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  • I've read a lot of threads around here about 'mobs' and things, and what about if it was part of the character's phychological breakdown.
    The more you survive horrific events, the more creepy and inexplicable things happen.
    I'm not talking about monsters, or anything which comes running at you.
    I'm talking along the lines of: you begin hearing these strange sounds, you turn round to look, but there's nothing there.
    It's that something just at the corner of your vision, that unknown horror, leading the player to decide what is hunting them.
    That way we never have the same mob. ever! We all have our own separate imaginations, so the 'mob' would,be separate too. I'm not sure how it would progress really, but i think that it might be interesting.

  • I personally would not really like it, unless I want to play that game type.

    But, perhaps this could be done via scripts at some point; being able to play sound from a 3D point of origin from the player. This would totally allow scripts to create different environment... even set custom sounds at a given location (i.e. a radio playing music, a machine making noise, etc.)

    Just not as a core game type. Let the community mod the game through API :)
    My opinion.

  • Well, people shall say they don't like it but learned to 'adapt' to the Enderman & Creeper's presence. I also would say that I hated it, yet would welcome it to also spite those that constantly whine and moan how updates ruin the past updates in other communities :P (Rainy weather so darker thoughts)

    I would approve of this. I guess people would be comparing this with "Five Nights at Freddies" with how you hallucinate when air circulation cuts out.

    I wonder if I should tie this in with the ghosts mobs I really want in this game, even with the elemental snow mob that dances and stalks players. Also being the type that stalks the player with more intensity the more he survives horrors, as you said Ozzy, to try and find cures to dispel the unseen horrors of the world. It also make sense from the standpoint of Red wanting to add in environmental diseases so having mental horrors needing medicine should help counter-attack the issue.

  • Like I said, it would make things easier for everyone, including the devs, if scripters would have more API to make this sort of ambiance themes.create/remove sound objects at a given coordinates, moveable

    • create/remove 3D models with or without collision detection / physics
    • create/remove lights (with RGB spec)
    • create/remove shaders
    • etc

    Then, all the devs need to do is implement in-game features, add contents, etc. Bottom line, let players customize the game :)

  • I've read a lot of threads around here about 'mobs' and things, and what about if it was part of the character's phychological breakdown.
    The more you survive horrific events, the more creepy and inexplicable things happen.
    I'm not talking about monsters, or anything which comes running at you.
    I'm talking along the lines of: you begin hearing these strange sounds, you turn round to look, but there's nothing there.
    It's that something just at the corner of your vision, that unknown horror, leading the player to decide what is hunting them.
    That way we never have the same mob. ever! We all have our own separate imaginations, so the 'mob' would,be separate too. I'm not sure how it would progress really, but i think that it might be interesting.

    You should try Don't Starve.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Haa! Yeah thanks Zacormyr. I've seen bit of it, and particularly like the animation and style of the water waves: like bits of card overlapping. haa! I thought about buying it.....but i don't believe i'd last a single night. haaa!

  • I do, yet don't want to make a new thread so I'm just going to hi-jack this. We also did loosely talk about this but I just had a thought that should at the very least be considered......I know that Zacormyr had similar thoughts, or maybe it was Ozzy instead. Either way, it's something that seems important that it should be considered for roleplay and/or lore purposes. Yes, it is that important.

    - Mob Enteries & Archives - Snippets:

    You know how Skyrim has books, right? You know how you can read of lore and such? Rising World needs something similar, just in a more 'brief' manner (wish I could find that skirt quote of keeping things short and informed). If we do get books, and if we can interact with them, then we should be able to add onto one default book from almost the get-go. We should be able to find shreds of paragraphs that we can then piece into the book like a puzzle piece. Think of finding pieces of information that you can add into this book like in a Nintendo Streetpass manner for that Plaza area. If that doesn't click, then Pokemon Pokedex, or even a brief visual information in KanColle I'm about to show you.....

    Yuudachi Kai Ni Data by SubTrance, on Flickr

    (I do apologise that it's Japanese, but it's something I need to use as an example. It basically states how Yuudachi (based on the WW2 Japanese warship) participated in WW2 while also showing the art and the stats. Even the alternate art. It even has a voice clip....)

    I'm mainly suggesting this in a serious tone for lore-building material for within the game to also have stored in your home's library. Something for the collectors also. It also gives players something to aim for in a semi-story or goal manner. You're basically giving them snippets of the world's information to display about Wolves, bears, goats, zombie dogs, and any other more fantasy-realistic entity in the world. It may seem trivial, yet it's something that is overly important. Many small things add to the whole picture.

    I also say that keeping it to snippets enteries that players can stitch together in a book would be far more engaging then sitting there reading a heavy Skyrim lore book. There are players that do read through them, just not myself who tests stuff out. This also being for the kids who find genuine fun as to not off-put the actual fun kids from this game.

    [In short: Being able to find snippets of information on entities in the world from dungeons, intelligent humanoids, and NPC Villagers to piece information together in an archive book listing entities. Piecing things together like a puzzle to learn more about them. Having sketches, paragraphs about them, possibly even storage devices of sound-clips for modern era collection. Examples of entries from: Skyrim (yet short), KanColle, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Gameboy games with Pokedex, and any game with a basic listing of what entities they found and are.]

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