Kitsu Test World & [Water Update] Niska Village

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • - Rising World - Niska Village: Ep 5 - Home Tour:

    Finally able to record a new video that felt like throwing a little BBQ party for completing my home. Not fully, but enough to be homely & functional. Celebrating that I managed to make a backyard, have the main floor done, as well as finally decorating the second floor. Even talking about Pokemon GO, showing off my spiraling gold mine, as well as being a bit hasty on things. Even thanking people for the views, even if briefly. Many thanks!

    Even made note of the sound bacon makes that it makes me wonder if that's proper. I would [Recommend this type of bacon placement & frying noise].

    Image Wise:

    1) Alternate view of my backyard with the maple trees waiting to grow.
    2) Niska HQ with the main room being laid out as one would see in naval meeting rooms & various school type animes (Trinity Seven, KanColle, & etc).
    3) Backyard after the threes finally sprouted to younglings. Patiently waiting for the main results.
    4) Bismarck's throne chair is back! Back in my room, and this time with a properly placed portrait. I really can't wait for NPC Traders and their customization options. Please! Please have something close to Bismarck's clothing level, even in the slightest. Doesn't have to be that accurate, just close!
    5) Main room after much curious experimentation & furniture decorating. Various Bismarck (waifu) portraits & one of myself in Bratislava, Slovakia in 2008.
    6) The Kitchen-living room divide with Shinki Sharatang hung to the left & Varakitsu (my arctic fox personification) to the right).
    7) Living room is messy because there's no TV displays, or TV objects. Needing some TV objects, and even a proper bookcase. A functional bookcase to store books, ones you even collect & crafted. Varakitsu with a halloween lantern also seen in this image.

    I kind of wish I waited a bit to cut my ep 5 into two parts, yet you'll now have to join me in ep 6 (Thursday, or Friday) for some added fun. Time to let this video sink in & saturate views again. I guess for episode 6 I'll have to wait & show you the end results because there's still much to do for my home. Maybe even working on Niska HQ to have fun showing that off.

  • Liked your house.Nice pics,too!

    Many thanks! Loving how I made it, even though I could have built larger. It's giving me some unique building situations that I just might have to make a secondary building to house washrooms, and such. Interesting things to worry about. And pleased to hear you love 'em :)

    @ArcticuKitsu I love your world. The art, buildings and everything in between is just awesome! Keep up the amazing work. I'm going to go sub to your channel right now :)

    It's an awesome world that I wish I could drop you in on a whim. Anybody curious could happily find a lovely spot that it's awesome seeing how these biomes form. I guess it's because of the 'Poi!' seed that it made the biomes all "exotic" that it's all funky, and awesome. I just need a horse to travel around quicker that I'd be able to view it swifter, show it nicer, among other things.

    Also, I'd love to get another video upped but it seems my views dropped from 50 views down to 13 views so I guess I'll be focusing more on improving/polishing up Niska Village, showing you my accomplishments, as well as dungeon updates after all the polishing. I'm just boring people from the looks of it with my "lacking video skillz" heh. I would really love to just share things on a whim, yet a shame I have to rely on 40 views to make another video. I shouldn't, yet I don't want to spam my videos either when it's troubled being saturated into the community. It's that tricky line I'm trying to balance on. :huh:

    Hope to share my Niska HQ completion, as well as the dungeon updates, IF I can get to 40 views. Thanks for subbing also! Hope I don't disappoint you as days pass.

    [If it must be noted: I have Sunday, Wednesday, & Thursday off (work) so I might be able to do something then RW wise.]

  • - Niska Village: Gold Ore & Ore Detector Achievement:

    I'm on that funny line of RW experience that I'm working my way back in discovering what people have already experienced while closely following what's new in RW. Both new & old experiences meshing with one another. Trying to find gold ore led me to finding more ores to dump into my chests, yet eventually found gold ore a tiny bit deeper than my 'leveled' floor. I'm nearly swamped with ores that it's amusing, yet struggled heavily with gold ore. Aluminium is now my friend's problem that I'm trying to find some for him, yet haven't stayed long enough to find more of those. Above or below ground, even in a scientific manner.

    Evne so, I'm finally glad I found gold ore because I now know (through experience) that gold ore is around the -119 to -195 mark, and below. I'd love to now focus on doing Niska HQ's second floor, install some floors, staircases, among other things. Even populating the rooms with various things that I'd love to have a furniture update also from Red51.

