Both the Java version and the Unity version are Rising World. Playing, creating plug-ins, etc. for either version is still supporting Rising World and Red51's hard work.

Java Edition Modding Future Question
You make a valid point haha! Thanks!
Yup, no problem. And just to add to what I said either, there are plenty of people that have been working on their Java version worlds for ten years and either though the Unity version is going to be replacing the Java version as the "default" one, I'm sure many of those people will continue to play the Java version as well and would appreciate continued plug-in development for it.
Oh okay cool! Yeah also a valid point haha I'll start drafting some stuff then thanks
Since the Unity version is becoming the standard version and the Java version is becoming less and less relevant, I think it would make much much more sense to develop for the new version. On the one hand, new players would benefit more and on the other hand, the developers would benefit too, as more plugins/mods would help to make the game more attractive.
(I don't think many new players would be fond of the old version or even care about it -- that's one of the reasons the new version exists in the first place, by the way).
Yup both valid points
I also totally agree with Yaromid.
Gone with new version lol
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