[Plugin] Model Loader

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  • you can use This tool to translate the entire site!

    Actually I have already done that the the translation is not technically orientated and patchy as many of the examples are not translated fully or at all. I just gave up because it is so consing and hope someone else post something about how to do this. All i know is there some sort of order that needs to be followed in the directory for execution to even get this files to run.

  • Wish there were some English directions on how to use this?

    Leider noch nicht.
    Not yet.

    Das Problem ist leider das ich in Englich nicht besonders gut bin, vorallem nicht beim Schreiben.
    Daher kann ich auch "nur" eine Automatische Übersetzung nutzen, und ja, da Passt oft so einieges nicht mehr.

    The Problem that I, unfortunately, English is not particularly good, especially not when Writing.

    Therefore, is it possible to use "only" an Automatic Translation, and Yes, there einieges not more often.

    Ich kann anbieten, das mit Händen und Füßen (Automatische Übersetzungen Koriegieren, durch mehrere umschreibungen, wenn nötig) in einer PN zu Erarbeiten, mit jemanden der Englich als Muttersprache hat.


    I can offer the hands and feet (Automatic Translations are Correct to create multiple instantiations, if necessary) in a PN, with someone of the English as a native


    Als kleine neben Info: es Wird sehrwarscheinlich noch einmal umgebaut, wenn der ScroolBar hinzu kommt. Auch sind mitlerweile neue Skils hinzugekommen die eventuell noch mit einfließen werden.

    Ich bin durchaus bestrebt die Anwendung Instinkiv und einfach zu halten, allerdings ist das nicht so einfach die Unterschiedlichen Anforderungen, die ihre Komplexität haben, zu berücksichtiegen.


    As a little side Info: there Is very much rebuilt, probably, if the ScroolBar is added. Also in the meantime, new Skils are added which may be included with.
    I'm quite the application strive to keep Instinkiv and easy, however, is not to be considered as simply the Different requirements of their complexity.

    Von welchen bereich Sprechen wir eigendlich?
    Dem Normalen oder Experteneinstellungen?


    Of what area we are Talking in the game?

    The Normal, or expert settings?

  • All i know is there some sort of order that needs to be followed in the directory for execution to even get this files to run.

    Seit dem Letzten Updat wurde die Loader Reinefolge von Red eingeführt, damit sind die Probleme auf der Ersten Seite, die sich mit der Ladereinenfolge Beschäftigt, hinfällig geworden.
    Du must dir darum keine gedanken mehr machen.

    Wo klemmt es noch?


    Since the Last update the Loader was purely a result of Red introduced , so that the Problems are on the First page, which deals with the Load order, obsolete.
    You don't worry about it more.

    Where do we encounter it?

  • Don't get me wrong here NOCI. I commend your efforts here and support for the community. I want to figure this out really bad. I even bought a commercial model to use to figure this out.

    Thanks for all you do.

  • I even bought a commercial model to use to figure this out.

    Das hättes du garnicht machen müssen:wat:

    Ich sehe deine Frage auchnicht als Ankgriff!
    Ich habe mich auch mit jemandem Unterhalten der Besser in Englisch ist als ich. Allerdings glaube ich, wenn das jemand Übersetzt der, der Englisch nicht als Muttersprache hat, bleibt das Risiko den Sinn zu verfehlen. Auch mein Talent der Deutschen Rechtschreibung, kann bei Übersetzer Falsche Ergebnisse erzeügen, was ich aber mit allen möglichen Tools zu Verhindern versuche.

    Wenn allerdings Englisch, noch mal in eine Andere Sprache Übersetzt wirt, ist das ja auch nicht Optimal:dizzy:

    Um dir weiter zu Helfen, muss ich aber Verstehen, was du noch nicht Verstanden hast:D

    Dazu kommt noch das, daß Thema mit 3D-Modellen, im Allgemeinen etwas Komplexer ist. Hier ist eigendlich Erweitertes Wissen über 3D Modelle Notwendig:thinking:

    Wenn du ein Gekauftes Mesh hast, kann es auch sein das es zu Detailreich ist oder sogar für ein anderes Senario erstellt wurde womit in RW Probleme entstehen.

    Wir müssten erstmal Klären. Liegt es am 3D-Model oder an der Handhabung der Plugin's.
    Benutzt du ein *.OBJ, *.FBX oder erstellst du ein *.bundle?
    Es kann sein das du für FBX keine Extra Material Dateien hast, was Problematisch ist, da RW noch nicht, Texturen aus FBX laden kann.

    Wenn du dein Problem Spezifizieren kannst, kann ich dir auch zu 99,9999% Helfen:thumbup:


    #I even bought a commercial model to use to figure this out.#

    You must not do:wat:

    I don't see your question as an attack!

    I spoke with someone who is Better in English than I am. However, I believe that if someone Translated the English not native language, the risk is to miss the meaning of it. My Talent is the German spelling, can erzeügen in Translator Incorrect results, what I'm trying to Stop but with all sorts of Tools.

    However, if English, the host yet to be Translated into a Different language, is not the Best:dizzy:

    To Help you further, I need to Understand but what you have not yet Understood:D

    The fact that theme with 3D models, in General, is a bit more Complex. Here Advanced Knowledge of 3D models is actually Necessary:thinking:

    If you have a Purchased Mesh, it can also be that it is too rich in Detail, or even for a different Senario was created in RW problems arise.

