ArcticuKitsu's Wishlist/Suggestion

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-02)
  • Looking at Rising World obtaining its new multiplayer update just showed something other people don't really experience. Maybe a small percetange, or a larger quieter percentage. Who knows. I've basically poked everyone in my social circle if they wanted to play (one chimed in), I however had nobody who wanted to play when I desired to playtest. That pissed me off. Things aren't as they used to be. Guess multiplayer is out of the question for me for awhile..... RIP.

    That frustrated the hell out of me to the point I'm back to desiring for 'NPC Companions', on a follower/helper/human side of things.

    I don't want to pressure Red51, just noting my frustration today. Then Train Life (new game) trapped me in its game with delays and bugs forcing me to push Genshin Impact later into the night. The things I do to test games and feedback. Feedbacked 'Train Life', wanted to for Rising World. Train Trial trapped me in with all its stupid bugs which are being hopefully fixed next day over.

    We severely need NPC companions for Rising World........... Humanoid ones. Animal ones are great, human helpers are far more necessary. Sorry for sounding like a broken record. This update highlighted that fact. I'm posting it here instead of the thread it needs to be because I don't want to taint that thread as I have done others. I'm not touching the thread until I can offer proper feedback.

    NPC companions, or bust......

  • You were just unlucky. When the update came out red also started a test server everyone can join.

    So i have tried server and p2p.
    Works well.

    As for area protection and permissions I'll leave that to the ones with more experience to try it within the next few days and weeks

  • You were just unlucky. When the update came out red also started a test server everyone can join.

    So i have tried server and p2p.
    Works well.

    As for area protection and permissions I'll leave that to the ones with more experience to try it within the next few days and weeks

    Unlucky? Yes. People being busy, also yes. My trusty partner in crime was MIA so that ruined things also.

    I'm happy it works well, as it should. I wanted to get the feel of it, to stress test, and to see if I can get someone to help me make stairs to the seabed from the mountain. Not really a priority, I guess. If I had NPCs (like Minecraft's Redstone Turtles) I would have instructed them to build for me. I'm still a bit peeved hoping we shall get NPCs, sorry to Red51 for the constant broken record nudging. This situation again highlighted a void that I respectfully hope Red51 is able to fill in, even on a basic level.

    The nitty gritty stuff I tend to leave for other people, unless I can grasp it.

  • Alright, I guess I'll just put this here in case Red51 finds this interesting. I won't make a thread. Just haste posting.

    Once again, sorry for the spam but I need somewhere to put this. Guns gain a special effect on HUD.

  • Yeah, with how 2020 effected things it really shook things up in a unique way. I think I'll be favouring singleplayer experiences while desiring simple co-op experiences if the Single player experiences still suffer. Life itself dictated that multiplayer shouldn't be a thing anymore for me so I guess I'll make use of 'steam friends' function whenever possible instead of dedicated servers, etc. I can't host servers anymore with the inactivity and how I can't trust certain people anymore. Times and priorities change...... People are more hidey, etc. Work, life.

    I'll be desiring the NPC buddy feature more and more as each update releases hoping that the NPCs shall eventually help me out in my adventure. Apologies in advance, again. It's a necessity. Basic or advanced AI, whatever Red51 can muster out of his coding. Crafting, singleplayer oriented features,... I'll be favouring singleplayer features hoping I won't feel as loneely there. Certain life situations changed my priorities so I'm hoping Rising World shall eventually have a strong singleplayer experience as it would with SMP (Survival Multiplayer; co-op) when it comes to Rising World.

    I'll be far more picky about what multiplayer servers I go to (most likely expecting a vice-versa response also) hoping NPCS can fill in any voids, crafting, building, vehicles, trains. and etc. Every time I try to settle down on a multiplayer server things go "poof", or stupid crap happens. Sometimes I even spread myself too thin over many worlds and games. I hope singleplayer shall be prioritized to make it "homely". Having been indirectly shunned from multiplayer I can't wait to see what singleplayer Rising World has to offer. NPCS, other features, etc. The only thing wrong with Rising World is making the Rising World feel "alive" and "whole". Having NPCs to accompany you would help, as with having 'MIllionaire' mod, or something along those lines. Whatever the roadmap has for Unity, I'll take it.

