[plugin]BlockPlacer (world edit replacement oO)

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  • BlockPlacer Is A World Edit Tool For Placing & Removing Blocks Land and Construction

    The commands are

    /blockplacerhelp <------- to get some info
    /select or /selectarea or /select area <---- to select the area as before
    /cancel or /cancelarea or /cancel area <---- new command the area stays selected till you enter this command oO
    /place block (id) <------ to fill your selected area with blocks
    /place block (type) (orientation) (id)<----- place blocks by type see list below (orientation) = north, east, south, or west
    /fill with (id) or name <-------- to fill the selected area with Terrain
    /delete (blocks, obj, con, boc, veg, land, or abs )<------ to delete stuff

    /delete land <-------- removes land only
    /delete veg <------- removes all Vegetation, excluding grass
    /delete con <-------- removes all Construction, excluding blocks
    /delete obj <-------- removes all Objects
    /delete blocks <-------- removes all blocks
    /delete boc <-------- removes all blocks, objects and construction
    /delete abs <-------- removes all blocks, objects, construction, Vegetation and land

    You can use the (name) or (id) to fill the Selected area so you can also do /fill with dirt or /fill with 1

    grass9 or -9
    grass8 or -8
    grass7 or -7
    grass6 or -6
    grass5 or -5
    grass4 or -4
    grass3 or -3
    grass2 or -2

    air or 0
    dirt or 1
    grass or 2
    stone or 3
    gravel or 4
    rock or 5
    farmland or 6
    mud or 7
    snow or 8
    sand or 9
    desertdirt or 10
    desertstone or 11
    clay or 12
    dungeonwall or 13
    dungeonfloor or 14
    bonewall or 15
    hellstone or 16
    iron or -101
    copper or -102
    aluminium or -103
    silver or -104
    gold or -105
    tungsten or -106
    cobalt or -107
    mithril or -108
    water or 100
    saltwater or 101

    This is a big project so will take some time to get everything back that we had in the old lua world edit, but i have plans to make this one even better oO

    Block id list

    195 half-block bottom
    198 half-block center
    201 half-block top

    If your Half Block id is 37 and you want the block at the top you type /place block 20137
    if the id is, for example, over 100 like say 186 it Would be 20100 + 186 = /place block 20286
    example 2 for Half block Center 198 19800 + 186 = 19986
    example 3 for Half block Bottom 195 19500 + 186 = 19686
    This is the same for All block types with the id over 100

    Full List
    North East South West is to show you what way the block is facing

    NorthEastSouthWestBlock type
    39424548Stair do stair
    51545760Stair type2 do stair2
    63666972Stair type3 do stair3
    75788184Stair corner do staircorner
    87909396Stair inner corner do stairinnercorner
    99102105108Ramp do ramp
    111114117120Ramp upside down do rampupsidedown
    123126129132Ramp Half Corner do ramphalfcorner
    135138141144Ramp Inner Corner do rampinnercorner
    147150153156Ramp Half Corner upside down do ramphalfcornerupsidedown
    159162165168Ramp Inner Corner upside down do rampinnercornerupsidedown
    171174177180Ramp Corner do rampcorner
    183186189192Ramp Corner upside down do rampcornerupsidedown
    195195195195Half Block bottom do halfblockbottom
    198198198198Half Block Center do halfblockcenter
    201201201201Half Block Top do halfblocktop
    204207204207Cylinder on its side do cylindersideways
    219219219219Pyramid do pyramid
    222222222222Pyramid upside down do pyramidupsidedown

    NorthEastSouthWestBlock type
    225228231234Ramp On Its Side do rampsideways
    237240243246Arc do arc
    249252255258Arc upside down do arcupsidedown
    261264267270Arc on its side do arcsideways
    273276279282Stair on its side do stairsideways
    285288291294Stair upside down do stairupsidedown
    297300303306Stair Corner upside down do staircornerupsidedown
    309312315318Stair Inner Corner upside down do stairinnercornerupsidedown
    003003003003Cylinder do cylinder
    006009012015Cylinder Half do cylinderhalf

    Like always if you like my scripts and use them please do click the like button below ^^


    • BlockPlacer.zip

      (11.41 kB, downloaded 906 times, last: )

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited 30 times, last by yahgiggle ().

  • Really nice, world edit was the most important lua script. It's nice to see it's getting reworked as a plugin :thumbsup:

    Thanks yes your right this plugin is needed, BTW just updated it with new /fill with command now you can also fill Terrain

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Full List
    North East South West is to show you what way the block is facing

    NorthEastSouthWestBlock type
    39424548Stair do stair
    51545760Stair type2 do stair2
    63666972Stair type3 do stair3
    75788184Stair corner do staircorner
    87909396Stair inner corner do stairinnercorner
    99102105108Ramp do ramp
    111114117120Ramp upside down do rampupsidedown
    123126129132Ramp Half Corner do ramphalfcorner
    135138141144Ramp Inner Corner do rampinnercorner
    147150153156Ramp Half Corner upside down do ramphalfcornerupsidedown
    159162165168Ramp Inner Corner upside down do rampinnercornerupsidedown
    171174177180Ramp Corner do rampcorner
    183186189192Ramp Corner upside down do rampcornerupsidedown
    195195195195Half Block bottom do halfblockbottom
    198198198198Half Block Center do halfblockcenter
    201201201201Half Block Top do halfblocktop
    204207204207Cylinder on its side do cylindersideways
    219219219219Pyramid do pyramid
    222222222222Pyramid upside down do pyramidupsidedown

