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  • I think it would be interesting to have an old battered camera, which is a really sentimental item to the character, and the photographs you take, create points to return to in the world, like memories.
    You could name them, for example 'the forest clearing', and use them in the inventory to jump to this place.

    There could also be an old family photograph album, which serves as the storage receptacle for all these memories.
    I think it would add a little bit of back story for the character, and something to build upon.

    Of course, the player decides who they are in the game, but i think that you can choose where you can jump to, or choose not to use this at all.
    It could even function as an actual camera,in conjunction with the computer.

    players who would not want to jump to points/memories, could basically use it as a camera. The images could even have some kind of secondary function to being memories. There could be an achievement feature.( take a photo of 10 spiderwebs for example)

    I think more stuff like this would be really beneficial to this game, as they're unique, and the game really deserves that.

  • I was thinking just the location. you could just hold the photo, then hold right mouse button, and then the photo comes close to your face with an animation like the sleeping thing. then you 'wake up' in the location in the photo.
    People can choose to make the game as easy or difficult as they like then. some will take a photo of hell to go straight there, while others will enjoy the adventure of walking and mining down to it. it opens up possibilities doesn't it. haa!

  • Hmm.......It's a nice idea that I actually can approve of. I'd vote for it. I always wanted this kind of feature in Minecraft whenever building up a wild area into something awesome with me unable to show the in-betweens because of how time had passed.

    I do hope that when you are given a camera for some creative fun while also making use of posters. Being able to craft a camera to then take pictures in two forms - 1) Posters & 2) Memories - to allow people to further mess about. The world keeps changing when you mess with it so it would be neat to go back down 'memory lane' to show what was built when, and how. You can log it down.

    I would try and nudge that memory thought into a Mystcraft book (both the game & Minecraft mod) experience with you able to flip through the pages like in Minecraft. You could keep adding onto the archive photo-book by constantly slipping in book pages with new 'memories' (the photo frame on a desk would work just as well) with you able to go into an unchangeable 'static' world that you frozen in time. You can't build, nor can you destroy stuff.....just simply go back and view it like a hologram in Star Trek's Holodeck, just with a bit of magic.

  • No for teleports haha. That has been discussed. Your idea is an interesting take on teleports though. What would be nice to have the camera for would be the journal. Learn about a plant, new journal entry is made with info you learned about it, take a pic and the pic is used to identify the plant later.. or animal etc.. simple in game photography might even be interesting and fun to do.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Haa! Well, that function would be for players who want it. Thanks for the compliment, i really appreciate it friend. It's becoming such a deep game, and i think things like this would enrich the gameplay quite considerably. haa!

  • No for teleports haha. That has been discussed. Your idea is an interesting take on teleports though. What would be nice to have the camera for would be the journal. Learn about a plant, new journal entry is made with info you learned about it, take a pic and the pic is used to identify the plant later.. or animal etc.. simple in game photography might even be interesting and fun to do.

    10/10 would upvote again

  • I was thinking just the location. you could just hold the photo, then hold right mouse button, and then the photo comes close to your face with an animation like the sleeping thing. then you 'wake up' in the location in the photo.
    People can choose to make the game as easy or difficult as they like then. some will take a photo of hell to go straight there, while others will enjoy the adventure of walking and mining down to it. it opens up possibilities doesn't it. haa!

    See the teleport script in the scripts section :)

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