just thinking, you know those old freight elevators that have the sliding accordian gates you have to open before you can get out or have to open it by hand before you get in, you might try something like that. The old old old european and colonial elevatores were something like that.

    i know the ones, but i wonder how this would work if the elevator is on another level :thinking:

    maybe you can offer two variants; one in metal and one in a wood texture (which can then look modern and a little older) :thinking:

    yes that's a good idea and was already thinking about this, but first i want to get the elevator working in some way where you can pick the level and call the elevator to you if its on another level, this has been a challenge for me so far with the current API, Been talking to red and requested some things witch he replied with some good Solutions but they could take some time for Him to add to the API. but if i cant make it work till then i might just make it so its similar to how it is ATM where you just goes from floor to floor stopping at every floor, ive got much of the code done for getting the right elevator in the right location, also made it so everyone sees the same elevator so you don't get an elevator for each player, oO theres a lot more to this than just dumping an asset in the game and telling it to go up and down.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • There's a bug there =O If I placed an elevator, I have to end the whole game and restart it before the newly placed elevator works :crazy:. Without restarting the game he just stands in the landscape without any function.
    I'll keep an eye on the plugin though. It would also be nice if you could adjust the floor height - everyone builds differently. I would also find a medieval variant really cool where you enter a "cage" and this "cage" is then pulled up or down on a rope or chain.
    What annoys me is the constant display of the coordinates when I move: e.g. Match (135: 3879.3567, 125.01, 3201.0105)

  • There's a bug there =O If I placed an elevator, I have to end the whole game and restart it before the newly placed elevator works :crazy:. Without restarting the game he just stands in the landscape without any function.
    I'll keep an eye on the plugin though. It would also be nice if you could adjust the floor height - everyone builds differently. I would also find a medieval variant really cool where you enter a "cage" and this "cage" is then pulled up or down on a rope or chain.
    What annoys me is the constant display of the coordinates when I move: e.g. Match (135: 3879.3567, 125.01, 3201.0105)

    yes ATM its full of bugs, this is tricky, floor height will be able to be adjusted, but im stall working stuff out, this one is taking a lot of my time lol

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • ok I have tried both versions now. Both versions still use the lower case I to set the elevator, not the lower case L. When I log out and back in after setting the elevator. when it realigns, the floor of the elevator is dropping below ground level. I am not sure weather I like the just crossing center point to activate the elevator or just activating it when entering and crossing center point. I would prefer a button system myself but I know it is early in development.

    second version just sets the elevatore floor below ground level and spams the chat with activation/recall commands.

    first spams coordinats while moveing.

    Almost forgot to say how much I liked the new interior of the elevator. :)

  • the crossing the center part will always be how this works, but however i have now added buttons, so you need to click the floor you want to goto, the button menu pops up when you walk accross the middle, yes i dont know why i said L when its i oO ,, its best to setup the ground floor first using the grid, then it should be fine,, im about to upload this new version, all the chat messages are now gone,, they are there to help me understand whats going on when coding the plugin.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • The "k" key is unsuitable because the compass is on it.
    Briefly press k twice and 80(!) elevators were added to the database. Also the game has to be restarted completely before the elevator works. Manually deleted the 79 "superfluous" elevators in the database and now no more rides.
    I think I'll stick to building staircases or the F2 key for flying.

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