Great game

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  • Hello there. I'm new on the forums but I play Rising World since some months already. I love the concept of the game, the fact that it has an infinite lifespan in theory, but I'm waiting the future updates.

    For the moment I don't know which version is better, because the Java version offers some elements not yet implemented in the Unity version, but at the same time the Unity version offers some elements that have never been implemented in the Java version. There's like two different versions of the game with different features. Which one should I choose?

    Also I know that the development is longer than the previous version but I hope for a return of dungeons/POIs - better Hell with special ores, structures, maybe a cave that descends into Hell instead of mining under our feet (even if I like the fact that we have to make ladders to go down) - and all others features.

    Keep it up, I hope this game will become one of the best chill and realistic survival games. :thumbup:

  • Welcome then :)

    The so called Java version isn't being worked on anymore. Red and team have decided to port to the unity engine.

    Unity will be updated and expanded. I would strongly recommend to get used to unity as this is the future

  • Thanks for your feedback, I'm happy to hear you like the game so far :)

    It's a difficult question about whether to play the Java version or new version... it's true that the Java version has some features that are still missing in the new version, but the new version is a lot more polished and also has some unique features which are not available in the Java version. In addition to that, the features in the new version are usually more fleshed out - for instance, terrain generation and biomes are IMHO much better in the new version than in the Java version.

    But personally I'd recommend to give the Java version at least a try (just to get an idea what the original game was like). If you like the Java version, it's definitely fine to spend some time there and upgrade to the new version at a later stage (this way you can basically enjoy two games) ^^ If you don't like the Java version, especially due to its age (outdated graphics, clunky animations etc), I'd recommend to focus on the new version instead ^^

    Since you're already playing the Unity version, it's probably going to be difficult to switch back to the Java version though, because it really feels a bit dated now. Biggest features that are still missing in the Unity version are dungeons, bandits/skeletons and an ingame map. However, the upcoming update for the new version will introduce bandits, an ingame map, new animals (including wolves), a female character and more ;)

  • I saw in the roadmap 'bandit camps and maybe smaller villiges" SOOO NICE ! hopefully the villiges will be medieval bc I have and medieval world where I make my youtube vids in.

  • I saw in the roadmap 'bandit camps and maybe smaller villiges" SOOO NICE ! hopefully the villiges will be medieval bc I have and medieval world where I make my youtube vids in.

    So, maybe you can mention your YT channel in your signature: (Your displayed name) then the icon above and go to user account with link below => Signature

    Tschak - Wenn ich gewusst hätte, was die alles damit in die Massen tragen :| Werdet Euch klar, was Ihr wirklich wollt und ändert gegebenenfalls Euer Leben ^^

    Ich wünsche Euch ein Leben in Harmonie
    Schnellhilfe / quick help ( alt / old )

  • I noticed an issue through my game experience: The Camera motion (also called Motion Blur) and the Depth-Of-Field don't seem to work. Enabled or not, it does nothing unlike other games.

    And second, the night ambiance is too... bright? On the Gallery section of the website, there's a screenshot taken at night and it's dark. But on the game, I know that there's the moon, but it seems that torches and flashlights are useless since it's brighter. I don't know if I missed an option in the graphics. But if it's intentional, maybe a "Disable moon" or "Play moon phases" option could allow a more immersive experience at night, and therefore force the player to craft a flashlight to better illuminate when it's dark.

  • I noticed an issue through my game experience: The Camera motion (also called Motion Blur) and the Depth-Of-Field don't seem to work. Enabled or not, it does nothing unlike other games.

    Yes, unfortunately these settings don't work properly atm... but that will be fixed with the next update :)

    And second, the night ambiance is too... bright? On the Gallery section of the website, there's a screenshot taken at night and it's dark. But on the game, I know that there's the moon, but it seems that torches and flashlights are useless since it's brighter. I don't know if I missed an option in the graphics. But if it's intentional, maybe a "Disable moon" or "Play moon phases" option could allow a more immersive experience at night, and therefore force the player to craft a flashlight to better illuminate when it's dark.

    Yeah, nights are quite bright atm. The intention was to have different moon phases which would result in brighter or darker nights. Currently there is always full moon.

    Moon phases are still on our to-do list (and moon phases other than full moon would be darker of course). Maybe we can even get them ready for the upcoming update, but probably it's not a bad thing to make nights a bit darker in general (or maybe even add a "moon intensity" setting) ;)

    Theres a technical reason why it can't be pitch black but i don't remember what exactly it was. Just something with light emitting that prevents complete darkness

    This basically just affects the day, not the night ^^ During the day, the game has "hard-coded" ambient lighting which affects surfaces which aren't directly hit by any light. It's there to simulate indirect lighting. Without ambient light, these surfaces would be pitch black (which would be nice in closed buildings with no light sources, but would look bad everywhere else).

    This "fake" ambient light wouldn't be necessary if Unity had a proper realtime GI solution (like "Lumen" in Unreal or SDFGI/HDDAGI in Godot), but it looks like Unity won't get something like that anytime soon... alternatively raytracing would also fix this issue (at least on hardware which supports raytracing, but Unitys raytracing implementation in HDRP is still a bit problematic.

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