Its a work in progress. Still learning on how to do cylinders and circles world/2015-11-01_00001.jpg.html[/img]
My first atempt Bi-Plane
- Java Version
- English
- Leftoverjay
For a first attempt, that is really damn good! It takes me FOREVER to construct something. It is a bane in these type of games for me. lol.
It looks really good! I wish I could do it as good as you and the others who uploaded so many bps. Thank you all very much
I'm very impressed!
its alittle off in the front. Didn't have quite the right rotation. It needs some more detail but I figured id post it. I wish the plane would rotate correctly so I can put it on the ground with its tail down . So for now it stays in the air
I hope you don't mind if I post 2 pics of your plane in my world, but your plane fits perfectly into my scene of my alienpyramid.
And to honor your briliant work I name your plane after you!
That's awsome. Feel free to use as you see fit. Any more pics of your world. It looks very interesting.
wow jay that's amazing, I only just graduated from blocks to building simple beam structures, that looks amazing.
SUPER NICE, Cool gemacht
Added the Label Java Version
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