    Just two minor images, yet major in my POV because I just leveled up through knowledge & science. +5 Rising World Knowledge :)

  • Hi there Kitsu @ArcticuKitsu don't worry about the numbers on YouTube. If it helps imagine that every like and dislike is a hidden subscriber they are like fae hiding in the walls. They giggle ,they laugh and sometimes come out to play. When you sleep they watch your videos and play with your hair giving you happy thoughts to dream about. I started recording videos in 2013-2014 and my views were 1-2, my subs were 1-10, today I have 42 and the views are finally growing. When I look at the numbers I smile because it's not about how many watch it's about who is interested. Growing up I loved fairy tales, telling stories though sometimes tall ;) hiking through woods to imagine all the things cool and flying like Peter Pan. Now I've probably gone a bit off topic here but I did it for a reason. You see stories & imagination are what makes you who you are, so don't let yourself feel down. Instead look up with those swollen eyes and let the world see you for who you are. Smile at every crack and whim laugh as they laugh at you for in the end you are still you :)

  • Oh! Awesome! Thanks for the wise words & motivations. Yes, I should just do as I wish, yet mentioned how I'd do it. Guess I'll try & find time to build up my Niska HQ's second flooring as that's been my first structure in Niska. Wanting to make it complete & functional. Guess I'll bring you guys in, as I did with the BBQ, with furniture placing. Saw your responses earlier, yet couldn't reply because was pulled away by having to get to work. Fun fun.

    Also, it sucks having a cold because it makes you lose all common sense so I guess I'll push my video recording to Thursday & Friday. Can't speak, am too clumsy, among other things. Guess I'll see you then, and maybe with the dungeon update. Could be a nice combo, if it releases this week :whistling:

    George & Arcane, you guys are both awesome. Need more of you morale boosters on this forum. Same with Zork's brainstorming conversation & genuine love for conversations about Rising World. As well as Vortac's videos sparking genuine interest & respect for RW. Even the old members poofing which provided a fun POV into the game.

  • Pardon the belated response, yet thanks for your kind response :) It's a shame I caught another cold, yet loving where this update is going. Glad Red51 gave us a nice update with a quick fix to them for & for fixing both the ores & actually activating both hemp & cotton in biome spawning. I was worried the API was going to stall everything, yet this is a nice kind gesture for us seeking more features. Red51 won more respect points here by sidelining the API for a moment so he can now get back to it without worries for a bit longer.

    I'm really wanting to get a video out, yet having to wait till tomorrow for recording because of this stupid cold of mine, distractions, and just being frustrated I just can't make a video on a whim. But here, some images of the update.........


    [] & [] Update Thoughts:

    Something I'll mention in my video also shall be about how spooky the moon is.

    1) Splints & Bandages: I managed to fix my broken bone I had using the new splints while forced to really CRAWL to my upper floor. I'm lucky I logged off at my home and not any outposts for it would've taken DAYS to get anywhere. Just need cloth, sticks, & to then attach the splint to your leg. You'll now need to keep both bandages & sticks on hand, even making medical clinics/outposts in various areas. No joke. With further survival updates you'll really need to make medical outposts. Making these medical outposts shall become more & more of a priority. I made tons of bandages, yet haven't had to use them yet, even when attacked by a few tigers.

    2) Moon: The new moon looks awesome. You really notice it, yet it looks a bit "too spooky" with the face it has going on. It looks like a type of moon you'd add in for Halloween, yet it's neat it's there. It's a large moon, and you notice it as you see it swiftly head up into the night sky going from grey to golden & back to grey. Had to show it in the three images that it truly adds some sort of experience to the game. It be sweet when it has phases, as well as appearing somewhere along the horizon at other parts of the night sky, as a real moon would. I love how the clouds interact with the moon, something I see personally also which makes me hyped. Imagine with the weather also. That be glorious.

    3) Cotton & Hemp: These were a pain to find taking me ages. I had to go to new chunks to find them making me a bit frustrated & depressed that I'll have to keep wandering out further & further just to obtain these new world spawning plants. Red51 forgot to add them into the main update that he had to enable them in a fix. They're quite easy to spot also, like tomatoes, and just as common as tomato plants. You'll find them in the Mediterranean type biome (think Italy & Croatia with the tall trees near the ocean and Savannah). You can also find them near the maple and pine biomes. Still going to experiment, yet wanting to do more. I hate how I had to travel for 20 minutes in one direction to pick up hemp, then back in 10 minutes to store my findings in the chest. I'm worried about dungeons not spawning in explored & unclaimed chunks. I need horses..... :( . Well, we'll soon be preparing to make clothing for when player characters & customization comes in. That's what these cotton & hemp plants are for, so we can make various clothing & other goodies Red51 has hidden.

