Spelling Error - Aluminum

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  • The title says it all. I hate making a thread to address such a trivial issue but I didn't want to see the error missed for the next update. Aluminum is currently spelled as aluminium in the game. When using console commands, it will be confusing for many.

    As a second suggestion, maybe we could have a sticky thread for minor bugs/spelling errors such as the one I've pointed out, so that we don't need to create a thread to address small issues. It doesn't matter to me, but I feel like I'm cluttering the boards with my threads.


    "Building Better Worlds"
    - Weyland Yutani

  • In American English it's indeed "Aluminum", while it's "Aluminium" in British English. Quite confusing :S
    The bugtracker will be ready very soon btw., it's really no problem if you create new threads for those things until then :)

  • That's embarrassing. I usually take pride in my spelling/writing abilities but, I'll admit, I did not know that there was an alternative spelling for the word aluminum. I guess I learned something today.

    "Building Better Worlds"
    - Weyland Yutani

  • Yup, both are fine - https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Aluminium - I say it as the "aluminium" because it's what stuck. Aluminum is also fine. Amusing typos. I always lay the blame on the Americans because of their stubborn Fahrenheit silliness. Same with the miles & etc. When in doubt, go British :P.

    I guess the bit we can be picky about would be mixing up - you're & your; there & their; which & witch; Whether & weather. There's quite a bit more, the common ones however being "your" with people getting quite defensive saying you shouldn't correct them & etc.

  • Title says it all. We (Americans) are the only people who spell it "aluminum." Brits, Germans, French, etc. all spell it "aluminium."

  • "Title says it all. We (Americans) are the only people who spell it "aluminum." Brits, Germans, French, etc. all spell it "aluminium."

    I'm Canadian, so we'll lump this into a North American category rather than just Americans :D

    "Building Better Worlds"
    - Weyland Yutani

  • Canada is in America as well :P

    North America, yes XD. I want nothing to do with USA after all their provocations & hair-splitting issues. I'd love Canada to be closer to Europe or Japan while USA far south as possible. Aluminium. I can still happy say such. I'm so glad Canada is still Canada, if constantly being pushed & shoved by the southern neighbors in a rude manner. :/

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