Player Mannequin / Schaufensterpuppe

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  • i kept having to ask my husband to pose by things i was building for size reference, and since i didn't like having to bother him all the time, i decided to just make a wooden sculpture replica of the default player model to use instead. i'm pretty sure there's a way to just spawn in a dummy player, but, this was more fun to figure out, and i can imagine some other fun uses for it as well. none of it is painted btw! it's all just different natural wood blocks. and i'm including a version without underwear or detailed face/hair cuz i thought someone might prefer a more generic/less creepy one.

    disclaimer; the base sculpture (far right in pic) for this was traced from an actual player(thanks TayohShadowind for leaving your game running while i did that), but all the detailing was done normally/eyeballed.

    UPDATE; added female version of the plain mannequin

  • I was expecting something a lot simpler when I left my character standing there for who knows how many hours. I'm extremely impressed with the amount of detail you ended up putting into this. At a short distance, I could easily mistake this for a player character because of how much work you did on it. It's just so amazing!!!!

  • That's impressive. I had thought of doing this but with way less detail and sitting. I always have to ask people to test the seats in my vehicles to make sure there is no clipping. I think once NPC are added we will be able to place and pose them, not sure.

  • added female version of the plain mannequin! (still waiting for a female player model tho)


    ich kann nur ein bisschen deutsch sprechen (mehr lesen). fur alles andere, es gibt google translate.

    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

    Bitte verlinken Sie zurück zu meinen Blueprint-Threads (oder erwähnen Sie zumindest meinen Namen), wenn Sie Projekte hochladen, die meine Arbeit verwenden.

    Edited once, last by AlphaGodith ().

  • they look like you took them to burning man XD and, oh my, one of them lost his mouth!!

    ich kann nur ein bisschen deutsch sprechen (mehr lesen). fur alles andere, es gibt google translate.

    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

    Bitte verlinken Sie zurück zu meinen Blueprint-Threads (oder erwähnen Sie zumindest meinen Namen), wenn Sie Projekte hochladen, die meine Arbeit verwenden.

  • Das ist der schweigsame William, dem Ärmsten wurden beim Friseur, die Lippen gleich mit gestutzt. :lol:

    Aber keine Sorge, der Priester hat schon für ihn gebetet. :saint:

    i really dislike religious stuff but i'm glad you're having fun i suppose!

    ich kann nur ein bisschen deutsch sprechen (mehr lesen). fur alles andere, es gibt google translate.

    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

    Bitte verlinken Sie zurück zu meinen Blueprint-Threads (oder erwähnen Sie zumindest meinen Namen), wenn Sie Projekte hochladen, die meine Arbeit verwenden.

  • AlphaGodith

    Changed the title of the thread from “Player Mannequin” to “Player Mannequin / Schaufensterpuppe”.

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