After water update. Fishing system and many fish. Boats to fish from with a pole. Net casting.

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  • If there might be pizza added to the game, there could be anchovies added from fishing them. For the fishing system i thought about cage fishing for crabs or lobsters.
    For net fishing we could see a school of fish moving around that has a few spawn in a area with a time limit so it don't go overboard with the spawning. We would have to work on our aim and as we hold down left click and release, it will throw the net.

    Cage fishing would be a simple task if we had bait for them. It gave me and idea to me today when i went to work, it was raining as i walk to work and i saw a ton of earthworms on the side walk and concrete. So there must be rain in the game to increase our chance to find bait as earthworms. Fish also has a big spawning chance while it rains and we find much rare fish then. We should be able to collect the worms when we see them wiggle to the surface and we just collect them as we see them.

    There could be other bait to attract other kinds of fish. Harpoons could be another great tool if there is bigger kinds or fish or defending yourself from other predators. Will this add alligators to the game if there is a swamp biome? Alligators would be a nice idea for other peoples moat of death if they wish. Pythons will be a nice addition to the swamp or they like to roam to other biomes. I thought alot about pythons being tamable for being a nice pet.

  • Earthworms in the ground is a good idea. The dev already confirmed about digging up stuff in the ground but the context of that discussion was limited to archaeology. Still it should be possible to get a few worms when using the shovel to dig up wet dirt. Or maybe have them surface when it rains. Weather still needs lots of tweaking before released.

    Fishing poles and boats are planned to come with the character model updates. There has been no discussion about net or cage fishing to my knowledge but I like the idea. I personally wouldnt mind spearing some crabs with a spear like in Stranded Deep or building a crab trap myself. :)

    A cooking system is planned but I know nothing of the details. However some jokes have been made about how the small smelting furnace looks like a pizza oven. ^_^

  • I simply kept to the idea of boats, yet did play around with fishing nets. I however do like the mention of fishing cages, yet you'll need diving suits for that. That, or a cage with a rope which you can pull up on a buoy when you get near it. Do hope that when we get around to fishing nets, cages, & lobster boxes that we'll find ourselves using diving suits to also harvest re-spawnable mussels & clams in the ocean. Yes, even in an infestations manner that you'll be able to use them as a food source. Maybe even to trade with NPCs of various sorts :)

    This should be fun. Ah, how I can't wait for the player models & animations update so we can also get our horses. Even loving the idea of worms or bait. There's various ways of doing that.

  • ArcticKitsu,

    Where I grew up, it was very common to see several buoys along the traffic lane in the water. Each buoy had a rope attached to a cage sitting on the bottom of a canal. I'd see boats ride around and fishermen would stop at each one to check them. Perhaps buoys could be crafted of unique colors could help us distinguish who owns which crab trap. The traps are usually made of chicken wire.

  • I love that idea! Colour coding buoys, and anything, is a good way to do things. People are then able to go a bit 'nationalistic' that they can say '"I own this, do not touch!" so that's a good way to do things. That, or have an agreed upon 'default' option for what people can go with, even saying it in the crafting option.

    I've shared this before, yet hoping Red51 makes note of adding the boat in the foreground, as well as the row-boat (life-raft) style boat in the background. Would be sweet having both mechanical & manual type boats.

    That, and to hold other players & your possessions. Both cargo & fish.

  • @zfoxfire I seen what you did :) "Pizza Oven" It's the Big one I said could make a great pizza oven not the baby one. Come to think of it yeah we could probably cook a kids meal in there ;) As for the fishing, yes! Perhaps we could utilize the shovel to dig dirt faster than a pickaxe and possibly find earthworms or in this case Rising Worms has a nice ring to it. An update called "The Rising Worms" that brings marine life to the game perhaps even real birds so all that chirping actually has a source? I'm glad this game doesn't have any hostile entities it makes hunting very entertaining. I do so wish I could drag the kill back home and stuff it for some really cool decoratives. Who wouldn't want a stuffed swordfish on their wall, perhaps a stuffed cheetah to pet when you're feeling scared? Love the idea's guys keep'em rolling in I think @red51 might like some of these. :)

  • If we could get at least 3 or 4 different designs and sizes of boats,that would be so cool.Variety makes a huge difference.One of the major factors that attracted me to get this game,2 years ago was the variety of textures and later,the posters. Thats unbeatable. I am more into the architectural,artistic building aspect but I do love the survival part as well,especially when it becomes more vivid in the future.

