Papyrus - Crafting Galore!

  • What I'm about to suggest is something exclusive to Egypt's Nile River. It's found only in it that it would be a bit weird seeing it being overly common. Even so, we should have the following to deal with Papryus that it itself should be an update in itself.

    • Papryus Reeds: The plant itself needing to be both wild & farmable, like the rest. It however needs to be placed somewhere in warm biomes while feeling like a "reward" plant for all its uses. The sizes should also range for variety sake also. It should go from small to being nearly twice the player's height. Even being bunched up to 'block' players from reaching the other side that they would have to use their scythes, sickles, swords, & etc.
    • Papryus Swamp/Marsh Biome: This is a fun plant that it both lines the Nile River in varying quantity that it should range from small to a regular biome-type sized importance.
    • Crafting Uses: [References] That they should be used to dry out to make boats [here], mats, shoes, hut roofing, and paper/scrolls.
    • Paper: Paper is important to those that care. It was for the Egyptians that I do hope it shall have the same value in Rising World for the likes of scrolls, paper, books, & similar. We could attempt to make detailed ancient-era books & literature (even possibly inserting simple pictures; Default ones mainly) to encourage players to make libraries & archives.
    • Mats: Just simple floor, table, & decorative objects to make use of in homes. Should contain both ancient & 'modern' era type art for variety selections also.
    • Thatching: This would prove to be the most useful to players building whatever style of home they want. Maybe an outpost with them being nearest to thatching that they might even dislike the thought of using bricks & blocks. [Example]
    • Decorative: It even has an interesting decorative use that we might as well get pond types, as well as potted types.
    • Boats: As shown above, they would be strands of dried Papyrus weavings to allow you to explore shallow waters. You need to get around somehow with this being its important use.

    My thoughts lean on it being one of those semi-rare type plants that you would find in those somewhat difficult-to-find river sub-biomes after the water update pops up. They should be a bit difficult to encounter, yet easy to farm, for how versatile of an item they are. You can pretty much do many things with them. This all came about when I was seeking out simple boats for the water update while remembering how useless Mojang made boats in Minecraft. The main boat in Minecraft would break every chance it got that I want Red51 to make sure boats in this game are worthwhile & fun.

  • Excellent idea. You missed one important use for papyrus and that is as a food source. The bottom half is wet and softer than the top so its not useful for crafting but can be eaten. Anyways, papryus, along with other versatile plants such as bamboo and hemp, would be useful for lots of basic crafting needs in a survival game mode where you start out with absolutely nothing. Hemp can be found in grassy fields and occasionally bamboo plants. Papyra lining rivers and lakes in the desert biome would seem very appropriate. Now that water is coming, it would be nice to see the papyra as well.

    Some other links for the usefulness of these resources:

  • Just for the record, while its manifacturing started in Ancient Egypt and Egyptians found a lot of uses for it given its availability, papyrus was not exclusive to Ancient Egypt. For instance, it was used as a writing support in most of the Roman empire up to some centuries A.C.

    So, it might be a less specialized suggestion than expected...

  • I've made a short suggestion about it here

    Mechanical engineering

    Skimmed it twice with it not really being mentioned. Maybe the writing part, yet not the boat part. Hmm.

    Just for the record, while its manifacturing started in Ancient Egypt and Egyptians found a lot of uses for it given its availability, papyrus was not exclusive to Ancient Egypt. For instance, it was used as a writing support in most of the Roman empire up to some centuries A.C.

    So, it might be a less specialized suggestion than expected...

    Thanks for the information. I did a quick Google search so I saw it as Egyptian, yet if it's Roman then that's also neat. This is Rising World though so it'll simply (hopefully) be found along rivers & in a swampy manner of small-to-large batches. That's what I'm hoping for so I can nudge & encourage Red51 to build boats, something that's often overlooked in these sorts of games. Just seeking out boat variety to then spread it out into paper, scrolls, clothing, decorative housing (huts & such), among many others.

    I'm sure we, the players, shall grab a few seeds to create our own specialized farms to go about it the way the Romans & other places have for various needs & essentials.

  • Excellent idea. You missed one important use for papyrus and that is as a food source. The bottom half is wet and softer than the top so its not useful for crafting but can be eaten. Anyways, papryus, along with other versatile plants such as bamboo and hemp, would be useful for lots of basic crafting needs in a survival game mode where you start out with absolutely nothing. Hemp can be found in grassy fields and occasionally bamboo plants. Papyra lining rivers and lakes in the desert biome would seem very appropriate. Now that water is coming, it would be nice to see the papyra

    These three plants where some of the most highly useful during the founding of what we know as early civilization. The Egyptians wouldn't have had near the influence they did on the Nile with out papyrus. Hemp ropes where vital to sails and and rigging. Bamboo was vital to the maritime endeavors in Asia. With water coming I don't really think we could have ships with out them certainly not portray the cultures that where the foundation of civilization as we know it. Really hope Red adds them.

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