Mount Suggestions - Riding Mooses

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  • Seeing as how Horses and camels have been 'teased' in desire, I'm now wanting to suggest being able to mount Mooses. I'm seeing images of people actually doing it so it wouldn't be all that strange. It would be perfectly fine with only a saddle, even some of those 'gold digger' type supply bags while using their antlers as the main weapon in jousting. My Canadian side kind of wants Mooses to be treated as mounts in a vanilla sense, also for RCMP stereotypical manners. I would actually like to show you the image that actually made me want to ride Mooses in games but I can't find it. Lost somewhere on deviantart in that pre-colonization tone in full Canadian colours. Was neat.

    Horses I expect to find anywhere that's green; Camels in deserts; Mooses in same region as horses, just in forested areas.

    You can choose what you want in your area, and how survival goes about it. If Rising World is indeed free then I do hope to have the option of mounting Mooses, even using them as mini supply transports. Even armed 'merchants'. I wouldn't expect wagons and such. If necessary, Mooses could be used to haul supplies in more frigid (cold) areas by pulling sleighs of either people (NPCs & players), or even supplies. That I wouldn't mind, if wanting to make possible in vanilla itself.

    [Edit: I guess mount means wall mounts, which is also fine. I meant more in the context of "Mount", as in mounting a vehicle; Riding them.]

    1)…oose-in-a-Lake-110009.jpg - (For fun image one)
    2) -> Still looking for that main image <-

  • Ah, mentioning Frozen makes my ears bleed. I hate thatmovie, also because I have an 'original character' on a similar line as what's in Frozen....Also, over hyped to hell for me.

    But ya, glad this is being viewed warmly. Trying to suggest this on a nice fun 'serious' and realistic tone. Won't suggest riding cows, though I'll suggest riding Oxen. Mooses seems like something a European native probably has done by now, let alone an Alaskan and Canadian. I'm aware that a Finnish person done so already.

    (Riding chickens should be amusing if shrunken in size from a witch's potion, or similar.)

  • Haa! That song.....maaan it's been played so much i wake up at night screaming...(ha!not really) The kids love it though don't they. I work as a student at a nursery, and the kids just sing their hearts out to that song (let it go?) and the actions and everything are so dramatic...even for kids. haaa!
    Shrunken by a witch's potion? I love it! Get it on the game Red right now...Haa! These kinds of comical things would give Rising World much more personality, as i believe that if it just goes down the path of ultra realistic, i fear that it will become boring very quickly. Why not add some fun into it? it can still be realistic to a point can it not? Haa!

  • Mooses? Just moose. Thought you were Canadian eh? :P

    It would be silly to ride a moose, but really they would kick your ass. There are not an animal to mess with and can be more aggressive then bears at times, especially if you have a dog with you.


    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • @Ozzy: That song and that movie,.......All it does is prove to me USA has nothing worthwhile in media that they try to latch onto anything fun. Same for Canada. Europe is more lucky. Asia has lots to have fun with. I just hate Frozen while I love Star Wars & Star Trek. I remember watching those Viking cartoons that were turned into Kinderegg toys and such.

    Would be amusing if Rising World had a funny bone of some sort. Being able to shrink you to ride chickens, or something on a similar note. Whatever you can think of that may sound better. RW may need a funny bone to keep things amusing.


    @ZaCormyr Oh, I am...I guess more along the lines of a rejected Canadian. Just that it's hard to get along with people locally, even if they're kind. (Not to bring up a sob story to your joke. Just ya...)

    I guess it would be when you try to think purely on horses & camels. Have to keep in mind that people (First Nations & natives on the land) make use of any animal for any. They'll steal a baby to bread them into, or help them when abandoned, or assist an injured for long-term gain. It's only silly because you're wanting it to be silly. I remember how the Chinese were silly with their Oxen, and Indians with their Elephants. I'm passed that now heh. Having Moose, as aggressive as they are, as mounts would still be worthwhile.

    Maybe I'm too serious this time around (look up to cold cloudy weather).

  • Yeah just teasing ya eh.

    I don't think using moose as a mount would work just because RW seems more realistic in that way.

    The natives never breed moose or rode them, just hunted them but yes used every part, there was no waste. Anyway, in a silly and fun way it would be fun to have a moose mount. Especially if you could make it charge into other players. :D

    Cloudy weather doesn't have to equal no smiles eh! :P Just ask the plants!

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • A'moose'ing.

    I guess that's your vote :). I'm still strongly sided on wanting to have Moose as mounts; Both seriously & half seriously. A wide world to use at your finger tips to use whatever you can, or want. Bonus points if Red does consider Moose to be mounts, even having them joust.

    I guess, on the breeding part. I am however positive that riding a Moose has been a thing, even in the past. Hard to keep track when people didn't want to keep track of things so I'm sure it happened, even in Europe. Europe especially, more so modern times.

    Now I guess I have to wait and see how this holds up with time, and if Red wants to be kind enough to gift me, and us, this option.

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