How to make 'Rising World' Successful/More Appealing?

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  • Saw an interesting post on steam forum [Here] with two gamers wondering how to make Rising World more successful and appealing to others. How to make it fun in it's own right while attracting gamers for genuine gaming fun. What's your thoughts?


    This game is still freshly out of the womb so I'll understand if it's viewed as not being popular. Those that heard it do praise it when given a proper fair chance. To me, I see it a few months old needing more care and attention to allow it to age and mature into a fine game rivaling, maybe overshadowing the likes of Miencraft. If it is a game meant on realism then realism shall be its selling point, even the features planned and considered. What could possibly make Rising World more appealing to others? I don't want to sound like I'm building the game, nor wanting to force things. Just that from what I've been shown this is how I believe may be a strong point in helping Rising World stand up from the rest.

    • NPC Villages - Sorry, Red! NPC village are a 100% must in this game now with AI needing to wander and roam around in their variously formed settlements. They now need to be able to trade with the player through bartering, even nudging the player into interacting with them more. They also help breath life into the vast world to make it feel less empty, hallow, and Chernobyl-spookie in vibe. [Look at Rimworld, Timber & Stone, and Minecraft's 'Millionaire' mod for template.]
    • NPC Pets & Comrades - Adding in an option to befriend animal and humanoid comrades would go a long way in easing any singleplayer and multiplayer eerie loneliness. It's a vast world so you need a comrade in arms, a friend to call a friend. Being able to personalize them would also go a long way, if at least with fashion wear, even modding appearances and such. If they're given the same value/worth as the player then all should be fine [Look at Skyrim & Skyrim modding with detailed facial customization & etc; Accessories also.]
    • Player Customization - Sadly I'm going to have to mention Skyrim here because that's another major selling point here. People need to express themselves so having the option to customize the face, body appearance, and etc goes a long way. Being able to wear what you want, build what you want, and appear as you want is how Skyrim & Minecraft sells itself on the community side. Allowing the game to pull from a folder of presets would do wonders. [Mirroring this to NPC comrades, even customizable personalized statues would add to the game as a whole. Also check out SKyrim's CBBE type mods, but for both genders in RW. All that details in clothing.]
    • Posters - This alone won me over from Minecraft when I saw I could finally share what I find enjoying in the real world. Being given canvases with different shape (Instagram photo-sizes, even GTA5's selfie options) would do wonders. Uncapping the limit and allowing others to view them would also help attract more gamers.
    • Vehicles - Selling the feature of horses, camels, cars, trains, boats, and possibly even air ships would attract people who want to use those as modes of transportation. With the desire to have them pre-built, it would be interesting to build these vehicles through parts in a skeleton type form. I wouldn't mind seeing my creation taking shape out in the open while being allowed to customize them. I must however warn Red that he must add a storage option into his vehicles as it would encourage trade, transportation, and exploration. Adding a handful of variety of vehicle types should assist in people wanting to use vehicles, even animal types, as transportation. Boating with canoes, merchant wooden ships, or even wooden steam boats; Trains going from steam to diesel for passenger and cargo; Having cargo trucks or simple personal cars would do wonders in keeping people happy when transporting goods.
    • Biomes - Not sure how detailed Red wants to go with this, yet has great potential to add in all our current biomes with variants and unique ones. Going all out with tropical, desert, swamp, winter, and all sorts. Even 'for fun' types while keeping them in a climate-controlled spawning would be its selling point. Adding in region-locked vegetation, items, growth lock, and mob spawning. Game isn't just blocks so 'realistic' appearing biomes would take it to a whole new level. [Adding in autumn biomes, and fantasy types would be an interesting experience.]
    • Ocean Life - This is still fair game for Rising World with it being allowed free reign to go wild. It can add simple canoes, or giant wind-sails and coal-powered boats. Sea life as whales, Orcas, shelled creatures, kelp, sea weed, salmon, and etc. Shipwrecks also still fair game. [Minecraft & Skyrim as template for me; Stranded Deep for others.]
    • Weather - Rising World has a whole domain left untouched by other games by adding in proper weather systems. They can go wild with rain, storms, thunderstorms, fog, hail, freezing rain, and etc. Hell, even flooding. It all depends on how crafty Red wants to be that we can both be pleased and displeased with the weather in a single or multiple areas on the map. Snow has the potential in accumulating, or stay static in a single layer.
    • Clothing & Weapon Variety - I'm seeing good healthy signs that Rising World shall have a big variety on clothing, armor, and character customization. I do hope we can go a tad bit "Animal Crossing New Leaf" by even inserting shirt designs in poster form. Even having your clothing appear on personalized statues would also do wonders. Not as a display stand, but an actual statue. Display stands would still be neat. Seems to be implied that we may gain a large supply of weaponry to fight the hostile environment. [Google up Minecraft's Statue mod for Forge.]
    • Food Variety - There is a strong desire of going all out with food. From what was mentioned I can easily compare it to Skyrim with how you have to cook and gather. Sushi, tea, and coffee are all fair game, that is if Red can insert it all. You may become a "Master Chef" if you so desire, and when given the option.
    • Actual Electricity - There is great desire to give actual running electricity into the game to run lights through wind & water power. [I do hope we can use computers to plot land using GPS.]
    • Illnesses & Disease - Caught Red mentioning him wanting to add in environmental diseases. How far this goes is up in the air, yet something that you have to be cautious of when out wandering the scenery, even caught out in the elements. [Once again, assuming similar diseases & illnesses found in Skyrim. Needing some medicine to cure. This could tie in with NPC villages with 'doctors' found there.]
    • Building style - I'm amused and loving how you can build while also using grid forms. Having all sorts of blocks and items to build with that you can go wild with. Being able to rotate and use grid to snap items into positions helps a hell of a lot. Even by dragging-and-dropping allowing one to shorten what would have been more time-consuming. This game allows you to go wild by building whatever you want in a more complex and detailed manner. More so than Minecraft's FTB (Feed The Beast) modpack.
    • Realistic Mobs & Monsters - So far, the game features animals we're familiar with. Things like cows, pigs, foxes, rabbits, mooses, bears, goats, and etc. That in itself is a nice touch. Keeping things to that 'realistic' tone would go a long way in attracting people fatigued by zombies (zombie dogs are a thing), one now should expect to find mostly realistic mobs. Hopefully with signs for 'realistic' fantasy mobs that haven't been used elsewhere, yet can still be explained and eased in by Red and his team. Shall be fun seeing various wildlife and entities roaming about in their actual respective environments and biomes.
    • Sky box - One thing that Rising World needs to do is claim the sky as its own. It needs to populate the sky with birds and the occasional odd entity. Maybe even solar activity of solar flares, astroids, space junk, and auroras. Doesn't have to be much, just enough to keep us entertained without feeling unused.

