I think it would be interesting to have an old battered camera, which is a really sentimental item to the character, and the photographs you take, create points to return to in the world, like memories.
You could name them, for example 'the forest clearing', and use them in the inventory to jump to this place.
There could also be an old family photograph album, which serves as the storage receptacle for all these memories.
I think it would add a little bit of back story for the character, and something to build upon.
Of course, the player decides who they are in the game, but i think that you can choose where you can jump to, or choose not to use this at all.
It could even function as an actual camera,in conjunction with the computer.
players who would not want to jump to points/memories, could basically use it as a camera. The images could even have some kind of secondary function to being memories. There could be an achievement feature.( take a photo of 10 spiderwebs for example)
I think more stuff like this would be really beneficial to this game, as they're unique, and the game really deserves that.