Looking at Rising World obtaining its new multiplayer update just showed something other people don't really experience. Maybe a small percetange, or a larger quieter percentage. Who knows. I've basically poked everyone in my social circle if they wanted to play (one chimed in), I however had nobody who wanted to play when I desired to playtest. That pissed me off. Things aren't as they used to be. Guess multiplayer is out of the question for me for awhile..... RIP.
That frustrated the hell out of me to the point I'm back to desiring for 'NPC Companions', on a follower/helper/human side of things.
I don't want to pressure Red51, just noting my frustration today. Then Train Life (new game) trapped me in its game with delays and bugs forcing me to push Genshin Impact later into the night. The things I do to test games and feedback. Feedbacked 'Train Life', wanted to for Rising World. Train Trial trapped me in with all its stupid bugs which are being hopefully fixed next day over.
We severely need NPC companions for Rising World........... Humanoid ones. Animal ones are great, human helpers are far more necessary. Sorry for sounding like a broken record. This update highlighted that fact. I'm posting it here instead of the thread it needs to be because I don't want to taint that thread as I have done others. I'm not touching the thread until I can offer proper feedback.
NPC companions, or bust......