  • Bonjour il faudrait des bambous pour fabriquer une canne à pêche et sur le métier a tisser pouvoir faire genre du fil de pêche (coton) , sur l'enclume des hameçons ...
    Pour les casiers a crabe l’appât serais du poisson coupé en morceau et pour fabriquer les casier il fraudais des sticks et du coton

    mangaroots <3 Ce jeu :pouces vers le haut: , joueuse française , désolé pour mon anglais qui n'est pas très bon :thumbdown: ( french player , sorry for my english which is not very good :( but i try )

  • versez la biodiversité Mettre en Poissons PASSIF: des bars

    mangaroots <3 Ce jeu :pouces vers le haut: , joueuse française , désolé pour mon anglais qui n'est pas très bon :thumbdown: ( french player , sorry for my english which is not very good :( but i try )

  • pour la biodiversité mettre en poissons passif : des bars , des dorades des raies , des merlans pour mettre en appâts dans les casiers et par exemples pour les poissons agressifs requins , et les congres ...

    mangaroots <3 Ce jeu :pouces vers le haut: , joueuse française , désolé pour mon anglais qui n'est pas très bon :thumbdown: ( french player , sorry for my english which is not very good :( but i try )

  • En Ce Qui Concerne les poissons d'eau douce (pour les lacs) Je Connais Un peu Moins Mais des carpes , des truites ; des brochets ...

    mangaroots <3 Ce jeu :pouces vers le haut: , joueuse française , désolé pour mon anglais qui n'est pas très bon :thumbdown: ( french player , sorry for my english which is not very good :( but i try )

  • ha oui j'avais oublier pour les bateaux de pêches il exists several corps de métier pour faire vite : les chalutiers , les fileyeur , caseyeur , et ligneur ... y'en a d'autres mais ceci sont les principaux :P

    mangaroots <3 Ce jeu :pouces vers le haut: , joueuse française , désolé pour mon anglais qui n'est pas très bon :thumbdown: ( french player , sorry for my english which is not very good :( but i try )

  • Google translating this is a bit of a pain, yet loving the ideas mentioned. Glad there's pictures.

    I would love it if I could indeed have crab/fish traps to farm up crabs, as well as capture any fish in a percentage so you can then bring it back home to enjoy. Simplistic and basic fish farms. It would also be interesting if mussels & oysters could have chances of growing on various man-made blocks in the water, if rarely at random also.

    I love the mention of using fishing boats to fish up various fish & such. That's something that really needs to get done from a Roman/Greek, up to modern era. I'm going to be a big fisher if we can fish happily. I'm just hoping that when we fish with a fishing pole that there'll be a simplistic (friendly) notification of fishing, or it auto-fishing for you. The fishing done in Minecraft, Stardew Valley, and World of Warcraft was irritating as hell in how you had to stare at the screen gaining red eyes from stress. Something simple, maybe a visual queue of a fish bite you can react to. Fishing could be realistic in itself, yet when something hooks you'll have a big 'effect', or something to tell you when to react.

    When you fish in PSO2 (phantasy star online 2) a circle pops around your character to then press an action button to reel in the fish. Something friendly as that would be welcomed in Rising World after much eye strain in Minecraft, Stardew Valley, World of Warcraft, and other games. Doesn't have to be a circle, yet something fitting Rising World. A banner of a fish, or a fishing rod flashing on the screen giving you a 5 second warning to reel in, or something like that.

  • I'm already building my property to fit the update introducing fish. I love the idea of having nets/cages, but I'll admit I've gone a bit crazy and made a few large pens surrounding parts of my lake to corral fish into areas for fishing and for security. I know that perhaps a handful of predators will be introduced, so I really hope one of them will be a shark (fingers-crossed) :D .

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