How to make a area in singlepayer????

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  • what do you mean by 'areas'?

    ich kann nur ein bisschen deutsch sprechen (mehr lesen). fur alles andere, es gibt google translate.

    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

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  • Like SonoBionda said, make sure you are in creative mode first:

    Press F9 > then 1 (create area)

    Create your area by dragging your mouse from point A -B , then right click and hold your mouse button to create the area.

    Once done, move to the outside so you can see the created area (green) and again right-click to bring up a menu to show all the options for that area.

  • areas are those things they also have in the medieval realms. So if you enter an area, the name of the area will show in the bottom left of your screen above the health bar.

    Altrough you only need it in mp

    yeah the only thing i could think of for what they meant was like, a restricted build area owned by one player or group of players, something that would only exist with plugins and be completely useless in singleplayer... so i was confused.

    You simply use the creative tools from F9.

    You may need to change your game mode in the console first (with the command gm 1)

    Like SonoBionda said, make sure you are in creative mode first:

    Press F9 > then 1 (create area)

    Create your area by dragging your mouse from point A -B , then right click and hold your mouse button to create the area.

    Once done, move to the outside so you can see the created area (green) and again right-click to bring up a menu to show all the options for that area.

    oh is it not a plugin thing? the vanilla game just has an option for naming an area without map markers? O.o

    ich kann nur ein bisschen deutsch sprechen (mehr lesen). fur alles andere, es gibt google translate.

    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

    Bitte verlinken Sie zurück zu meinen Blueprint-Threads (oder erwähnen Sie zumindest meinen Namen), wenn Sie Projekte hochladen, die meine Arbeit verwenden.

  • F9 is an in-game feature , but I have the impression that not many players have used it so far, even though F9 has been around for a long time. I have to admit, I haven't either, I was missing the explanations how to use it. I remember how we used to play on the server, we postponed the use of the server at that time because there was not enough information about it. A more detailed explanation in the journal would be good, but I have not used the journal yet and do not know whether this has already been done. :thinking:

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