    If this still sounds the same of what I said previously, maybe it is. Like my Minecraft SMP pubic experiences I often times hid in private servers. Every time I venture into public or rely on other people I always get punished. I just want to enjoy Rising World for its own thing. I hope Rising World can be both what Red51 desires as well as my own.

    Maybe I should go on a hiatus until the next update releases and maybe the Steam Deck. I should follow in another regular's footsteps. I really do hope and wish for a very good immersive singleplayer experience which doesn't force you into SMP as Minecraft had done. Now more than ever, especially with 2020 happenings, 2021 public frustrations.... It's harder to co-op and etc than ever. Friends are hiding more often, people are frustrated, and different priorities. I'm thankful for the update, just... Relying on people tends to cause bridges to burn spontaneously, especially 2020 onwards. Constantly blaming and shaming. I just want to enjoy Rising World wishing other game developers out there knew how to make games with certain features, etc. I wish content creators wouldn't play with politics forcing people into another regional area of the world to play games/watch media on a more free and casual manner as media should have been prior to playing with political fire. Gaslighting and voiding mine and other people's feedback simply makes me crankier. I just wish for things to be more natural..........

    Constant frustration with everything wishing games were "pure" again, as in the past. Maybe wearing rosy nostalgic glasses, games from the past are favoured for a reason. I'm just constantly frustrated and livid with many things wishing for things to be "more natural".

  • Something I've been waiting for a long time is trains. I hope we can eventually get this whenever it's ready :) No rush, I'm just noting this so I don't lose this

    Saw this tweet on my timeline so I wanted to make note of it before it vanished on me. Automated minecarts would be nice hooking it up to a player, NPC, or even motorized cable system. Could use a nearby river to power it, and eventually into diesel and electric.

    I hope we can have a medieval version of this with wooden planks, beams, rope, and turning gear systems.


    - Expeditions/Commissions:

    Another thing to note NPC wise would be 'expeditions', though not necessary or a high priority. Just noting it.

    The jist of 'expeditions' (or commissions) is sending your NPCs out on an errand (on a timer) to find various materials and resources. I desired this for Rising World for Java version ,it was never done. I was constantly ghosted preventing it from happening. If we do obtain NPCs it be nice to see them actually do work for you, even if behind the scenes in an illusion-type manner. Give them a waypoint to depart and set off from while possibly even giving them tools, vehicles, mounts, etc for various rewards.

    My examples come from Genshin Impact (above), Azur Lane, KanColle, and even Star Wars The Old Republic MMO, among others.

    When Rising World and Red51 allows it would be a neat system to have. Seeing as how I'm constantly making more enemies and being viewed in a more negative light because people can't understand me, viewing me as arrogant (etc), it be nice to have NPCs fill in various voids to where people/players spawn voids. It would even flesh out singleplayer.

    I've been desiring NPCs in games for the longest time with Starbound, Skyrim, Star Wars Galaxies, Dragon's Dogma and those sorts being my void fillers. Minecraft & Rising World both beg for NPCs. I know I keep saying it, I'm sorry to Red51 and his crew...... There is a clear void. I'll be as patient as possible while noting things when they're fresh..

    Back to lurking.:silenced:

  • - Custom Avatars & Custom NPCS:…ayer-with-valheimvrm-mod/

    Something I've been going on ever since 2015 is seeing Rising World with NPCs, even having deep customization of NPCs. Been going on about this waiting for at least one game to fill in this necessary void. Not to pester Red51, it's just a necessity created by both the genre and Minecraft's lacking elements. Being able to import your own models for your own character, something other games have been picking up on ever since VRChat and Tower Unite have enabled is something Rising World severely needs. Maybe importing custom characters has occurred even earlier, popularized heavily by VRChat, though importing your own models is something even Skyrim benefitted from, more specifically the NPC side of things. Ever since 2015 (and even earlier) I've strongly desired a proper game (survival game) to allow us to have humanoid companions join us to fill in those loose voids other games had done. You know, 'Black & White' with the pets, Skyrim with the mods, Dragon's Dogma with the Pawns, Starbound with recruitable NPCs, among others.

