About the Bears...

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  • I don't know why people are so angry about the bear attacks. I'd be grumpy if someone disturbed my sleep as well. Haaa! You think this is bad, wait until you're walking along, minding your own business, and there comes along a lion. Or, you're enjoying the stars at night, and you get ambushed by a pack of wolves. This is just the beginning guys!.....and i'm very VERY afraid! haaa!

    (And very excited too)

  • If we see that avatar in the game things shall really be spooky, Ozzy :P.

    Hope I can suggest that bear attacks be 70% possible. Have that aura of fear when you're unsure if you're going to be attack or not heh. Wolves & Tiger would be an interesting way to be attack. Same with the natural diseases and such that Red was toying with adding.....Thirst, hunger, being too hot or cold, and possibly even sick from being stung by so many mosquitoes. Well, that is if the route Red wanted is true....Going to be a crazy survival game with those in mind.

    Spooky indeed.

  • @red51 What I would like to see is bears doing false charges at players. So you get within a certain distance from the bear to aggro it, and some percentage of the time it just runs at you, stops and just walks off. Tis what they do...

    It would be nice if animals had some unique behaviour like this.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • maan really? they do that? And human beings think that animals aren't intelligent. Pah!
    That would be brown trouser time for me. haaa! We wouldn't know if we needed to jump out of the way, or just stand our ground. .....personally....i'd just run away without adequate armour. haaaa!
    I'm a bit of a wimp in regards to games like this. Now if i were armoured to the teeth....then i'd think about...shouting some silly one-liner from ten miles away. haa!

  • Running is the worst thing to do. Forget about a bear in game... what about a real one?

    That'll give ya a hershey squirt hehe. Mother grizzly with a couple cubs it seems. She just wants them to go away and leave them alone.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Wonder if we could get a new attack for the sake of realism. Not sure I believe that last line though.

    Hunter escapes by shoving arm down bear's throat

    GREAT FALLS, Mont. — A bow hunter in Teton County is recovering after he survived a grizzly bear mauling by remembering a tip from his grandmother and shoving his arm down the animal's throat.

    Chase Dellwo, 26, was hunting with his brother northwest of Choteau on Saturday when he came face to face with a 350 to 400 pound male grizzly, the Great Falls Tribune reports.

    Dellwo went to walk up a creek bed, hoping to drive the animals to a ridge where his brother was waiting.

    He was about 3 feet away before he realized he was near a bear that had been sleeping. With 30 to 40 mph winds with snow and rain, the bear hadn't known Dellwo was coming. He said he only had time to take a few steps back before the bear knocked him off his feet and bit his head.

    "He let go, but he was still on top of me roaring the loudest roar I have ever heard," Dellwo said.

    The bear then bit Dellwo's leg and shook him, tossing him through the air. As the bear came at the man again, Dellwo remembered a magazine article his grandmother had given him.

    "I remembered an article that my grandmother gave me a long time ago that said large animals have bad gag reflexes," Dellwo said. "So I shoved my right arm down his throat."

    The advice worked and the bear left.

    Dellwo rejoined his brother who drove him to a hospital. He received stitches and staples in his head, some on his face, a swollen eye and deep puncture wounds on his leg.

    "I want everyone to know that it wasn't the bear's fault, he was as scared as I was," Dellwo said

  • That's something to make note of, indeed. It would be enjoyable once Red51 is able to figure out proximity for us and the entities in the world. Would be interesting if you could try for "pause attacks" with the bear prepping to attack you so you have this window of opportunity to strike back, similar to what the guy above did.

    I also mentioned that bears aren't always hostile that there should be a percentage randomizing when they attack you & when they avoid you to have fun playing in a pool of water. Half the time they should simply be wandering around for "food", and other times they should find themselves building up a hidden condition bar of when to attack you. The same with the Moose. I did mention this to Red, hopefully been made note of.

  • well if your going for realism, bears should most certainly be faster than our characters. but they shouldn't be very good at going downhill. bears have a hard time going downhill due to their weight distribution. if in doubt run downhill. thats really the only good option. bears are great climbers, often eat animals and are faster than humans*. except downhill.

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