    We'd need to Clarify. It is located on the 3D Model or the handling of the plug-in's.

    You are using a *.OBJ, *.FBX or you can create a *.bundle?

    It may be that you have, for FBX no Extra Material files, which is Problematic, since RW disc, you can load textures from FBX.

    If you can Specify your Problem, I can Help you to 99.9999% :thumbup:

  • The model i purchased has .fbx ; .obj ; unity package ; unreal package. It was built in blend and has a blend model. But lets start with basics as to the installation of the plug in itself. It seems there are 3 or four files that need to be in some order. Then I am assuming one of the files for the model needs to be in a directory. Then once in the game how to pull it into the game server.

  • angriff I haven't Forgotten you!
    I was first on the search for a good Englis's instructions for the Installation of the plug-in's, unfortunately, there is nothing Sensible.
    Then I prefer to do it yourself, it Takes a while but unfortunately, it will be pinned in the Forum!!

  • English Instructions For Installing And Using Model Loader Plugin:


    ToolsAPI Download

    A. There's two important steps to installing the ToolsAPI plugin.

    1. The first being that you have to extract the ToolsAPI files from the downloaded file. This should be extracted to your plugins folder which will be located somewhere like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\_New Version\Plugins", alternatively if you're playing through Steam you can right click Rising World in your Steam Library and then "Browse Local Files" which will open the file location, making it easier to find the plugins folder.

    2. Once you extract the files you need to rename the ToolsAPI folder to ensure that it is the first plugin loaded. You can do this by simply renaming the folder to something like .ToolsAPI or 0ToolsAPI . This makes sure it's the first folder in alphabetical order so the game knows to load this first.


    Model Loader Plugin Installation and Usage:

    1. This first step like with all plugins is to download the plugin and extract it to the Plugins folder. It gets extracted to the same Plugins folder that you just used for the ToolsAPI Plugin.

    2. You have to download the 3D models you want to use and extract those to the: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\_New Version\Plugins\ModelLoader\Model3D" folder. It's easier to give each 3Dmodel it's own subfolder in the Model3D folder. The usable 3D model formats are .obj and .fbx


    - ModelLoader
    -Bonsai Tree

    3. Launch the game and load the world you want to import the 3D model in

    4. Press "T" to open the chat window (Not ~ for the Console Commands) and type /ml and press enter.

    5. This will bring up the 3D model loader screen Noci has posted in their first post.

    6. The first step is to select the 3D model that you want to use from the left side menu. The second step is to select the texture file you want to use, this will typically be either a .png or .jpg file and is selected by left clicking on the file name. The third step is to select the normal map, if the 3D model has one (if not click the slider on the normal map preview window) and then right click on the normal map file name to select it.

    7. Once all three steps from step 6 are done the Confirm button at the bottom of the menu will highlight and be clickable. Depending on this size of the model, your system, etc. it can take several seconds or more for the model to finish loading in.

    8. You can place, rotate, scale the 3D model with the following controls:

    Right Mouse Button = Places 3D model

    Left Mouse Button = Cancels Placement

    Hold shift and press arrow keys, page up / page down = Axis Scaling

    Press - or + (On Numpad) = Fixed Aspect scaling

    Shift + Backspace = Resets Scaling

    Arrow Keys, Page Up / Page Down = Rotation

    Backspace = Resets Rotation

    Point Cursor at 3D Model and hold "F" = Options Radial Menu


    Common PLUGIN Issue:

    Depending on the extraction program you're using it can sometimes create a double folder when extracting the files:



    When the files were only supposed to go into the first ToolsAPI folder in our example. When this happens it can prevent plugins from being able to load properly. to solve this, simply move the files from the second ToolsAPI folder to the top ToolsAPI folder in our example.


    Hopes this helps for anyone that was having issues understanding the machine translation.

  • so weit ich weis geht das gerade nur mit
    eine textur um das 3D moddel anzumalen
    und eine normel map das ist eine blau lila grün bild für höhen und tiefen

    ich gehe davon aus das es keine eigenes 3D moddel ist
    und sie nicht einfach die texturen zusammen fügen können

  • How to select multiple textures to load onto a model? that is, there are many files with the image, but it selects one and therefore the texture does not look right.

    Wenn du so ein Komplexes-Model hast, empfehle ich es als Bundle zu erstellen. Dort kannst du auf verschiedene Punktgruppen eingehen.
    FBX werden derzeit noch wie OBJ behandelt, hier muss eine UV-Map geben, die auf die Textur und Normal zugeschnitten ist.


    If you have such a complex model, I recommend creating it as a bundle. There you can go into different point groups.

    FBX is currently still being treated like OBJ, here a UV map must be given that is tailored to the texture and normally.

  • Wenn du so ein Komplexes-Model hast, empfehle ich es als Bundle zu erstellen. Dort kannst du auf verschiedene Punktgruppen eingehen.
    FBX werden derzeit noch wie OBJ behandelt, hier muss eine UV-Map geben, die auf die Textur und Normal zugeschnitten ist.


    If you have such a complex model, I recommend creating it as a bundle. There you can go into different point groups.

    FBX is currently still being treated like OBJ, here a UV map must be given that is tailored to the texture and normally.

    Thank you

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