    Once again, I apologize to Red51 for constantly being obnoxious about this, just that Rising World is lagging behind when compared to VRChat, Tower Unite, and other games having certain features Rising World should have with or without me on her suggesting things. Granted, he's rebuilding his game for Unity. That's fair. Hopefully with time everything shall find its way into the game.

    Valheim is another game allowing players to swap their own player model for custom characters using the 'VRM mod'.

    This severely needs to be done for our own models, as well as NPCs we desire to be in the game. Rising World should tackle and add things Minecraft and Mojang/Microsoft failed to do themselves. Rising World is a beast of its own.

    I was made aware of this via the VRChat community having added their own VRChat models into Valheim, something we need done for Rising World, when the time is right. I'll solely keep this requested, and highly desired feature, for the NPC side. If people don't want it, or to limit imported models they can always use filters to disable it.

    Zentreya is one of the folks having added their own model into Valheim using the 'VRM mod'.

    I've been tempted in trying out this game to see how Rising World could learn from this, IF it even wants to. Maybe I'm just too tunnel-visioned with Rising World. I've even suggested this to Red51 numerous times in many different ways. I know, main game first THEN we shall get these sort of features. It's "ready when it's ready".......


    Between 2015 and 2020 I've been testing various games to see their strong and weak points. I've suggested numerous features from Wurm, Starbound, Dragon's Dogma, My Island, among others. Even Mount & Blade for how horses should have pre-set speeds placed onto them for some 'AFK' type auto-walk. I was disappointed not finding horses (or even character) having auto-walk when noting 'Kingdom' game and 'Mount & Blade' having such a feature for their mounts. No offense from me, I'm just trying to help Rising World become the best game out there while doing things other games are afraid of doing, or venturing towards. Not wanting to be arrogant, it's just how one comes off as when trying to see the most potential out of something which great potential. I just wish for at least one game do fill in the necessary voids with both Rising World and Valheim competing in that spot. Conan Exile cheated with NPCs and everything else.

    As for all my other suggestions? Those are joke features. If it relates to Nier Automata, or anything of that sort it's a joke. If it's trains, boats, or NPCs then they're genuinely serious.

  • - "Amusement Elements & Softer Animations":

    Not sure how to title this, except for the above. I don't expect Rising World to have these elements, it however would be nice so I'll mention it here while I can. It be nice if we could obtain "softer" animations for this game when it comes to the female side of the game. More charm, lady-like, "softer", "elegant", and whatever else. Red51 is already there with running, and certain other elements. The game however needs more.

    I play a lot of anime games so I see feminine charm turned up a lot to make the game more appealing, and charming. Even more so when the real world works against us these games are used as escapism to keep that little bit of positivity left in the world.

    I'm basically asking for "softer" animations and more "for fun" elements, the anime way. The following images are from a game called 'Kurtzpel' celebrating Christmas 2021. I hate this game, I hate how it exploited its playerbase, yet love the "soft" anime way of things.





    If anything is deemed unworth of steam then simply dump it onto, similar to my other request of zombies, magic, dragons, etc.

    A game should return to having its fun elements, as with the paper mask we had, the soccerball and net, among other cool features. Red51 has the mindset to allow this to happen so it is open invitation, everything however depends on him. Just view any Japanese game (Nier Automata, etc) then you should get a good idea.

    I'm always open to clarify. Just ask and I'll provide clarity, sources, etc.

  • There's a discussion on the Steam forums about music. I want to share a few Genshin Impact related musical elements for that discussion.


    - Player Instruments and Automated Instruments (Rehash):…ons/0/6202034231176972838

    Being able to play any instrument, other than Piano. Being able to apply a music map on guitars, trumpets, flutes, etc. A desired requests was for it to be automated like in Cyberpunk game, while my requests would cover both requests under variety of instruments, manual and autoplay using music sheets. The standard request as previously requested years ago. To play music automatically one could compose a musical sheet (editing it with notes) to then have the instrument (or NPC with instrument) play the desired music.

    The following images are from Genshin Impact's latest event dealing with an Oni character hosting a drumming festival, and another dealing with the Zyther instrument.

    Character is 'Kuki Shinobu' from a recent gacha wishing pull. I got lucky.

  • For the "fun of it" It be amusing to see more exagerated character animations. Not now, but whenever. Even via modding.