    Well, so far I find Rising World doing awesomely. I however have to sadly point out once again that NPC Villages & NPCs up should be pushed up on the list, just not priority. Not just NPC Traders, but actual villages you can trade with. I'm seeing this game as a mix of Skyrim & Minecraft, with that alone being enough to be used to attract people into the world wanting AI to interact and partner with. Once we can start surviving, expanding, and colonizing is when this game shall truly shine. Survival mode through farming, building, and keeping resources balanced while keeping illnesses at bay, or so implied by Red's vision. The realism, the building, the survival, the aging, and etc. It all works so nicely right now with it having a great future once more is added. Hopefully actual NPC Villages & AI comrades with proper cargo boats, and crazy detailed weather systems.

    Game still needs aging, yet showing signs of being overly great. Not wanting to pressure Red, just pointing things out while trying to strike more conversation, possibly confusingly.

  • an intersting thought popped into my head while reading your weather comments Arcticukitsu. I wounder if the guys could go as far as having rain run down the glass in the windows, so you can stand and watch the weather from inside on an indoor day of cooking and things. It would be awesome! hail also, tapping on the windows, and the roof collision sounds from bad weather. i have my fingers crossed. hee hee!

  • I have commented on my love of water in previous posts regarding the implementation of water sources. The idea of having rain run down windows or produce and effect of that sort is a lovely idea, but a purely ascetic one.

    Like usual, I seem to agree with this list. Though some of it I think would be more back burner and come later, it should be things for them to think about.

