Missing Block Shapes - Compiled List

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  • The purpose of this thread is to list all of the basic block shapes that people think are still missing. Any that people post in subsequent posts I'll add to this main list just to make sure they aren't duplicated and to make it easier for Red to see them all. Again, this is only for simple block shapes.



    1. Cylinder with 45 degree miter on one end (possible with surface edit, but it distorts shape)

    2. Hollow Cylinder with 45 degree miter on one end (possible with surface edit, but it distorts shape)

    3. Panes For Fabric and Paper - Translucent

    4. Torus

    5. Half Torus

    6. Quarter Torus

    7. Half Hollow Cylinder Corner.

    Edited 5 times, last by CursedXistence: Added check marks for the blocks that were added in the last update. ().

  • Really takes some spacial thinking to come up with this thread, congrats. Not sure, you can get some shapes the by clipping pieces together like we used to get arches and stuff. But out of the blue, how about the ability to distort a block shape into a Rhombus? These might be difficult shapes to snap too.

    anyway my 5 cents.

  • Really takes some spacial thinking to come up with this thread, congrats. Not sure, you can get some shapes the by clipping pieces together like we used to get arches and stuff. But out of the blue, how about the ability to distort a block shape into a Rhombus? These might be difficult shapes to snap too.

    anyway my 5 cents.

    So what you're really saying is I have no life and spend way too much time building things in this game..... guilty as charged. lol

  • So what you're really saying is I have no life and spend way too much time building things in this game..... guilty as charged. lol

    No, I was complimenting on your ability to think spatially. <misspelling that may have made you think special>. I have a retired life so my job really is to hang out being unproductive to society but I also spend too much time building and programming plugins for this game just for fun. :D

  • No, I was complimenting on your ability to think spatially. <misspelling that may have made you think special>. I have a retired life so my job really is to hang out being unproductive to society but I also spend too much time building and programming plugins for this game just for fun. :D

    Nope....my lack of fully peeling my eyes open and having a cup of coffee before trying to internet is what made me think you wrote special and not spatial. lol

    I was one of the original modders for Space Engineers and worked with a lot of the other original modders so we keep running into block shapes we needed so we'd just make mods for them. Then spent a bit over a year working with the devs on Empyrion Galactic Survival (with some of the other previously mentioned original SE modders) so again we kept coming up with shapes missing that we needed. Funny thing is as more advanced as the building is in Rising World, yet you guessed it, keep coming up with needing shapes that are missing here too. lol

  • A Hollow cone. Wish since the unity version begins.

    There are other threads with missing shapes. Problem is that you have to write a thread in English and German, but sometimes this is not done.

    Btw you can resize every material into a pane and also use it with copy.

  • A Hollow cone. Wish since the unity version begins.

    There are other threads with missing shapes. Problem is that you have to write a thread in English and German, but sometimes this is not done.

    Btw you can resize every material into a pane and also use it with copy.

    Yeah unfortunately I don't know German and I don't trust translation programs, etc. to always get it right so I can only do the thread in English. If there's someone that's fluent in both languages willing to translate any German posts for me that would be amazeballs. Just trying to save Red a whole lot of time by compiling a list in one place instead of him having to sort through tons of posts himself.

    Ohhh that's a good one with the Hollow cone, yeah definitely one to add. I've just been using the hollow cylinder and a regular cone combined for that shape.

    As far as the can resize every material into a pane. Yes you can, but the dedicated panes for fabrics and papers would have the semi transparent material quality set to them (much like the milk glass, etc.) and that's something you can't achieve with the resize method.

  • eah unfortunately I don't know German and I don't trust translation programs, etc. to always get it right so I can only do the thread in English.

    Google translator is good.

    As far as the can resize every material into a pane. Yes you can, but the dedicated panes for fabrics and papers would have the semi transparent material quality set to them (much like the milk glass, etc.) and that's something you can't achieve with the resize method.

    The thickness of a pane can be reduced but not smaller than 0.001. This is really thin.

    Problem is you cannot scale a pane for other building possibilities, so you have to edit it manually, every time.

    Scheiben / Panes  (new)

    RE: a few more VERY useful block shapes


    Actually we did already prepare some of these block shapes :) This is a rough overview of the upcoming block shapes:

    half sphere
    hollow half sphere
    quarter sphere
    hollow quarter sphere
    eighth sphere
    hollow eighth sphere
    alt. slope corner (slope corner type that was still missing)

    Probably we'll add them shortly after the npc update. We'll also increase the quality of the cylinders, hollow cylinders and the sphere (so they appear more rounded).

    We'll think about the inverted cylinder and the hollow cone / hollow half cone. What would be the use-case for these shapes? ^^

    Danke 3

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  • 1. Google translate might be good with translating English / German, but I've also seen it mangle translations for other languages. If I had at least some base knowledge of German then I could ensure that it was translating it properly enough to say what is meant.