    For example.

  • That moment where I'm left waiting, and waiting, and waiting for other games to do simple things and it just doesn't happen. Then, when it does happen it's always left out of reach, done wrongly, or just improperly implemented. This post also served as a self-note for me to make note of something I want to add into Rising World via modding purposes. As such with NPCs, I would also love the ability to add in vehicles other developers have been cutting corners to implement into Rising World using Rising World's eventual API.


    Importing NPCs models (VRoid, VRM, etc):

    Basicacally importing models using the VRM, Vroid, and other similar ways to make use of in Rising World. The game already has a system set up to handle various files VRM and other files use, just need to make them fully compatible Rising World side. Have a support system for Pixiv's Booth store site.

    (This has been discussed with Red51, only making note of it. Do not quote or reply to this, we've already touched upon this a few times with no need to be the dead horse. I'm only noting it to keep things noted. I'll wait for the NPC Update and the necessary API stuff.)


    Importing Objects, Vehicles, and etc:

    Similar to NPCs, it would be handy to import vehicles, objects, and other sorts into the game in a similar manner to the above. It had been done with furniture in Java, needs to be expanded upon for Unity version. I'm constantly getting peeved off with developers and gamers making up lame excuses as to why something can't be done in games forcing me to ask Rising World for its compatibility. Rising World already had a cars plugin, we need a more powerful API for it.

    I have various vehicles I would love to import into Rising World if Red51 can't implement it himself. I'm just fed up with other game developers being idiotic preventing me from connecting with various vehicles.

    Land Vehicle:

    For tanks it would be a bonus, though not necessary, if tanks could fire from their turret. These vehicles could stay passive as museum pieces. Various vehicles I could probably find online, or just have someone rip them from War Thunder.

    • Ram 1 & 2 tank
    • Skink


    Various boats I desire, yet am not allowed to have thanks to various game developers fearing what they shouldn't fear. I simply desire them to be controllable, can float. Would be a bonus if they could fire weaponry, though don't expect it. Can be basic turret firing, or none at all.

    I have access to a free model of a WW2 era Tribal Class Destroyer. Making it pilotable for Rising World should be an interesting task, if given permission to do so on Red51's side via API, etc. Even if they're generic, I would love to have them in vanilla form.



    This last one is for Red51 to use if he ever needs a schematic for a fishing boat. Free of charge. Sorry for the blurriness, I do hope it serves you well, Red51.

  • Having some fun with more Asian oriented games finding neat features which would compliment Rising World in interesting ways. The better its implemented into Rising World the more fun it shall be.

    Genshin Impact - Four Leaf Sigil:

    Think of the hook used in the 'Zelda - Ocarina of Time' (N64), or any hook-shots to travel around the terrain. Even Spider-man web-swinning, if it helps you imagine it better. It's a bit annoying to use in Genshin Impact having to be timed properly, though when it works it works great.

    Explains how to use the 'Four-Leaf Sigil'.

    When you connect one with the next you end up feeling like Spider-man. Having this feature in Rising World as a hook shot would be acceptable, though being able to place or even mod them in would be an even more interesting way to get around. If we want to tie it into Rising World lore they could probably even be tied to the potential Fantasy Biome, Red51 willing.

    I'm getting far too "spoiled" by Asian games, but not in the "spoiled" term. It's just more fun being able to do more fun things.

  • Alright, in response to people being desiring to censor other people's gaming clients universally (not their own client), even villainize me just because they can't get their own way, I'm kinda forced to re-clarify and re-elaborate in this posting. Maybe it'll be ignored, maybe it'll be read, maybe it'll be purposely misread with people being stupidly emotional. Everything still on Red51 if he wants to add it or not, he IS the captain of this ship. I'm also still willing to offer money for various features (past and present) if it's features I enjoy. I want to support Red51 where able.


    - Zombies - They should be hosted on, externally, so it stays out of the game yet is still accessible to those who want it. It's out of sight, out of mind, yet still there. Once downloaded people can have their zombie fun the way they want. The more customizable it is the more entertaining it could be. Everything is EXTERNAL, not in Rising World itself.

