Game won't run

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  • I just bought the game from Steam a few days ago but have never gotten it to launch. Absurdly, Steam records 4+ hours of “gameplay” on the game and therefore will not refund me. Steam is non-responsive to this situation, so I guess I’m the proud owner of a desk-top icon that initiates an insistant blank white window that does nothing.

    Sometimes – after I’ve been able to with great patience close the window – I get a windowed error message suggesting that my gpu driver does not support OpenGL. So I’ve been down that rabbit-hole; updated the driver. I’ve re-installed the Java. I’ve re-installed Rising World. Is there anything else I can try?

    I’m running a 256bit GTX960 (1g vram), 6g ram, and a dual-core 3.7. That should be fine(?)

  • Hmm.. do you still get the message about unsupported OpenGL? Usually this indicates that either only a basic Microsoft driver is installed, or the chipset driver is missing (in this case the graphics driver does not work properly in most cases).
    Please have a look if there is a file called "errorlog" in your game directory (to get there, rightclick on RW in Steam -> Properties -> Local files -> Browse local files), if there is such a file, please upload it here, or alternatively post the content here ;)

  • I just gotta say, I'm a little blown away by the responsiveness in here after dealing with Steam Support. Thank you.

    In fact there is an "errorlog" file - in fact there are six (probably one for each time I attempted to launch the game). They all seem to be the same. I'll try to attach one to this post... That seemed to work.

    The driver for my gpu is the Gforce version 369.00.

  • I just gotta say, I'm a little blown away by the responsiveness in here after dealing with Steam Support. Thank you.

    In fact there is an "errorlog" file - in fact there are six (probably one for each time I attempted to launch the game). They all seem to be the same. I'll try to attach one to this post... That seemed to work.

    The driver for my gpu is the Gforce version 369.00.

    it seems it should work oO but maybe a driver problem oO if your driver is the latest driver try rolling back to an older one or reinstalling the one you have.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Thanks for the errorlog file :) This one is dated on the 9th of August, at that time the Nvidia driver wasn't updated yet (driver is dated on February 2015). Or did you install the latest Nvidia driver after this date?
    The problem is indeed a missing OpenGL context, which should never happen with any Nvidia driver (unless it's many years old :D ).
    Perhaps just download and install the latest Nvidia driver again, the latest stable driver version should be 368.81:

    If it still does not work then, maybe delete all "errorlog" files in your game dir and try to start the game again, then upload the latest errorlog again please.

    Maybe the problem is caused by the AMD APU, it seems there is no driver installed for it 8| Where did you plug your monitor, did you plug it into the mainboard or the Nvidia card?

  • Actually, updating the video driver to the 368.81 version is the first thing I tried. When that made no difference, I searched around the net for similar problems with Gforce drivers re: OpenGL, that's when I found the 369.00 version as a possible solution. Again, no difference though.

    I should've mentioned that in the opening post. I... I tried all kinds of things, you know.

    Nevertheless, I think it's sound advice to re-install the 369.81 version and give it another whirl. Will do right after work today. If that doesn't work I'll follow red's instructions cleaning up my errorlog files and generating a fresh one. My next post should include the results from all of the above advice. Thanks guys.

  • So, this is very strange:

    Following the instructions above as best I could, I downloaded & installed the 368.81 Nvidia driver then launched Rising World. No difference. So I proceeded to delete the errorlog files and launch the game again (to produce a fresh errorlog), but no errorlog showed up in the directory. Same exact crash on launch, just no errorlog.

    So, I opened up my browser (ie11), navigated to these forums, and began to post a description of the above experiences; I typed "...but no errorlog was produced...", and then I decided to doublecheck myself. So I minimized the browser and checked my filesystem: no errorlog. Then, with the browser still running, I launched the game again, trying to get that errorlog for you.

    Next, I found myself - for the first time - beholding the Rising World title page. It launched!

    After putting the pieces of myself back together and back into my chair, I ran some casual experiments:

    The game launches if I have visited this webpage, and keep the browser open until after the game is running. Under no other circumstances that I've investigated will the game launch (or even produce an error log, at this point).

    The game launches if I have visited this webpage and then navigated away... popping in for only a moment seems to be critical. I am logged into the forums in a "keep me logged in" situation, which might make a difference, I dunno. It just seems very strange to me and I thought you might like to know about it.

    I'm still here if you'd like me to try anything else, but in the meantime, I'm gonna check out the game!

  • Hmm... definitely some voodoo magic going on here 8| I'm afraid Steam sold you a cursed version of the game... :D
    It sounds like the game didn't really crash previously, just was stuck with doing something? Not sure though, since it's still strange... but in this case the game is supposed to be marked as "running" in Steam.
    While the game is running, maybe grab the chance and please try this: Open the console (by pressing key ~ or `) and type "report" (without quot. marks), then a file called "report" (followed by a number) should appear in your game directory. Please upload this file here, it will provide some useful information about what graphics adapter is used exactly etc. ;)

  • Yes, my Rising World character is a voodoo doll in someone's basement.

    Upon further experimentation I conclude that my former conclusions were a mixture of confirmation bias & wishful thinking.

    So, about 40 seconds into the game (which ran beautifully - I'm so excited about this game) I got a fatal error of some sort. I didn't pay much attention, on the faith that whatever it was could be replicated in another session.

    Unfortunately, I haven't been able to launch the game again. Fortunately, there is now two errorlogs to relay, I'll attach below.

    I'll keep trying to launch and report anything that comes up. ;)

  • Thanks for the new errorlogs :) The first one (which is most likely responsible for the crash after 40 seconds) is unfortunately a bug which may occur sometimes, too bad it happened right now :| Probably this bug will be fixed with the next update.
    The second one is the same issue as previously (it's unable to find an OpenGL compatible graphics adapter), which is still strange. But since you was able to run the game at least once, I don't think it's related to the APU or the Nvidia driver (the currently installed driver is perfectly fine btw)...

    Perhaps it's related to some power saving options in Windows? I haven't seen such an issue before, but who knows. Please have a look in your Windows Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Power Options, maybe try to set the power plan to "High performance" (it may be hidden under "Show additional plans").
    Does this make any difference to the start behaviour of the game?

  • Maybe try restarting your computer, then the game, maybe after the crash something else went wrong that's causing the problem it might be that voodoo problem oO

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited once, last by yahgiggle ().

  • So, I tried all of the above several times without effect, then I ran the .exe "as administrator" and it launched. Once in-game I commanded the "report", and I'll attach that file.

    At this point I seem to be able to launch the game without problem ?( . I've actually put in a couple minutes of game time. Game looks sharp!

    EDIT: False alarm! I guess it just launched a couple of times for me randomly, and then reverted to it's original bad behavior :(

  • Hmm... I'm sorry to hear that :( Maybe try to change the game to fullscreen. Go into the game directory, open the file with a texteditor, and change graphic_fullscreen to true. You may also set graphic_resolution_x and graphic_resolution_y to your desktop resolution (probably 1920 [x] and 1080 [y]). Save the file, and try to start the game again ;)

  • Ok, I followed those steps and the game started right from the desktop a couple of times in a row. Then it failed a couple of times in a row, generating a new errorlog, attached.

    Maybe it's just hit-and-miss.

    EDIT: Yeah, seems random. I just got it going again. I'll play around with it and if I notice anything systematically different when it fails I'll post it here. In the meantime, at least I can start the game - even if sometimes several attempts are needed.

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