    4) Crates: Lovign the small, medium, and large crates. Loving how they'll add the decorative and function side of things. You can put them at your shipyard, trainyard, or warehouse to store all your goodies. Small one contains half a storage space, medium being 2 pages, and large being 4 pages of goodies (warning: I've been warned the big one loses items on 4th page so place dirt or stone. Unwanted items). Also, the medium crate is unlabled in the listing, yet it is craftable. It's just blank named. People shall be swapping out their chests by going straight for the big 4 paged crates now to store all their various junks. Ores, and such.

    5) Sledgehammer: Loving how you can retrieve blocks now, yet I'm slightly on the side with Zork that some blocks should revert to their raw essentials, as a broken boat would in Minecraft through 2 sticks & 2 wood planks. It's up to Red51, yet "might" prolong coding.

    6) Saloon Doors: Something that's in the last image being one of the saloon doors replacing one of the doors into my room. I had trouble with them that they would just stiffen their animation that I couldn't walk through them, yet when you can they're awesome. I'm now planning to use some smaller saloon doors for my backyard, yet having to adjust a few things. There's your smaller movie type (as also seen in one or a few Star Trek Generation episodes & classic movies/shows), as well as a medium type, and a large type. You can choose to use whatever.

    7) Item Pickup Notifcation: So glad Red51 listened to the item pickup notifications for when I was seeking out gold for the first time. I didn't know what I was mining that it would have been useful for when I saw the notification. Now you'll know what you picked up that it makes things far easier. Even love the aura/feeling it gives off when it chimes in & out. Red51 gets high praise on this one from me for making note if this. Many thanks! You can even observe what ores or items you're picking up when you're mining an ore vein. You'll see +2 ore & +1 stone, or variations of it that it's neat allowing you to 'fully' clear it out. This sort of feedback is necessary, and love it!

    8) Ore/stone sound: Mining stone/ore gives off a new interesting 'higher ptiched' sound which is interesting. A tiny bit 'buggy', yet neat when you hear it. A light 'clink'.

    Anything missing? I think I covered them all. Also, be cautious of various bugs. There's lots of crazy stuff happening.


    Plan for my video is to mention & show all this, as well as trying to now build a medical center (start one) if I don't ramble on too much. I'll probably record this tomorrow (Wednesday), if anybody is curious. I left my videos hanging too much which pains me. Trying to find time to record is a pain......

  • After sleeping on it a bit, I'm actually liking the implementation of the sledge hammer as is because you can quickly undo a mistake you made. Still, if we could get a full stone back for destroying a block (hitting something with a sledgehammer kind of implies you will destroy it). I guess the advantage is if you accidentally make a stack of something you don't like, you can place them, destroy them, and recover the stone. I dunno... Maybe a crowbar tool is needed to pry a block out without damaging it then the sledge hammer could be used to recover the block as raw stone. ;)

    Oh, one thing that I did notice about the update after playing a while is that you get a kind of error sound effect if you do something wrong. I remember someone complaining about the lack of such because there was no feedback that he was doing something not allowed. I'm glad this was added :)

  • Agreed. It allows you to fix your mistakes properly, yet having some issues with it again with items falling through the world. Was making a video that items simply fell through the world. Not getting the Saloon door issue so it might have been an object activation thing, or something. A crowbar would sound awesome though. I'd love to have a crowbar pry things apart.

    Forgot to do the sound-effect part, even though I had this forum up for reference. It's an awesome update.

    Also, I have my video now recorded, and waiting to piece it together for youtube viewing. Think I'll add some text to it & upload it tonight after my quick "work" moment. Yet, it's a shame my my cold had to make me sound all mono-tone so I do apologise, yet it's a time thing I felt "pressured" to record it. Either way, a video coming tonight, maybe by 1 am EST. There's also a sign feedback I want to let Red51 aware of also that frustrates me still.

  • Finally gotten around to recording my thoughts to the update, as well as trying to speak with a cold. Sorry about the monotone voice, if an issue at all. Loving this update!