    - Fantasy Biomes - Red51 desired this back in 2015 in a now-deleted/hidden thread, also could be potentially hosted on '' allowing people to venture through Red51's desired (2015) plans, whatever those fantasy biomes may be. It's his desire, he should be well allowed to do whatever he wants with it. People shouldn't censor him.

    - Pirates/Enemy Boats - Red51 confirmed plans/desires of pirates at sea, I'm eager to see this through. Let us have fun on the high seas! Potential threats missing in Java shall find its way into Unity. Excellent. Hope the loot factor shall be rewarding.

    - Raccoons poking into storage containers - It's still a thing and I wish Red51 well on this. Raccoons were noted in stealing from storage containers with thoughts of only taking low-grade items. Maybe simplified foods, such as apples, melons, and the like. Nothing cooked.


    As I've said before if players want to censor Rising World, purposely misread postings, tantrum then maybe Red51 should simply host these features on People refuse to comprehend the whole '' part simply wanting to censor Red51's game through-and-through. That's not how this works. If you're offended about mobs then filter it on YOUR end, not other people's clients. Filter the game on YOUR end, NOT OUR end. Red51 shouldn't be afraid of adding features into Rising World, not like with what happened to Blockscape being hate-mobbed into negative reviews shoving the developer off Steam Forums and onto Twitter. Seeing this on Steam forums is depressing.

    Whatever feature you struggle with I'm willing to offer cash to help add into game, as long as it's something I can actually donate to Red51.

    Rising World should be free adding features HE wants. Yes, give feedback, but for the love of god do NOT universally censor features because it offends you. Think rationally. People are in the - "give an inch, they'll take a mile" - mindset failing to realize they can filter it out on THEIR end. It's disturbing. I genuinely feel bad for Red51, even how I'm having to vent at these people. They just don't get it, most likely intentionally so just so I can even appear as a villain to them.

  • - NPC Companions:

    I'm well aware I've noted this more times than I should have, I however have something that could probably inspire Rising World's NPCs to be helpful and unique in their own way. I hope we can have a way to command NPCs in a similar manner to how we can in this 'Forest' game that has been shared by another community member.

    The time-stamp is from 1:30 till 3:50 mark, for reference.


    • You "rescue" Kelvin. He's mute, he however helps. (Rescue was a part of my suggestion for RW Companions.)
    • Extremely helpful (Gathers materials & fights). He gathers logs, chops trees, etc.
    • Does his own things at his own pace. He rests when he desires, seeks water when thirsty; He helps on his own terms (independent).
    • Commands issued via notepad with semi-preset commands which can rotate like a combination lock. (Quick-select options)
    • He becomes upset if you treat him poorly.
    • Shot to the head kills him outright. No revives.
    • One Kelvin per player, though Rising World has the benefit of assigning players their version & quantity of NPCs
    • Other companions you can find with their unique traits (something Rising World severely needs to tap into; View point 1 in brackets).
    • Virginia - mutant AI, personality of a skittish cat which can be tamed/befriended over time. She can be overly loyal if you treat her properly. (elusive & independent cat personality)
    • Kelvin is shown pointing at enemies nearby (Imagine AI shouting out or directing your attention to nearby NPCs)

    Going back to my initial suggestions & requests, I genuinely would love NPC Companions, whom one could be assigned to our character by default (Dragon's Dogma style), or many that we can rescue through bandit, pirate, enemy camps, or wrecks. Being able to rescue one, or a few to join your settlement while relying on basic AI is fine enough in Rising World terms. Attack, farm, build blueprints, or join you in combat (the basics) is fine enough. Recruiting default NPCs from settlements is also fine, I however would prefer more personal companions, hence my constant suggestions. I had the most fun when companions were the most helpful in games, such as Skyrim and Dragon's Dogma. I'm expecting Rising World's potential NPC Companions to be fairly basic, hopefully as helpful as both Skyrim & Dragon's Dogma. Maybe even on the same level as 'Sons of the Forest'. I don't want to play with those mutants (May have to seek mods to disable them), I however would prefer those same companions features in Rising World. Not to be a pest by rehashing, only sharing by providing more references for inspirational purposes.

    Being able to alter their appearance, what they wear, and etc would also help. Importing models using the .VRM or .fbx format (from other sites or Pixiv Booth) would be genuinely helpful in further customization on top of Rising World's already complex customization system, as teased in java version. View Tower Unite for this example.