  • Having water run down windows, even other objects, would be sweet. Would help with the immersion, even with the beauty that can expand into images and videos.

    Of course not all at once. I'm not trying to force the Trio into adding it all at once. They can take all the time they need to add what they need, just as long as what's on the features gets added first, our desires, then what I listed above being all our general thoughts and suggestions to make Rising World all that more fun and appealing. As long as this game is made for fun then it'll be fun for us that'll make them proud in return. I'm hoping that they're not going to back out of some features out of fear because they just might make the more fun -- water tends to be the most fearsome element; NPC villages & companions being the second fearsome feature; Snow with accumulation being the next. Granted, programming is a pain in the rear with me being understanding if they don't make it in.

    Hoping to hear more thoughts from people. Maybe I worded things horribly again to find myself in an awkward spot again.

  • I personally think what would make the game more appealing is if it's building system was a lot like Landmarks. Landmark has one of the richest and versatile ways of building I have seen in a crafting game to date. You can do so much with the materials given to you to put them into all kinds of different shapes including water.

  • I think we're all thinking like yourself Arcticukitsu. We're so very excited about this game, and the fact that the Devs actually listen to us, but we're not intentionally trying to force them into any rash decisions at all.

    I think that when the biomes are in, there could, in the far far (farfarfar) future, be some kind of system (i'm using rain as an example again ha!) where the deeper into a forest you are, the sound changes, as opposed to if you're walking along in the open countryside. Like the rain muffles if you're under cover of a thick canopy of trees' branches and leaves, (not as muffled as indoors), but it sounds much more harsh if you're out in the open.

  • I would actually love to see myself in interaction with the when using the axe...i would like to see my arm swinging the axe...or when using a hammer I would like to see my arm swinging the hammer...not just the hammer...this would make the thing more realistic...but...nevertheless...i love the job of our devs so far!!!

  • The guys are working on it. They're planning on revamping the character models so that you can customize your appearance, and wear clothes etc, and i believe that animations are planned alongside this.
    I agree completely! It wouldn't be so....weird. Haa! Seeing an axe on it's own swinging....What the..Haa!

  • Hmm...Sound that actually adapts to the scenery around you. Ya, that needs to happen...if not in Vanilla then at least in mods. Hearing the actual insect in your area, the rain, the animals, monsters, and etc. You should hear what you're seeing. I also agree with that you should be able to see yourself cutting trees, or even pickaxing ore nodes in that Skyrim manner. Both in first & third person manner. I don't want to pressure Red and his two partners, just that Skyrim itself just might be what he wants to use as inspiration; that bar to aim for, even surpassing it while having the most fun he can. That's what we're seeking with most of what we desire coming from that, but actual creative free-roam.

  • I was just looking for the right spot to put my first impressions and feedback for this game without having to start a totally new thread for my first post and I think perhaps this is the place. Thank you for the amazing post.

    First impression:

    1) I watched a few U-tube episodes and loaded into the game . . . first thing I do is chop down a tree and figure out how to pick up logs. Good so far. Then I select my new log and try to place it in the world and . . . instant frustration. I couldn't do anything with the log. I didn't even get the tutorial page for placing things until after I built my crafting bench. It's a simple oversight. As a player I should have just had a great experience that would addict me to the game "I placed something!" it doesn't matter if I'm piling up dirt into a mound, placing logs around a campfire, or putting up a log "pllar" in the world . . . this should have been the first moment of fun putting a smile on my face, and instead I spent a few minutes frustrated thinking I was doing it wrong, and gave up to go explore. Fixing this is a must to get people having fun as early as possible.

    2) I crafted a torch, went into a cave, found some minerals. YAY! So I change from my torch to my pickaxe and . . . instant black out. Great. Good job! So I know I need to place the torch. Normally this would be another moment of frustration and cause me to set aside your game as "bad" but I'd watched some Lets Play videos on U-tube so I knew to make a bracket or torch holder . . . Go back to my work bench, find the right recipe and . . . I need the iron to make the holder, to place the torch, to mine the iron??????????