    Rising World: [] & []:

    No issues mentioned on forum appeared, yet the falling of blocks through ground & the re-editing of signs is what I made note of. Other then that, enjoy! It's all awesome :)

  • - Rising World [0.7.3] - Niska Village - Ep 6: Medical Clinic:

    I said I would make a medical clinic, and I started one in this episode. It shall be highly important to make one with each coming update, more so when more illnesses & diseases shall play a big part. That, and environmental effects. I wanted to have a place to store all the bandages, splints, and everything needed to make one healthy all around.

    This video contains a lot of rambling, 'lost-in-thought' moments, as well as bugs, glitches, talking about features, showing off the new bow renders, as well as making up for lost time by being twice as long. Apparently cotton plants grow watermelons, and it was very odd when it happened.

    I wanted to prep for a Halloween episode, yet I don't have orange blocks to make a pumpkin structure. Such a shame.

  • - Rising World [0.7.3] - Simplecars Plugin:

    - Plugin here: SimpleCars

    This plugin sure proves what's possible in Rising World. You can easily install the mod, run it, type the commands in chat, as well as use the arrow keys to mess about. All one has to do is type the following: [/car help] - [/car list] - [/car lexus] - [/car police] & position. Of course, without the [ ] in the chat.

    You can also break the car from your world by hitting it, even entering & exiting it via the F key.

    I guess I could add it in myself, yet would love to drive a Skoda Octavia, Ferrari F430, among others at safer speeds. Not as fast as the police, yet at a more reasonable speed. That's crazy stuff. The vehicles right now would be far more perfect for boats on water that you would use yourself. Would love to see a boat scrip, with storage capaciity as bonus (in the plugin request subforum).

    As this plugin is now I'd prefer Red51's horses for safety reasons, yet that's still somewhat off in the distance.

  • - Niska Village [0.7.4] - Episode 7 - Explosives & Medical Clinic:

    I've gotten blown up this episode while experimenting with dynamite. Was quite a blast, even a double echo upon death. Nice!

    Finally managed to get around to doing another necessary episodes in Niska Village. This time I'm trying to juggle talking about the new 0.7.4 explosive update while also trying to build up my medical building some more. Even pondering when & how to complete my Niska HQ building. Finally managed to get a wall up on the medical building allowing for windows to be placed on camera, as well as some furnishings. I even had to go down as deep as -332 for sulfur beforehand to test things out with while wanting to make an 'explosives' building also. Even before all this I also had to do a run around the 'ocean' in the hunt for my ore detector at another outpost of mine wishing I had a horse to travel with.........

    Having plans to getting back to wanting to build a bridges over canal, to make a logging 'cabin', as well as an explosive building, among others. Even to go back to building more forts, among other things.

    I actually wish we had flare guns to shoot upwards to slowly float back down. Now you can have these flares for Plugin API airships to rescue stranded people using it as an 'SOS' signal, among other things. That, and also wishing for someone to finally release an elevator plugin. It was said to be in the works, yet needed it the most today when digging further below to get at the sulfur.

    Thanks for hanging with me from episode 1 till now. Hoping to keep this strong! I had the most fun warming up to this explosive update :)

  • Yup, flare guns is the next step. Every time I think of flares it always defaults to a flare gun. Yup. I can wait though as there's other nice features to get at. And yeah, hopefully he has one for amusement in variety of getting a flare gun when the time comes. Even an arrow that is aimed at going slow in the night in some fashion.

    Itching so badly to play more Rising World, yet being highly frustrated that I need an interested 'partner' to play with on either human or NPC comrade side of things to keep things going. I spent one session digging as far down as I could for sulfur to craft dynamite & flares that I also gained gold and iron. Swimming in ores. I'm however feeling painfully frustrations that I'm being held back while also somewhat patiently waiting for dungeons and then the needed player models & animations to lead into the horses & man-made gravel stuff....being held back with lacking features & waiting for necessary updates to release to continue......I have to keep myself distracted with other games.


    For those following me, thanks for keeping up and being curious enough in watching my videos. I need more time to release more videos, yet lagging behind also. Hopefully you're genuinely interested for more. I'll see about sneaking one out on Sunday (nov 13) dealing with something. Who knows what.