    If confused, please reference Dragon's Dogma Pawn feature, and even the above video in the time-stamp given. No excuse to confused.

  • I've got more to add to the mix, and on ancient realistic terms. While certain people want to be whiny and moany I have something to make your thing, or at least some neat "food for thought" stuff.

    - Cooling your ice in the desert.

    - Fog Nets (Turning air & clouds into water):

    (Ignore the randomness, or don't. How Chile does it is what I originally intended to share.)

  • Boats:

    (Boats with function)

    I'm aware Red51 noted we shall recieve boats he is able to model up. I'm not trying to pressure him, though simply proposing more suggestions for when situation allows. Viewed certain things on National Geographic about shipwrecks finding more things to make note of. Red51 shared off a Galleon type vessel (or simply a 'pirate ship'), though any other vessels are welcome. I've noted some previously, though may have deleted some threads in frustration of having constantly been bullied by people. It's fine for people to bully me, yet I'm not allowed to call people out on their sins.

    I initially mentioned 'SS Nomadic', something which should be the "largest" vessel in Rising World. Basically, as Red51 had indirectly noted, If it can fit on the Danube River it should find itself in the game. I find this fair. Vessels has to more-or-less fit within the rendering. I would happily welcome an SS Nomadic type vessel, though anything Red51 implements into Rising World shall be accepted; Everything is up to Red51 and the modding community. I'm not requesting replicas, though am requesting (or suggesting) something on the scale, function, and likeness of what I'm suggesting.

    S.S Nomadic (A ship similar to, but not exact):


    Papyrus Boats:

    Red51 and myself were in a discussion about boats, and boat types. Red51 noted we were initally supposed to obtain payrus, something which led to us to have papyrus related resources and materials. From books, scrolls, boats, and etc.

    Papyrus boats seem to come in varying styles (singular, multiple, and even a cargo-house boat).

    Having these sorts of boats would make it easier for someone I know to settle into Rising World with minimal effort. They would build a boat, store everything within a large cargo boat, and done! A house boat*.

    *Red51 noted he desired for us to customize boats however we desired, hence the desire for larger vessels. Even in ancient times one could potentially live in a house-boat (cargo boat), etc. If it's easy to do in European settings, it should be as easy to do in every other biome-related water-fronts.

    Living in a papyrus boat like this would be neat.

    Papyrus was a material which was supposed to be easily found in Rising World prior to the whole Java-Valve destruction, and pre-Unity devastation. Shall see if he'll follow through with implementing papyrus at its core level for the upcoming mounts & biomes update.


    1930's Tug Boats:

    This one is more of a "for fun" suggestion. Having a tug boat could potentially even help us move boats around, or something along the lines.

    Someone might need some aid in having a tug boat, or simply having something sturdier to sail around in harsher environments. Break apart ice, or whatever needing to be done. The interior could even be used as a living space, if accessible.

    (Saw this on the National Geographic of sunken tug boats thanks to 1930's Mobsters/Gangsters)

    Or, one could simply use tug-boats as luxury boats for river and lake-sized areas. Again, as "house-boats" when feeling lazy in building homes.

    For all your homely needs.


    Naval Military Warships:

    This one may potentially be ignored, though if Red51 desires to implement a functional naval Warship from the WW2 era then please be my guest. It can be German, or Canadian, or anything else that Red51 is able to get away with in simplicity, even legally. It can be a Corvette-Class vessel, a Destroyer, a Minesweeper, or anything. It could have a dummy main gun, or it can be a fully-fledged war-ready vessel to attack hostile enemies on water. It's all up to Red51 (and maybe even the modders) whenever I can stop being villainized and falsely accused of "antagonizing".

    Desired Vessels (though not expecting them)

    - German S-Boat

    - British Flower-Class Corvette (Generic; Customizable)

    - HNoMS Rauma (Not the vessel, though similar to it in a more generic size & configuration; Main gun visible on main bow, area at rear for supplies.)

