Measuring Tools

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Came to take a peak in this forum to see what's new to find someone desiring for measuring tools, something I would also love to chime in on.

    1) Survival:
    *- Flag Marker: One flag to the next would give you the number you're seeking. The number could pop up on the flag, or it could pop up when you look at the flag in the place of the ID number of items on bottom left.

    *- Cones: Similar to the above, if in a decoration sense. Same function, yet different appearance.

    2) Creative:
    Similar (or a mesh) of both the flag & the distance ID in the player tab menu type thing.

    Then you could have measuring tapes, digital devices, & etc. Whatever can be managed to be added in. Some for short distances, some for longer distances.

  • Sounds good, something like a measuring tape or digital measuring device was planned anyway, but especially the idea with the flag markers sounds interesting. We will implement that in the medium run :)

  • Typo fix because I tried rushing my post, but glad you approve of this. Nice. Nice! Looking forward to when you do add this in as it would help people measuring things out.

    What I've done in Minecraft was place dirt blocks every second spot to make my buildings either even or odd to make sure it all fits. having measuring devices would help in ways with this. For the flag would be more of a long-range device, something form one biome to the next, type thing. We all use the tools in various adaptive manners.

    Nice. This is why I love Rising World because it gets straight to the point without screwing up in the middle. :)

  • Flag Marker: One flag to the next would give you the number you're seeking.
    Some for short distances, some for longer distances.

    Medium-to-long distance measurement is already available in my GPS plugin: it is possible to define up to 9 waypoints and to have the distance of each from the current player position.

    Not exactly the same of what you describe, but a step in the direction, isn't it?

  • Medium-to-long distance measurement is already available in my GPS plugin: it is possible to define up to 9 waypoints and to have the distance of each from the current player position.
    Not exactly the same of what you describe, but a step in the direction, isn't it?

    Something is better than nothing, yes. Well, seeing as how Red51 keeps impressing us I'm having high hopes expecting neat measuring tools in the coming updates heh. This is awesome on both developer & community side :love:

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