shouldn't area permission change your permssion group

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  • its not doable without a plugin. the player needs rights for the commands to be set in the players group permissions. they can only set them from outside the area as you have to look at the area to have the functions to set area permissions meaning they have to be outside of their area.

  • its not doable without a plugin. the player needs rights for the commands to be set in the players group permissions. they can only set them from outside the area as you have to look at the area to have the functions to set area permissions meaning they have to be outside of their area.

    Well that is a shame maybe it was why one guy kept saying /wp does not work. LOL I dont have a /WP likely some other plugin. I guess I will have to write yet another plugin to do it for them. Hmmm that means I need to have different level area player permissions for them to select. Poor players.

  • Well that is a shame maybe it was why one guy kept saying /wp does not work. LOL I dont have a /WP likely some other plugin. I guess I will have to write yet another plugin to do it for them. Hmmm that means I need to have different level area player permissions for them to select. Poor players.

    as james said you need to be outside the area to set the areas group permission, we only have player.setPermissionGroup(UserName); we need player.setPermissionAreaGroup(UserName); red51

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Not sure if I understood the problem exactly :thinking: Does that mean you want an owner (more precisely, a player that is assigned to an area) to be able to add other players to his area?

    Right now there is only the general "areatools" permission (under "creative") and the "addplayer"/"removeplayer" permissions under "area". The problem is that allowing the area tools, the player is able to create new areas... probably it would help if there is just another "create" permission under "area"? Or a specific permission to only allow the player to edit his own areas? Or did I miss something?

    we need player.setPermissionAreaGroup(UserName); red51

    Basically there is no such thing... the player has a general permission group, and once he enters an area, he also gets an area permission assigned. This is only valid as long as the player is inside this area. The general group permission can be retrieved via player.getPermissionGroup(), while the temporary area permission (only active while the player is inside an area) can be retrieved with player.getActiveAreaPermission().

    As mentioned, the area permission is temporary and depends on whether or not the player is actually inside an area (and it may be different for each area). The method you've mentioned wouldn't be possible, since it's unclear which area this actually affects. If you want to change the player permission of an area, you have to set that on the particular area directly via area.setPlayerPermission(). Like this:

    //Get area the player is currently inside
    Area area = player.getCurrentArea();
    //Check if player is actually inside an area (ie area is not null)
    if (area != null) {
    //Update area permission if desired
    area.setPlayerPermission(player, "PlayerAreaPermission");
  • What was being asked is for players that are set as area owners the ability to allow or deny players into their area and to give them rights to add players to their area. I would assume that a group for area player rights versus area owners rights would need to be there.

    Apparently making an area owner does not give them any new rights. They are not displayed on the permissions or the player list with supposedly area rights. Other players are able to destroy their buidings if they have general rights to build on the server is what I am reading here.

  • the permissions in the groups folder are you basic permissions(what a player can do in the unprotected world).

    then you have area permissions that are assigned to a player(Owner). areas also have a default permission witch is active in an area that any player does not own. since your default permission is to restrict non owners you want to block pretty much every thing in this permission. once an area is created you must set the default permissions and add an owner.

    there is a hierarchy to the permissions as well.

    if a player is not in an area it uses group permissions

    if a player is in an area they do NOT own the areas default permission is used .if this is not set it uses the players group permissions witch is where i think you are having your issue as they are destroying areas. without this set they are basicly able to act as they are not even in an area.

    if a player is in an area they own it uses whatever permissions group the owner is assigned to

    for example. i have a cities areas permissions. when i set this are the default area players can do things like open doors but not chests.

    another example. i have pvp areas. the areas default permission allows pvp but enables loose items on death. so even if a player is in a group permission that does not allow for pvp its of overridden when in the pvp area.

  • What? You have to have a default for areas? Sheesh. I put different group visitor one named after the group they are when they enter. I force everyone that comes on new into visitor group. Well I guess it will all be wiped when the game is fully released. I do not have people destroying things, YET. What i noticed is the owners in their areas are still showing group permissions in <I> players list. Good thing I read this.. thanks

  • I tried to adjust my areas back to Owners and default and suddenly I have no permissions for area other than Area. If you can only select two permissions for an area this is bad since you would want at the very least 3 .. Owner, Area Friend , Area visitor. I would prefer at least 4

  • can be retrieved with player.getActiveAreaPermission().

    Sollte das nicht auch die DefaultPermission einer Area anzeigen wenn in der Area kein Player eintrag vorhanden ist?

    This is not the default permission of a Area if view in the Area is no Player entry is this?

    Ich vermisse bei den Areas die möglichkeit getDefaultPermission():D

    I miss in the Areas getDefaultPermission()

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