Question about Render Distance and Fog.

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  • Hi!

    I was wondering if there are plans for increasing the Render Distance of the grass and for the View Distance of the world?

    Also, would it be possible to add an option to enable/disable the distance fog?

    I been away for a while, but the games looking great. Keep up the great work! :)

  • increasing the Render Distance of the grass

    Yes, we want to rework the graphics settings menu soon, then we will add some settings for the grass ;)

    and for the View Distance of the world

    Right now there are no plans to increase the max total view distance (but you can manually increase it in the file), however, it's our intention to make at least blocks and constructions visible in the LOD chunks (the low detail chunks that are further away).

    enable/disable the distance fog?

    That's also planned :)

  • Hello Zaphieus.Welcome back.From previous threads and discussions about this subject(Red,correct me If I am wrong), the game "fog" is mainly critical for the performance of the game because of the decreased resolution of textures at the end of the rendering distance.
    Same thing applies for the grass.Imagine seeing the grass not 100 blocks away but 800 blocks away(view distance 50).The performance will be decreased significantly .I expressed a desire several months ago If something can be done(when it has to do with the fog) so it can be reduced a bit ,that way the builds at the far end are not almost invisible.Red has performed some amazing optimizations in the game that can support large city build and plenty of micro block detail though. I will agree with you on this about the fog reduction but I dont think it will be totally removed,even as an option because the game will just crush.
    If you played blockscape before though,you will wonder how the view distance is about 3000 blocks and minor fog at the end.
    I wonder about the same thing.Maybe Red will respond to this subject and let us know If something can be done.

  • @red51 that's awesome that you're working on the graphics menu! Has me excited with some idea's I would like to request. Now I don't know if it's still too early to integrate these functions into the graphics but I took the liberty of writing some stuff up from Optifine. If you do't mind and have the time could you please give me your opinion on the following?

    Fast Render:
    Off: Standard Rendering (default)
    On: Optimized rendering (fastest)
    Uses optimized rendering algorithm which decreases
    the GPU load and may substantially increase the FPS.

    Smooth FPS: Stabilizes FPS by flushing the graphic drivers.
    Off: no stabilization, FPS may fluctuate
    On: FPS Stabilization

    Fast Math:
    Off: standard math (default)
    On: faster Math
    Uses sin() and cos() functions which can better utilize
    the CPU cache and increase FPS

    Smooth World:
    Off: no stabilization, FPS may fluctuate
    On: FPS Stabilization
    Stabilizes FPS by distributing the internal server load.
    Effective for local worlds (single player.)

    Dynamic Chunk Updates:
    Off: (default) standard updates per frame
    On: More Updates while the player is standing still
    Dynamic updates force more chunk updates while the
    player is standing still to load the world faster.

    This refers to objects such as trees and grass (nature)Basically this would be the shaders of the game itself. Making changes to this could increase FPS for both local worlds and those with slower computers.
    Grass on/off Trees on/off
    Water on/off Lava on/off
    Wind on/off

    I do so hope that I am not asking for too much. The way the game renders sometimes just confuses me as my computer has a quad-core processor and the game is only using one. Not sure if I have to tear it apart (warranty) to turn them all on or if you would do it some other way. In the launch options I have it set to 4G's and +Use -All Available Cores- still it has a zero effect on the game and graphics cards are expensive when you're disabled.

  • @ArcaneDesmond: You can't apply the Optifine settings to RW. Since Optifine is a mod, it partly improves the default behaviour of MC, so you can choose if you want to use the "default rendering" for example, or the improved version. In RW, we would use the "improved" version by default of course, if you know what I mean. So why offering a switch to select "slow rendering" or "slow math"? ^^

    as my computer has a quad-core processor and the game is only using one

    Are you sure the game only uses one core of your processor? In this case you will get a very poor performance, since the game relies on multithreading. The game has no control over your individual cores, that's handled by the operating system (the game uses multiple threads, but the operating system manages which threads are processed on which core), so if it doesn't work properly, there might be something wrong with the operating system. Eventually you can provide a report file (open console ingame and type "report", then a file called "report" appears in your game directory), but I'd recommend to create a separate topic for that.

    This refers to objects such as trees and grass

    If you are referring to wind animations: This effect is comparatively "cheap", it has nearly no impact on performance. We can add a flag to the file at least, but don't expect any performance improvements by disabling it ;)

    +Use -All Available Cores-

    In the task manager? Or did you add this as launch option (since this launch option does not exist)?

  • @ArcaneDesmond: You can't apply the Optifine settings to RW. Since Optifine is a mod, it partly improves the default behaviour of MC, so you can choose if you want to use the "default rendering" for example, or the improved version. In RW, we would use the "improved" version by default of course, if you know what I mean. So why offering a switch to select "slow rendering" or "slow math"? ^^

    Are you sure the game only uses one core of your processor? In this case you will get a very poor performance, since the game relies on multithreading. The game has no control over your individual cores, that's handled by the operating system (the game uses multiple threads, but the operating system manages which threads are processed on which core), so if it doesn't work properly, there might be something wrong with the operating system. Eventually you can provide a report file (open console ingame and type "report", then a file called "report" appears in your game directory), but I'd recommend to create a separate topic for that.

    In the task manager? Or did you add this as launch option (since this launch option does not exist)?

    @red51 Optifine works with Rising World? Hmm... I'll have to email them to find out how to do that. As far as the report goes I'll be sure to post that under client-side tomorrow morning. The command line I use is: (+memory 3072 4096 -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -sm4 -d3d10 ) without the annotations. The memory part I learned from the client-side pinned section when I first started playing the game as for the rest of the line I got that from Ark Survival Evolved which is a game that behaves more like a syphon on memory than any other game I've ever played. Thanks for the help :)

  • Optifine works with Rising World?

    No, this is a misunderstanding: Of course Optifine does not work with RW ;)


    These launch options do not exist for Rising World. Only options are +memory DIRECT HEAP (to set custom memory limits, but usually this is not necessary, it only makes sense when you have a lot of total memory [>= 16 GB]), +ipv6 (to enable IPv6 support), +connect=IP (to connect to a mp server automatically) and +debug (for certain debugging purposes).

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