    (Disclaimer::!: I'm not trying to turn Rising World into a Military simulator, I'm only asking for at least ONE practical military vessel to defend our coastal settlements. Just one functional WW2 warship, even Canadian, to 'flip-the-bird' back at lazy WW2 game developers for constantly denying Canadians in naval war games. Let me have my fun. These vessels could also be potentially be used during our explorations to other areas while having random encounters with enemies at sea. Having armed vessels would give us peace of mind of not having our boats sink with valuables in their storage areas. They can also be used in civilian functions, as noted by HMCS Sackville's conversions from a military vessel to a cargo vessel, and to a museum ship, etc.)


    Naval Military Warships - Flower-Class Corvette:

    (*If I had to pick only one.)

    If I had to pick only ONE, it would be the Flower-Class Corvette. It has to be fully functionable as a medium-sized vessel. If that can't be implemented, choose a German counterpart instead. Though, I chose this because it's small, practical, and easily convertible (customizable) between military & civilian use. It can also withstand most harsh weather/climate you throw at it. It's small enough to fit in the rendering scale of Rising World, and it can be multi-purpose. I don't expect it to deal with depth-charges (ASW roles), though would only expect it to fill the basic combat role by firing the main turret at the front. If not, simply have it function as a miniature cargo vessel, even as an armed cargo vessel. Ammo would be precious (highly valuable) making every spent shell highly restrictive (as guns are currently in Rising World). You would fire sparingly, and only when necessary. Trading with merchants would be highly necessary.

    Customization Options:

    - Contains decent space for military & civilian function

    - Multi-role - Patrol/Escort and Cargo-Civilian use.

    - Home at Sea, and armed platform for hostile NPCs on, or near coastal areas.

    - Can detect things around the area, and even underwater

    - Can change paint-scheme on vessel to Canadian, German, or any other nationality (if allowed). [Note: I desire Canadian RCN paintscheme.]

    - Has life-boat allowing you to reach smaller in-land areas.

    x No ASW warfare; No depth-charges needed. If Red51 desires it then implement it.

    Out of everything I suggested, this would be the only vessel I genuinely 100% desire in its functionable form in Rising World. I would be happy to have it be my home at sea; To have it contain my food, my storage, my bed, and to craft. To have the main gun (at front) fire at enemy pirate vessels (etc), and to act as my armed cargo vessel in Rising World. Flower-Class Corvettes have been noted in being highly versatile in their service while being able to survive the overly harsh climate of the Atlantic ocean. It would fit well in Rising World's various harsh elements. The spotlight on the vessel could be used to navigate in the dark, or even light up coastal areas for you to do your various projects.

    (Not my images, though here are your reference images for curiousity sake)…-corvette-hmcs-sackville/

    - Life-Boat for easier exploration (if functions allows it):

    - HMCS Sackville's interior:

    - Flower-Class Corvette Cut-away:


    Again, I don't expect Red51 to do this. On the rare-chance that he is able to, I provided some reference materials to work with. It doesn't have to be exact, and I don't expect it to be exact. Close enough is all that matters, and having a Canadian paint scheme is something I hope I can eventually have in the game. Whether this is done by Red51 or an overly kind modder I'll be happy to have it either way in Red51, and in a functionable manner.

    I can wish. This would be a perfect vessel for what Red51 has planned for us in the future. People would genuinely desire to have a swiss-army-knife of a vessel in their possession. It would make living at in Rising World (and at sea) overly homely. I know someone who doesn't like building, this would be perfect for them as well, and everybody else also.

    If "someone" desires to cut corners I would even expect a model to be bought from an external model-selling site to then be imported into Rising World. Who knows what the future holds. Surprise me. :thinking:

  • Boats are fine, I don' t really need them, I use F2. But I have to confess that I get along better with other games' controls. I have no problems with sealing or driving boats in Sunken World, but in Rising World always.

  • Boats are fine, I don' t really need them, I use F2. But I have to confess that I get along better with other games' controls. I have no problems with sealing or driving boats in Sunken World, but in Rising World always.

    Once Rising World gains more necessary features I'm sure you'll desire to use boats, vehicles, etc. Whatever Red51 adds we'll all be having fun. I sadly also use F2 at times, though less so in Survival mode worlds.

    Sunken World? Seems like Sunkenland to me.

    I'll check this game out further to see if it's my kind of thing.