    2. Panes aren't just about the size, it's also about the material properties like light transmission, transparency, etc. Also not just window frame insertion but also hopefully being able to use them to make doors as well, that works differently than just sizing a block down into a pane size and placing it like we normally would any other block.

    3. It's good that Red has been considering adding more block shapes, that's the whole purpose of this thread is to compile them all in one place.

  • As far as the can resize every material into a pane. Yes you can, but the dedicated panes for fabrics and papers would have the semi transparent material quality set to them (much like the milk glass, etc.) and that's something you can't achieve with the resize method.

    Sounds like someone wants to make Shoji screen doors and windows to go along with their Sake set.;) This would be wonderful. I have several medieval Japanese structures I have built but inside having sliding Shoji doors have made the immersion complete.

    Maybe someday we can get sliding doors too.

  • Sounds like someone wants to make Shoji screen doors and windows to go along with their Sake set.;) This would be wonderful. I have several medieval Japanese structures I have built but inside having sliding Shoji doors have made the immersion complete.

    Maybe someday we can get sliding doors too.

    I used the milk glass for the outer shoji windows which I mean that's fine, I have the traditional style walls and ceiling but the more modern milk glass for the shoji and the more modern straight roof, it's a mix of old and modern. But yeah....freaking having proper shoji and Fusuma doors / interior walls would be nice.

  • I used the milk glass for the outer shoji windows which I mean that's fine, I have the traditional style walls and ceiling but the more modern milk glass for the shoji and the more modern straight roof, it's a mix of old and modern. But yeah....freaking having proper shoji and Fusuma doors / interior walls would be nice.

    Hey I tried to color a glass tube but I could not get it dark enough around a candle to look right and give off colored light. Have you done this?

    PS sliding doors are used in modern Western builds too, Like barn doors and pocket doors. So a sideways moving door would be awesome.

  • Hey I tried to color a glass tube but I could not get it dark enough around a candle to look right and give off colored light. Have you done this?

    PS sliding doors are used in modern Western builds too, Like barn doors and pocket doors. So a sideways moving door would be awesome.

    For the Japanese style lanterns blueprint I made I ended up using one of the older wavy glass panes colored amber and a lantern, the candles just wouldn't give off enough light to make it work. If you use the right glass you with the lantern you can still get the right amount of light yet it hides the fact there's a lantern and not a candle inside.

    I'm still not even sure how the world I've been working on since the unity version launched ended up tilting Asian, it didn't start off that way at all. lol I think maybe it's just because I watch a lot of Asian series and have always loved their architecture better than the crap we have in the states. lol

  • I'm not sure if this is the right topic for my proposal but I think it would be very cool if letters, numbers and punctuation marks were also available as scalable block shapes. It is best to use the respective fonts that are already available for sign labeling.

    I would also find classic symbols as basic shapes such as hearts or stars interesting.

    I also find curved or rounded end pieces for furniture construction to be very helpful in many cases. As an example

    And finally, I would like to be offered a broken, destroyed form of each block variant so that I can build real ruins.

  • Actually with the new shapes that Red51 added in the last min update most of what you posted is easily made with the new blocks, with the exception of the tight spiral scroll work.

    As far as ruined blocks, the problem with that is you'd have to 3D model dozens if not hundreds of different block shapes to give enough variety so it looked realistic. That's something you're better off doing with block scale, placement, clipping, texture scale, etc. just because it gives more control and the ability to make the damage look more realistic. For rubble piles you could make a dirt, gravel, etc. mound (only possible in creative right now or with the rake in some cases in survival) and then have a bunch of blocks sticking out of it, etc.

    Not saying they aren't great ideas, they're just something that are better off being handmade rather than 3D modeled.

  • Actually with the new shapes that Red51 added in the last min update most of what you posted is easily made with the new blocks, with the exception of the tight spiral ....

    Even before the new block shapes, in my opinion everything was buildable. I saw the new block shapes as a quicker way to get started and provide assistance so that I could build faster and more easily. And I definitely don't want to miss it. Even such beautiful, curved end pieces for swing pieces, for example, were already possible before the introduction of the expanded block shapes. So, I think it's more about which block shapes allow for a quicker introduction to faster, more detailed building. Because everything has long been possible.

    Thanks for the suggestions on how I can build ruins better. :thumbup:

  • Yes, you could build all things you want, possible in the Java-version but in the Unity-version it has now become much easier for most players.

    FioO A good effect for ruins is to use different kinds of stones which gives a weathered impression. Add a few missing stones and a vine or ivy, to it and the whole thing looks more decayed. Different texture scales on the stones also gives an old effect. For furniture, you can paint over it once or twice with a paint roller to achieve a weathered look.

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