    I know ores just came out a few days ago and previously there were no requirements here so I'm going to guess this is just another oversight. I'll probably dig a big pit until I uncover some iron or maybe cheat and place a campfire in my cave for some light but . . . it would be nice if next to the torch was a nice "low tech" Tiki-Torch style option, just a big burning stick I could make and place in the ground to light my camp and my first mine until I can get the stuff for more sophisticated lighting solutions.

    3) Speaking of campfires these are currently listed as a fireplace. I'd love to eventually build a fireplace for my cabin but right now I really need a campfire in my camp. It's a tiny typo but I noticed it, felt a brief moment of confusion and moved on. Still it's an easy fix and would make the game a bit simpler to get into.

    4) Pigs . . . the simple farmyard pig is cute but out of place. It seems like I should be able to somehow get this guy for my farm later, perhaps bought form a village, but . . . in the wild I was really expecting to see an angry hairy tusked wild boar, not a chubby little piglet just waiting to provide me with bacon.

    5) The only way I can get sticks is to actually plane a log into lumber and then break that down to get . . . tree branches? Shouldn't I get some sticks when I chop down a tree, and shouldn't I be able to chop down woody bushes and other brush to get these? This again gave me a moment of confusion and frustration as initially I figured I had the basic material (logs) and two options to refine them down to, sticks or lumber. That seemed a bit odd, but it made more sense than somehow magically transforming finished boards from huge logs right into little tree branches that I could then use to make a torch, a shelter, or some other very basic item.

    Current (initial) Wishlist:

    1) Hostile natives . . . not zombies, but actual natives, maybe goblins, or spear chucking cannibals that tear at my construction and try to hunt me. Also to go with them traps, turrets, and other defenses. These hostiles probably should be tied to certain biomes so the player can choose whether or not to face the challenge. Cannibals on a tropical island, goblins in a swamp, etc . . .

    2) WAILA . . . or "What am I looking at" I really miss the little tool tips that the Waila mod adds to Minecraft it's one of those old mods that really seem like they should have been part of the main game if the developer had bothered to "finish" it. This also gives you the opportunity to show health bars for mobs on the tool tip, or little bits of advice on how things are supposed to work, even short jokes.

  • No worries. I was waiting for someone to post so I could post something about the community. Have fun posting :)

    Loosely Summing up Woodbourne's postings:
    1) Having a console Minecraft styled tooltip or tutorial of some sort to know what to do with each block. Minecraft's PC Answer to this was to have a wiki, and a wiki we should have - <- Found this on Reddit. Might want to possibly sneak in a bark scroll nudging players ahead a bit with a basic 'to-do' list, then on having the crafting table/bench do all the work.
    2) I feel this is spoiled by Minecraft. I had to struggle with Skyrim's torch, or none at all, that players can simply get used to improvising or use features as they should. Kick that Minecraft mentality out of your brain and use the stand. Use a flashlight, or those tikki torches. I don't want Red to cave in and ruin this feature with the neat torch stand.
    3) That 'fireplace' typo bugs me also. A 'campfire' should be called campfire, while the house fireplace should be called such.
    4) Pigs in NPC Villages sounds like the way to go, or at least go with a wild boar you can domesticate. Gaining them from NPC villages would be the way to go for providing them with resources. They should be cautiously placed within their pig pan, even having an NPC grant you a little piglet, or how many you were able to barter for.
    5) I can't play the game yet so I can't say. Having logs go into lumbers makes more sense while snapping branches should get you branches. (I'm out on this one).

    1.1) Hostile natives is something we've been trying to push Red into. People native to the land, even fantasy entities, and etc that made themselves at home on the planet we're on. They should be of both techs, even mixed and others for us to mess about with.

    1.2) Tool Tips of with info. Again, I've seen this for Minecraft console, even the modded side of things with it telling you what you're looking at and what you can mind. This would be handy, maybe at the very beginner stage. Would be neat seeing health bars, and etc. If it is added, it should be disabled for normal difficulty and higher.


    - My extended Thoughts:

    I wanted to mention that if people are worried about Rising World to try and contribute whenever they can to boost its worth. Red and his buddies could make the best game they could, yet it could easily still fail within its true release. I doubt that will happen, though there's still a chance it could happen. If people are worried, and they can mod Rising World once it gains actual modding support may want to look into creating the following mod types to bring attention to the game........