    I've also made a thread about Flower-Class Corvette on Steam Forum side of things to single-out some thoughts. We'll see which one is proper. I hope the future shall allow me to build, sail, and command a Flower-Class Corvette. Also hopefully with the Canadian paint scheme and a functionable front turret.

  • When able, Rising World needs to tap into the "random" mod side of things. I've seen an attempt at Dragons, Wisps, etc. There needs to be more once API improves.

    I'm looking at this seeing Left for Dead 2 constantly getting all the neat and goofy mods. Rising World needs to tap into this if it hopes to survive. If people stay as "Debby downers" then I feel bad for Rising World. It could have been so much more.

    If you look at Minecraft you then see it has Millenaire mod, Traincraft, LittleMaidsMod, among numerous other neat mods.

    I'll continue doing what I can on my end.

    (Just one of those nightly posts.)

  • - Trucks & Sleeper Trucks:

    I put RV's in the QoL to help out people with low attention spans in regards to Rising World's building and crafting. Then again, maybe this game isn't for them, and it should be more for serious people like us. I'm being helpful attempting to bridge the gap so I hope the RV's work for those casual folks. What about for us more serious folks? We could have one of those Volvo VNL type long-haul sleeper trucks. That is, IF and when Red51 (or modding) is able to. No rush, no pressure.

    (Side-note: I had the video muted missing out on commentary. Feel free to mute the video for my POV.)

    Granted, it doesn't have to be American, nor European. It can be a generic Unity store asset, or whatever Red51 can manage at his own pace. A truck is a truck, and it'll help with cargo. Having a sleeper would help for those more remote tasks away from your settlements. Trailer could vary in size, or it could simply stay as a pick-up truck. Again, whatever Red51 plans and desires. Same with modding.


    According to Red51 vehicles will be modular, to a degree. Depending on HOW modular, we could potentially implement a normal truck, a sleeper truck (one bunk), or even a Long-haul sleeper truck (as shown in above videos) having a mini kitchen, washroom with shower, a sitting area, and hopefully a bed (bunk).

    This would help with remote projects while hauling goods to and from.


    Medieval Era?:

    Horse-drawn carriages able to seat people, have a table inside, and storage externally. Horses themselves have satchels.

    Google up ANY Horse drawn carriage. It comes in all shapes and sizes. Granted, I am also thinking of the enclosed royalty kind where you face one another, though more touristy wagons could also work. If it can be modular, in allowing storage containers to snap on) then that will be enough.

    - Royalty kind, though could convert it to living purposes (view wild wild west variants).

    Below wagon would do well for Medieval era. (This is more of what I'm looking at).

    Then there is the merchant wagon from Spice & Wolf Anime.


    Tried getting a full view, something with "less Anime", though this has to do. Even the Anime version of the real-world merchant cart would do genuine wonders in Rising World. I would genuinely start off with this wagon (even if we had RVs & Sleeper trucks prior to wagons) just for the experience. I would place a bed, tons of barrels, and just go to town doing projects in and around my settlements. Oh! And this version only requires ONE horse. Only one. No need to go wild with many horses. :party:

    Or the Unity Store variations:…ps/medieval-wagons-126310



    The above image is simply a bonus for what I was initially pondering about for a Medieval wagon to convert loosely into a living quarters & storage vehicle. Place some small chests into the cart (interior and exterior; Wild Wild West style), and just go to town.

    As a Disclaimer side-note:

    You'd then use whatever suits your needs, and whatever Red51 is able to work with. Maybe someone will mod these into the game first, especially working around me because you know how people are. Everything is always allegedly my fault so people will mod this for other people while throwing me under the bus every chance they can. I allegedly "antagonize" people, whatever that means. They fail to realize Rising World is hurting. It needs every bit of help and support it can. People need to stop labeling me stupid crap and realize Rising World is hurting. It needs help.

    Now, that's the last bit of feedback I have. I forgot to post the long-haul sleeper truck suggestion in hopes it'll help people out. I was considering adding it to QoL thread, yet placed it here. RV suits the QoL better, even if Long haul sleepers would help with construction. I'm all out of ideas so for those who oddly hate me I'll be silent again for awhile. Maybe until Red51 notes when the game updates.

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