Hi all, I am not sure what i did wrong. I wrote a new journal and only the old journal shows up. Any tips would be great. Thank

Journal Not Updating
- Kensi
- Closed
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
maybe i should explain better. i wrote some pages to ADD to my journal, and only the old pages the original pages show up, not the new pages I wrote. Maybe that will help clarify and get some help?
Do you use it in singleplayer or on a multiplayer server? When playing singleplayer, you have to reload the world in order to update the journal, when playing multiplayer, you have to restart the server after replacing the xml file
she posted for me because i havn't posted about the issue yet as im still trying to figure out what went wrong.
the journal.xml is on the server and the server has restarted multiple times but the journal.xml still wont load up in game and im trying to figure out why but any help from you red would be great.
i used and gave kensi a copy of the journal.xml you posted in another topic thread so i am still abit puzzeled as to why it wont load. -
Without any specific info, it is just a shot in the dark, but: any possibility it is something in the XML contents/format/syntax which blocks the loading?
I was afraid you all would say its a syntax error
Heres the journal.xml
<!-- First page -->
<!-- Text, left side, centered, black, font size 42, position x/y (relative) 0.5 / 0.95-->
<text page="left" posx="0.5" posy="0.95" pivot="center" color="0x000000" size="42">
Welcome to Rising Infinity
<!-- Text, right side, centered, red, font size 48, position x/y (relative) 0.5 / 0.75-->
<text page="left" posx="0.0" posy="0.80" color="0x000000" size="34">
Please visit us at
<text page="right" posx="0.5" posy="0.95" pivot="center" color="0x000000" size="42">
<!-- Separate text for link, blue color, slightly bigger font size -->
<text page="right" posx="0.0" posy="0.80" color="0x000000" size="26">
Rank 01 - Beginners start as default
Rank 02 - Find and Claim Land
-75x75 First claim free, each additional 75x75 claim cost $5,000
Rank 03 - 2 Hours of IN GAME time
-1 free construction item other than a blueprint
Rank 04 - 3 hours IN GAME time
-Semi Creative Mode
Rank 05 – 5 hours IN GAME time
-Ability to use the magic light
Rank 06 – 6 hours IN GAME time
-No Rent on a Market Stall for the rest of your time on the server
Rank 07 – 12 hours IN GAME time
- Keep Inventory on death
Rank 08 – 1 Day (24 hours) IN GAME time
- Personal Portal to Infinity Market
Rank 09 – 2 Days IN GAME time
- Abilities to Use/Add Posters
Rank 10 – 3 Days IN GAME time
- Flying Mode enabled
Rank 11 - 4 days IN GAME time
-Terraforming with the F5 ability
<!-- Second page -->
<text page="left" posx="0.5" posy="0.95" pivot="center" color="0x000000" size="42">
Server Rules
<!-- If you want additional line breaks, you can use the escape sequence "\n" -->
<text page="left" posx="0.0" posy="0.80" color="0xFF0000" size="32">
- NO griefing, flaming, or trolling
- Respect other players, Admins, and Owners
of the server. We understand not everyone is
going to agree with one another 100% of the time,
but respect is a MUST
- NO Cheating, or Lieing
- NO pics of porn or violence – this is an auto ban offense
- No Chat about Politics or Religion in Server Chat
- NO one under 16 is allowed, due to sexual innuendos,
potential violence, and harsh language
- NO looking for Pokemon's
<text page="right" posx="0.5" posy="0.95" pivot="center" color="0x000000" size="42">
You Can
<!-- Separate text for link, blue color, slightly bigger font size -->
<text page="right" posx="0.0" posy="0.80" color="0x058314" size="33">
- Find and Report bugs
- Build, Farm, and Mine
- Most importantly HAVE FUN!
<!-- Fourth page -->
<text page="left" posx="0.5" posy="0.95" pivot="center" color="0x000000" size="42">
<!-- Separate text for link, blue color, slightly bigger font size -->
<text page="left" posx="0.0" posy="0.80" color="0x000000" size="33">
To set home its /vn sethome.
/vn home to tp to home
To see what is protected do /showareas
/hideareas hides those ugly boxes
To have your place protected/claimed
please contact an Admin
For a list of TP locations
do //tp list
To PM someone it's @name MSG
example - @Taillia Hello
<text page="right" posx="0.5" posy="0.95" pivot="center" color="0x000000" size="42">
Admins Can help you with
<!-- Separate text for link, blue color, slightly bigger font size -->
<text page="right" posx="0.0" posy="0.80" color="0x058314" size="33">
- Land Protection/Claiming
- Questions about the server and game
- Fix terrain and water for you
<!-- Fifth page -->
<text page="left" posx="0.5" posy="0.95" pivot="center" color="0x000000" size="42">
Special Thanks goes to
<!-- Separate text for link, blue color, slightly bigger font size -->
<text page="left" posx="0.0" posy="0.80" color="0x000000" size="33">
Chrisx8416 – VorNet
<text page="right" posx="0.5" posy="0.95" pivot="center" color="0x000000" size="42">
<!-- Separate text for link, blue color, slightly bigger font size -->
<text page="right" posx="0.0" posy="0.80" color="0x000000" size="33">
Taillia-Server Owner
Chrisx84-VorNet Genius
Furbal-Peon Builder
Btw why xml and not json for the server notes? -
Json is not a markup language but then again neither is xml.
I hope that some journal access will come eventually to the api. I imagine we will be writing scripts to auto update the journal content (new missions, hand-drawn map, saved screenshots, and personal notes).
Json is not a markup language but then again neither is xml.
I hope that some journal access will come eventually to the api. I imagine we will be writing scripts to auto update the journal content (new missions, hand-drawn map, saved screenshots, and personal notes).
be great to be able to do custom quests
The journal.xml looks fine, I was able to load it successfully oO Does the server really restart? There is no cache or something like this, so after a restart the server reads the journal file again.
Does it work when restarting the game (usually it's sufficient to just reconnect to the server)?Btw why xml and not json for the server notes?
Why using json for this? XML provides better readability in this case, especially due to its support for attributes. The only "issues" with XML is the trouble with reserved characters, and the fact that it's more "wordy", resulting in slightly bigger files (but this doesn't matter in this case, since the server reads the file and converts it into an internal "journal" object [and serializes it in order to send it to the client], so the actual filesize has no influence on memory consumption or traffic or whatever).
I hope that some journal access will come eventually to the api
Well, at least it's our intention that each plugin is able to create custom pages in the journal (independent of the "server notes" section). We will also add more elements to the journal like textfields, lists and checkboxes, so it will be possible to control the plugin or call certain functions with the journal. Of course that's just optional, alternatively one could still use commands etc. However, I'm afraid this won't be available with the first release of the new API
The journal.xml looks fine, I was able to load it successfully oO Does the server really restart? There is no cache or something like this, so after a restart the server reads the journal file again.
Does it work when restarting the game (usually it's sufficient to just reconnect to the server)?I found out today that it doesn't actually stop and reboot.... i have requested a total shut down from the company and it did boot, and i saw some line errors, so i went and re did them, and have to request yet again for a total shut down reboot *sighs* so yes, this seems to be the issue.
Well, at least it's our intention that each plugin is able to create custom pages in the journal (independent of the "server notes" section). We will also add more elements to the journal like textfields, lists and checkboxes, so it will be possible to control the plugin or call certain functions with the journal. Of course that's just optional, alternatively one could still use commands etc.
Very good news!
QuoteHowever, I'm afraid this won't be available with the first release of the new API
Yes, it could be useful, but I understand it is not a top priority.
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