    • Pokemon Mod - Not to beat a dead horse silly....Nintendo is being retarded by not giving players what they want and have been vocal about. Players have been requesting a proper free-roamy game with this being suitable for such. Basically inspire from the Pixelmon mod of Minecrat and you'll have a nice glorious game to boast about on both the modding & vanilla side of things.
    • KanColle Mod - One for the Anime side that one should not ignore, even if it is anime. The KanColle community is huge, just a bit on the docile side when it comes to making mods possibly because one could get sued if they made a "paid" game. KanColle is about WW2 Axis ships being turned into gorgeous 2D anime woman (reincarnated into woman because we see ships as woman) with lots of tragic moments being implied and shown. Once they're sunk, they're gone. I won't hold it against anyone if they find it weird, just that it would have happened anyways in both the Asian & Western market. Sadly, there's loads of ship girls and enemy Abyssals to mod in. Lots of work (on the Pokemon level) would have to be added. If great care is placed then the pay-off shall be well worth the risks and rewards. If it's a mod it should be all clear, and quite fun with what Red listed his water style would do. This mod would be in the green once modding support is enabled, more so when we have giant lakes and oceans to let them loose in. (If I could code or mod I would start this up myself.)
    • WW2 Naval Mod - Straight up WW2 with no Anime. This is something I can see Rising World taking advantage of by adding in Canadian, German, Dutch, British, Italian, and Japanese vessels within. I've seen people itching greatly for WW2 naval games, this game also showing signs that it can eventually support such naval chaos once both modding & detailed ocean biomes are added. If they are added. You could easily go up against other players, even enemy vessels on a random encounter (semi-Minecraft spawn style). Going both in surface vessel, even submarine style, would bring loads of interesting fun. If you want to go wild you can add in various float-planes to go hunting with.
    • Extra-Biomes - These mods tend to be a great hit for these kind of games. Adding in all sorts of crazy biomes, even detailed variety ones, goes a long way in expanding the fun. If you're bored of the vanilla then you can venture into the modded biomes, even fantasy ones. Again, having to bring up Minecraft's Mystcraft, Twilight Forest, Aether, ExtraBiomes, and etc added in on the fun and style.
    • Star Wars (Land-mod) - For the fun of it, I thought I'd list this because anything Star Wars tends to go a long way in bringing fun to any game. The default going back to the original Star Wars. Others are also welcome. If you can gain any luck in modding in an AT-ST, AT-AT, or any Rebel equivalent then you can have some pretty interesting sessions to be had. Flying would be a bit tricky, unless you add in Bespin, with space being the next issue. Hence, why I labeled "land-mod" for all the Star Wars land-stuff. All those costumes you can wear, all those furniture, those monuments, and the vehicles you could pilot around. Star Wars: Battlegrounds & Star Wars: Empire at War both being two games to inspire from to carry into the game.
    • Busou Shinki - Another Anime belonging to the overly hated, evil, and corrupted Konami. I've been wanting to make a Busou Shinki mod for Minecraft, yet failed. Been wanting to add in little 15cm tall battle robots from Konami's line into Minecraft, now into here with me irritated I can't handle coding efficiently. Tackle this and you just might gain a large enough following for how Busou Shinki units tend to behave: Free-thinking, both battling and casual use (non-battle & non-perverted), able to be customized, and able to do combat. Some can even fly, swim, and even cut things. They just might be the little helpers you're looking for. For those that do mod this shall gain a nice amount of respect that Konami never gain their fanbase. You would be doing people a large favour that you just might be considered a god :P(I want to mod this the mod, but too retarded for both MC & RW's style of modding.)
    • SkyBiome - This being loosely tied into #4, yet something sandbox games tend to ignore because we're that much of a land-lover. Minecraft mods bit into this quite a bit, just not enough to gain full attention. Aether (Heaven mod) was the only one that truly gained my attention. If someone could mod in biomes, creatures, and mounts then they would be doing Rising World a great service, one that goes ignored by others. Being able to explore a biome above you goes along way in adding into the fun, the lore, and adventures people tend to tell. [Bonus if you can have the biome fade in and out of people's vision by making it go invisible from distances by only keeping colourful auroras.]
    • Follower/Comrade Mod - Even though Red was hesitently warm to the idea, I feel that we shall be needing a complex "Followers" mod for people. Basically one where you could befriend stranded and wandering NPCs to your group, maybe even on a limit to how many you can have tagged onto your player. What would they do? (Search up "Littlemaidsmod" for reference; I never played with it, yet wanted to.) They would fish for you, harvest food for you, and even cook for you. They shouldn't do more than that in chores. As for fighting, they should join you while tending to both their and your health, thirst, and equipment durability.
    • (Rising World is still far too young so there's no telling if, and when it shall gain mods. You would be doing other Rising World fans if you could tackle at least one of these 'major' mods, even other communities. You would attract and respect from those you never expected. My respects goes out to those that do mod. I'm wishing RW would release some sort of user-friendly mod tool so I could do some modding of my own instead of appearing like I'm barking orders.)

