Hello there. I'm new on the forums but I play Rising World since some months already. I love the concept of the game, the fact that it has an infinite lifespan in theory, but I'm waiting the future updates.
For the moment I don't know which version is better, because the Java version offers some elements not yet implemented in the Unity version, but at the same time the Unity version offers some elements that have never been implemented in the Java version. There's like two different versions of the game with different features. Which one should I choose?
Also I know that the development is longer than the previous version but I hope for a return of dungeons/POIs - better Hell with special ores, structures, maybe a cave that descends into Hell instead of mining under our feet (even if I like the fact that we have to make ladders to go down) - and all others features.
Keep it up, I hope this game will become one of the best chill and realistic survival games.