Weapons drop in multiplayer

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Since the new version, no weapon has ever dropped from the about 20 barbarians or 10 bandits I have killed in multiplayer (Medieval realm server). In singleplayer, I have no issue, weapons drop on each bandit/barbarian. The ordinary loot, which is accessed through the inventory is there, but the weapons have another drop mechanism, they fall directly on the ground and are not accessible though the inventory. Maybe weapons fall under the ground in MP.

    I want to know if someone have a similar experience from another multiplayer server to understand if it's just bad luck, a game or a server issue.

    Edit : Same issue with skeletons. I have also see only the variant "0" during night in MP, never the others.

  • Red needs to look at that... despite the server configuration set for them dropping their weapons, the weapons disappear.

    Happening my server too... I go to Single Play and they drop weapons....go to server...no weapons....

    Modded Rising World 2024

    Now running : 100 Player Game Server With My New Modded Rising World

  • then it might be because of this server.properties entry which is not set to true,

    or is not present at all in an old properties file?!

    # If true, killed npcs will drop their equipped item


  • hm ... right ... shortly before death the item is still there, the next moment it is simply gone ... dissolved into thin air

    let's see what's different in single player


    Apart from the fact that this entry is not in the single player properties, I can't find any difference to the server settings.

    I also deleted the entry on the server but the item just disappears. It can't really have anything to do with permissions because it happens to me as an admin.

  • then it might be because of this server.properties entry which is not set to true,

    or is not present at all in an old properties file?!

    # If true, killed npcs will drop their equipped item


    That was the first thing I checked.....

    On my server


    but they do not drop their equipped items

    Modded Rising World 2024

    Now running : 100 Player Game Server With My New Modded Rising World

  • There is a setting in server config for how long an item stays in the world before ot despawns. I'll see if I can find it when I get home

    The bandits do not drop the swords......... in single play you can see the swords lying next to the bandit after killing the bandit.... on the server you do not see the swords on the ground at any stage.

    Modded Rising World 2024

    Now running : 100 Player Game Server With My New Modded Rising World

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