    Well, for the modders in the community......You have the power to make & break Red's game so wield your powers responsibly. You can make Rising World far more awesome, or you can force the gamers to stick to Rising World. I do hope you use your skills for the 'greater good' by tackling at least one of the above, or one of your original mods. I know it's also too soon to be nudging you into this so I'll wait till 2016, or even 2017 for all the modding support and nudgings. I hope I don't have to request people to do what's listed above with them just doing what they love on their own. Best fun comes when people do things on a whim also, and I am looking forward to what people have to mod when this game matures to that point.

    (I'll be honest and say that #2 & 6 having a love-bias on my end. Having those two though should boost Rising World's popularity by a noticeable amount, more so on the Japanese side...That is if Red wants a nice Japanese following. There's a nice big chunk around the world for Busou Shinki also.....)

    /salute to modders

  • I've been playing and following the forum for the past day . . .

    1) I missed the "garden torch" because it isn't listed under a name I'm familiar with; but also because it is listed only in the crafting tables menu. When I first start digging into the ground with my initial pick axe most likely I haven't gotten a work bench set up and some sort of settled area . . . I'm looking for light options like the garden torch that I can put together with my campfire (fireplace) and early shelter. I still haven't figured out how to pick up a work table and the Youtube series I've been watching also seems to suggest it isn't (or wasn't I'm a few updates back in the videos) something he could do, so I'd rather avoid a work bench until after I'm ready to really settle down.

    2) It's good to know the wiki exists but . . . I hesitate to support it. The option of going to an out of game wiki is about equivalent to having to learn the game by watching Youtube videos. Especially in a survival game part of the fun is figuring out how to survive on your own, and having the game help you through the basics . . . what am I looking at? Why can't I place down a log?

    3) The hunger and thirst icons go from green to red, and while I like it this takes some getting used to. For hard core survivalists an option to replace the icons with numbers would be nice so I could see how fast things drop more easily. Similarly I fell into a hole and got a broken bone icon but I couldn't get any information on it, and it didn't seem to effect my character at all. Seeing it made me very excited followed by . . . it must be another thing that will be finished and implemented in the future.

    4) People on the forum let me know about the L for light and F2 to cheat keys and it was hugely disappointing. The hard core survivor in me doesn't want to press L for light, he wants to craft a light right off the bat. Similarly I can dig my way out of a hole without having to fly; and it would be nice to see ropes made out of grass fibers, or even stick ladders being able to be crafted in the small crafting list in my inventory. It's still early in development but these "cheats" may detract from development simply because people use them to avoid really testing the problems, other people make fun of those of us who refuse to play any way but "legit" as being unoptimal, and of course few people are pushing for solutions to problems that were already solved by such a bandage solution. They may even cry when/if such a solution is removed.

    5) I notice a spot for "equipment" in my inventory and I thought maybe I could place my torch there, or move my pickaxe and axe there for quick use but . . . it didn't work. I'm not sure what this is for or how to use it. Again the wiki probably would tell me, but that takes me out of the game and kills immersion Minecraft style.

    6) I was very impressed by the very fast, very deadly bear who has killed me twice now. However even with L turned off there is really nothing scary about the night, this would be a great place for some realistic fantasy nocturnal predators to come into play.

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