    NorthEastSouthWestBlock type
    225228231234Ramp On Its Side do rampsideways
    237240243246Arc do arc
    249252255258Arc upside down do arcupsidedown
    261264267270Arc on its side do arcsideways
    273276279282Stair on its side do stairsideways
    285288291294Stair upside down do stairupsidedown
    297300303306Stair Corner upside down do staircornerupsidedown
    309312315318Stair Inner Corner upside down do stairinnercornerupsidedown
    003003003003Cylinder do cylinder
    006009012015Cylinder Half do cylinderhalf

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited once, last by yahgiggle ().

  • grass9 = -10,

    I've just tested this plug-in on our test server.

    fill with grass9 works fine, but "fill with -10" has no effect.

    And I didn't find out how to make plots i.e. a quarter with cylinders with id 143 for instance or is the information for upcoming updates?

  • I've just tested this plug-in on our test server.
    fill with grass9 works fine, but "fill with -10" has no effect.

    And I didn't find out how to make plots i.e. a quarter with cylinders with id 143 for instance or is the information for upcoming updates?

    the grass id's are taken from the world edit script from when lordfoobar updated it oO seems strange 9 = -10 i did not think grass even went to ten lol ill test this when i get the time and update it most likely grass9 will = 9 oO with cylinders with id 143 that id would = 00300 + 143 = id 00443

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • the grass id's are taken from the world edit script from when lordfoobar updated it oO seems strange 9 = -10 i did not think grass even went to ten lol ill test this when i get the time and update it most likely grass9 will = 9 oO with cylinders with id 143 that id would = 00300 + 143 = id 00443

    Ty. I think 9 height is really enough. ^^

  • So I love the detail i'm seeing so far but from a user perspective I'm seeing it being much MUCH more difficult to use. Especially with the special blocks like stairs and ramps which are the two most common that I would place with this (think roofing). Is there a way to make the syntax simpler like "/place <block type> <id> <direction> <position>" so something like: "/place ramp 133 north flipped"? The idea being that the words N, S, E, W would get the corresponding graphic and then the position would be by default normal or use the arguments sideways and flipped?

    I would think words would be a bit easier than a different number for each facing for each type of block... but I don't know programming either so it may not be reasonable either.

  • So I love the detail i'm seeing so far but from a user perspective I'm seeing it being much MUCH more difficult to use. Especially with the special blocks like stairs and ramps which are the two most common that I would place with this (think roofing). Is there a way to make the syntax simpler like "/place <block type> <id> <direction> <position>" so something like: "/place ramp 133 north flipped"? The idea being that the words N, S, E, W would get the corresponding graphic and then the position would be by default normal or use the arguments sideways and flipped?

    I would think words would be a bit easier than a different number for each facing for each type of block... but I don't know programming either so it may not be reasonable either.

    Yes this will be done :-D it just takes some time

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Hallo yahiggle soweit ist das BlockPlacer/worldedit ok

    aber ich glaube da fehlt noch was am befehl und zwar der clear ich habe alles versucht aber wie bekomme ich die blöcke weg


    Hello yahiggle so far is the BlockPlacer/worldedit ok

    But I think there is still missing something at the command and the clear I've tried everything but how do I get the blocks away

    Wier Die Ausgestossenen

    TS3: - Gameserver: CS:S - RW: IPV6: [2001:4ba0:babe:1575::]:26015

  • do this /place block 0 <--------- 0 will fill the block area with air and remove the blocks :D

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Hi

    ok das gehtja aber ich möcht ein ganzes haus weg machen mit alles drum und dran damit ich ein grundstück wider freigeben kann was seit monaten brach liegt allso wo nicht mehr weiter gebaut wurde da wäre der befehl clear oder clear all sehr gut zu gebrauchen.

    Ok that goes but I would like to make a whole house away with everything drum and turn so I can repossess a plot what has been broke for months allso where no further construction was there would be the command clear or clear all very good to use.

    Wier Die Ausgestossenen

    TS3: - Gameserver: CS:S - RW: IPV6: [2001:4ba0:babe:1575::]:26015

  • ok das gehtja aber ich möcht ein ganzes haus weg machen mit alles drum und dran damit ich ein grundstück wider freigeben kann was seit monaten brach liegt allso wo nicht mehr weiter gebaut wurde da wäre der befehl clear oder clear all sehr gut zu gebrauchen.

    (Im Moment funktioniert das alte World Edit doch noch. /we clear all z. B.)

    Ich denke @yahgiggle wird das Plugin hier noch ergänzen. Er sagte ja, es steckt noch viel Arbeit darin. ^^

  • Hmm das ist nicht gut aber schau das du es mal hinbekommst das wäre super

    Hmm that is not good but look you times it came out that would be great

    Wier Die Ausgestossenen

    TS3: - Gameserver: CS:S - RW: IPV6: [2001:4ba0:babe:1575::]:26015

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