(answered) a question for red51

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
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  • every time i type a thread on here im afraid that you are going to see it as something negative but it is really not. i am at a point where i have problems seeing the theme of the game and that worries me alittle. is this game meant for modern building or medieval type building? or is it one of those games where we get the tools and create what we want. i am unsure what i can expect in the future what do you find is most important building, survival, crafting or pve? let me finish by saying i love this game so far i just want to get rid of this fear..

    - babas

  • We want to have a mixture of both, medieval and modern style ;) Currently the game mainly focuses on modern things, but we will add more medieval elements in the future.
    About building, survival and crafting: That's also a complicated question, basically, all these aspects are quite important. In the next time we want to concentrate especially on survival and exploration ^^

  • great thank you red i was afraid that the plans and ideas might have been a bit to much for you but it seems like you know what you are doing thank you for responding so fast

  • Hmm...So there will only be two tech ages then? No "Rise of Nations" or "Civilization" with how you need to tech up from roughly caveman to modern era through items in this game. I guess it's the choices of words when replying to Babas with me simply needing to sit back to see what actually gets implemented, or I guess I should view it as such with only two periods. I guess I can be fine with only 2 or more "Ages".

    From what I'm hearing this game sure has quite an atmosphere now with what's planned. A mix of survival, teching up, with touches of environmental diseases. I approve of what I heard and saw Red mention, even what's on the roadmap. What's mentioned being Skyrim + Minecraft + Rimworld (minus the table research, unless that's in). Having survival, adventure, and creative also being a wise choice.

    Hmm......I bet there'll still be confusion.
    (Edit: Guess I should just sit back and let what needs to be implemented to be. Being confused doesn't help and only causes panic on all sides. Of course I should keep my assumptions to myself as to not have bubbles popped.)

  • I see it as 'the game is whatever you make it'.
    Want to survive? Then survive.
    Want to build? Then build.
    Want to explore? Go exploring.

    I don't see it as Skyrim, Civilization, Rimworld, or any other games like that. I see it as what Minecraft 2 should be like... on steroids. I see it as not needing any 'mods'- it's all there already. There will be plenty to keep you busy- you won't need any "mini-games" to keep you entertained or interested. This game will be many things to many people- but 'boring' won't be one of them.

    I trust Red. I think he knows what he's doing. He won't do anything stupid, and he won't let the game turn into a joke. It still has a long way to go- but I like the direction it's headed.

  • Providing that the right type of textures are added, you can make it look any you want , from ultra futuristic to stone age. And with the ability to switch off or on various aspects of the game (like hunger , PVP , attacking) the Game would be what you make of it. The only thing that has come close is the game Second Life (I have been there since 2003 ), That game however lacks the ability for you to dig and destroy the land. You could only affect the height map and the cost to "own" your land in sl is still expensive. It also has serious physics flaws and other issues.

    The 1 thing that needs work so far is the landscape appearance. The trees and Grass look great but the color palette is limited. I am sure all that is needed to fix that pare is some new texture artwork. I am sure that given enough time, this will work out. It is still early and I am guessing it will take a long time to get Rising world to where they want it. Since voxels are basically a cube, during curved walkways now is impossible, however when the right kind of textures are added, it becomes a no brainer.

  • I always feel that me and Geneo would fight because he always goes around thumbing things down. Point taken though because he does make great points.

    I'm now lost in how to view the game, yet I trust Red with the game and his own game plans. Right now Rising World is in such a great shape that I'm not all that worried. I know Rising World isn't Skyrim, Civilization, or any other game, I however needed something to compare it to for examples so we would be on the same page. I don't know what else to compare it to for other people to see the same thoughts as mine.

    With what Red said on Steam he said we would be going up in tech so I assumed (which might have been stupid on my part) that we would go from 'caveman' type tech to modern, even if it was gimmicky. I'm fine with it being Medieval & modern only also with how you have to survive in a hostile world. I guess I'm just assuming too much which is my stupid part. Minecraft 2 isn't what I'm seeking, only a game that is free with what it actually wants. I consider Rising World its own game. I guess I see it more as a "Second Life" type game, yet more grounded in survival from both physical and environmental stuff now.

  • I see it as 'the game is whatever you make it'.
    Want to survive? Then survive.
    Want to build? Then build.
    Want to explore? Go exploring.

    I don't see it as Skyrim, Civilization, Rimworld, or any other games like that. I see it as what Minecraft 2 should be like... on steroids. I see it as not needing any 'mods'- it's all there already. There will be plenty to keep you busy- you won't need any "mini-games" to keep you entertained or interested. This game will be many things to many people- but 'boring' won't be one of them.

    I trust Red. I think he knows what he's doing. He won't do anything stupid, and he won't let the game turn into a joke. It still has a long way to go- but I like the direction it's headed.

    I agree... except the steriods.. no steriods!! There will be too much KOS!! :P I also hope RW will be enough without mods. Of course some mods may turn out to be great. But I don't want RW to rely on them like some games. I don't believe that will be the case though.

    Providing that the right type of textures are added, you can make it look any you want , from ultra futuristic to stone age. And with the ability to switch off or on various aspects of the game (like hunger , PVP , attacking) the Game would be what you make of it. The only thing that has come close is the game Second Life

    Wurm Online is pretty much what the players make it also. Depending on what server you're on of course... But the game doesn't tell the players what to do, it's completely up to the players. Along with it's own set of flaws etc... anyways.

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