    - Wanting to build:
    (This acts as also a self-note to myself for possible future builds & memory loss)

    • Medical Building: I have it built up, somewhat functional, yet now needing to add the final touch of adding the roofing & such. To wall off the beach viewing area & such. It'll now hold all your bandages & splint needs while also (somewhat) adaptable to further needs.
    • Explosive 'Factory: Thanks to the explosives update I'd probably make a strong appearing little structre slightly outside Niska village to produce & hold the new sulfur for the dynamite & flare use. When a new feature or item releases you dedicate a building themed to it. That's standard Minecraft thinking.
    • Canal Bridges: Neglecting to add bridges to the canal to allow myself and others to cross. That, and considering adding a bridge to allow horses to pass through. Whenever we get rail I would have also made it a multi-purpose to allow trains to pass through (whatever sort they'd be)
    • Canal: That's still a WIP, yet trying to consider if I should do it maunally filling, or creative filling. Guess I won't have a friendlier way to manually fill the canal survival side that I'd have to bite the bullet to actually creative fill the canal in. I'd still love for water to detect a block to reach all the way down instead of forming air pockets,and similar. Water is so touchy and we don't really have boats right now that I held off on it. Too much of a hassle.
    • Stables: This is something I truly want to build as it's my 'first builds' in Minecraft, yet waiting on man-made gravel & horses themselves. I need horses to be around so I can adapt to their size, their needs, and places to store their saddles, food, and etc. I always build stables, as with roads, yet need the actual horse (and camel) to deal with such.
    • Logging Building: Just a building to deal with logging supplies to hold all sorts of logs, wood, and even produce such. It's a major thing, something which may already be handled by Niska HQ, yet something I want to build to hold all the logging needs.
    • Vehicle Tunnel: Having played Euro Truck SIm 2 I took a nice awesome tunnel at Oslo which went around and into the underground to reveal a nice underground highway. It was awesome, and something I'd love trying to replicate in Rising World. I did something on a smaller scale in Miencraft, yet would love to try a curving & underground transportation network with cars & trains. It would work far better in Rising World.
    • [I'm sure I had more, yet my fatigued mind can't think of any.]

    The list now versus the list I made previously for Arcticu City with what I wanted to build when I could build an actual city. I truly feel bothered that all these people are building cities, yet I don't want to get too attached that I'd lose all my builds. I'm waiting for when the world shifts to an actual world that my builds are staying smaller and more practical until the appropriate time arrives. Constantly holding back because it's alpha waiting on numerous things. That frustration on top of lacking time not being able to record....It's an odd balance currently.

    So,....again. For those that have followed me and are following me on my Youtube video, I thank you highly for doing so! It means a lot. I feel happy, proud, and etc when things go the way they do when not leashed up. Makes me happy when I share something that it's being enjoyed Let's keep Rising World going strong! :):love:

  • - Rising World - Niska Village: [0.7.4]: Ep 8: Pyramid Dungeon Hype!

    FINALLY! After much delays, distractions, hardware issues, and such I'm finally making more videos in Rising World. Improved my home a bit, replaced the posters, added some lights, touched up the medical clinic some more, as well as started building a typical pyramid in hype for the dungeons update coming out soon (around the corner). I wanted to build something I've done in Minecraft, yet done so in a Rising World touch, and would have completed in a video or two.

    My issues for not recording being the following: 1) Patriot Hard drive died in November, thus me getting a Samsung SSD - 2) KanColle Autumn event - 3) Euro Truck Sim 2 re-establishment - 4) Software issues & regaining lost programs.

    You'll notice 8 minutes of weird video errors. That's because 'Openstop' hates .flv (Windows Movie maker loves them), yet OpenStop likes .mp4s from OBS, yet hates .flvs. You'll see improvement as we head closer towards dungeons release, then player models & animations.

    I'm also 99 subscribers on my channel, heading to 100! Be amusing. Forgot to note that in this video, yet shall note that in the next video. Video software made me forget. Thanks for watching my videos, yet my Episode 0 to episode 6 needs more love. :rolleyes:

  • - Rising World - Niska Village [0.7.4]: Ep 9 - Pyramid Topped!

    After much pain & suffering I finally managed to regain the necessary software to convert .flv to Mp4 when I accidentally went FLV, not OBS MP4. Can finally share my video of me capping the pyramid while rambling on about various Rising World features, NPC desires, lightly on trains, Scuba Gear mention, among others. Even showing my lovely foxy in a video. Hope you enjoy the video, even if it's me just rambling on & on :whistling: .

    I shall now switch back to OBS .mp4 hoping OpenShot shall render videos appropriately.

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