When you go through the process of cutting a pumpkin into slices, the animation still shows the round pumpkin after the pieces are cut. If you go to the menu then the round pumpkin will suddenly show the pieces images. Perhaps a refresh timey wimey thing happening there.

Noticed a Tiny Bug With Pumpkins
- RunAndHideGamer
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
tested it and i see what you mean! it's true for watermelons, too. basically the slices get added to your inventory but the original item stays equipped until you go to your inventory or swap to another item, when it should probably disappear or be replaced by the slices. i imagine it has to do with how you can abort the slicing if you want.
bread and lettuce too, unsurprisingly since they work the same way.
"Noticed a Tiny Bug With Pumpkins"... you need insecticide!!
"Noticed a Tiny Bug With Pumpkins"... you need insecticide!!
hm, i think insecticide would be for "a tiny pumpkin with bugs". in this case we need to get that bug a tiny market stall or some cutlery!
That's unfortunately a bug, but we'll fix that with the next hotfix
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