NPC Village

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  • Not sure if they are planned but if they are then perhaps expand on them (like the mod for minecraft which name alludes me, but with differences) minecrafts mod allows you to trade with the village people gaining respect and such as you trade with them. How about advancing on this and putting a job board in place where rather than "we need these resources" a job board where positions are available. The village needs a farmer crop and/or animal (both are listed as separate requirements, a bakery etc once you have decided you visit the village chief and see if you are can have which ever job role you wanted and f allowed that role is removed from the job board in less more vacancies for that type are available. Now with your role within the village (for example of this suggestion you are a crop farmer) you are required to provide a certain amount of wheat, barley, rye (what ever types of crops are available ingame) to be ready each and every harvest (this is assuming crops will not grow within one or two game days, but take time) if months are to be added then maybe each month you need to have provided x amount of the given resource for your job type. With months been implemented we can see more with weather aswell, winter is more wet and/or snowy colder weather means lower yields for crops which means more land is required for crops. As the village grows so does your expected amount of wheat. The farmer might need to build a mill to grind the wheat into flour which means they need to make sure they have a surplus each harvest to allow them to always have enough left over for themselves.

    If your a animal breeder then you have to do what ever you can to keep stock levels high and protect them from wolves, foxes and other predators and so on for each profession.

  • Obviously this is for multiplayer (which I don't do... at all).
    How is this suppose to work in single player? I just see it as the NPC's are in trouble if they're depending on me to fill some quota. I'm gonna be too busy surviving and providing for my own needs.

    I'm not against the "job" thing- it would add a interesting dynamic to the game. But you're advocating "trade with the village people". Trade for what? I understand they're posting their requirements, but what about your requirements? What do you trade for? What if you don't want what they're offering? Do you get to pick and choose among various items? Sounds like you need an "economy", as in, here's the items a villager has for trade, and here's the cost each in wheat (or whatever) for each. Or, instead of one villager, do you check with different ones till you (hopefully) find the one willing to trade for the item that you want. I'm not against the idea, but I think this can get complicated pretty fast.

    I think this would make a great mod for those that are into this sorta thing, but added to the game for everybody? Don't know about that. Sorry, as I said before, I tend to look at things "differently", in this case from both sides, and just need a little more explanation of how this is suppose to work besides just giving 'jobs' to everyone.

  • I'm not saying you trade for goods but you trade for some kind of currency which can be used within the village to buy from a market store or shop something you require like, wood, stone, tools. The quota could be a weekly amount, you do this because its your job and lets you live in the village. Those who do not wish to live in the village can happily go off and live out in the woods or as far away from any town as they like, only trading with the town for items they want but don't need in order to survive.

    The villagers would need some level of intellect because this I was thinking could be multiplayer and single player, it works in Minecraft although not in the way I describe here.

  • I could get behind npc villages. No generating on mountains!! haha Would be interesting if you had to earn their trust. After all, it will be a hostile world. So maybe you can save them from some monster which is raiding their village, without them asking for you to do it since initially they would not trust you... resulting in them liking you, more then before at least. Or you come across a village which is clearly starving, so bring them food, give them seeds and help them grow their own crops.

    Maybe you end up pissing them off.. and from that point on if you come to close to their village they will come after you with their pitchforks. :D

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I've thought about this for games like these before. What would be cool would add onto that would be the option of if there is some sort of in-game currency that the villagers use and you can earn by trading with them... if you could say hire 2 or 4 or 6 unemployed villagers to come help you work. It could be done fairly easily much like a certain foresty game does with their ghost blueprints. You could lay out ghost blueprints of things that you want done. Say... a fence along the south border of your land. You could lay down the ghost guide and then just click on it and have an option like "Assign Duty" and they'll go and gather up wood and build the fence for you while you go off and work on building your house or your barn or whatever.

    This could work both on multi and singleplayer but it would be rather ambitious, :P

    This is something that players could use optionally and wouldn't be required of anyone. Myself I tend to get stuck doing all the work while my buddies and brother goof off and don't do much. So I would loooove to have some help sometimes on some things and paying honest working AI villagers would delight me to no end. Also if something like storage houses were added, you could click the storage house and do something like "Assign Gather Wood" or something to get help with gathering resources. Sometimes that part gets a little old/grindy for me when I just want to buildbuildbuild. But if I can earn money and hire helpers, well then, all the better!

  • I certainly am in favor of NPC villages. There are many potential ways to interact with them and I have not made up my mind about which details seem most logical at this point. Here are a few ideas:

    1. Villagers should have an opinion about players. It would start off neutral but improve with positive interactions and deteriorate with negative interactions. If it was good enough they may trade with you, giving you better deals or access to more valuable items as their opinion of you improves. If it was bad enough they would attack you on sight or refuse to trade with you at least.
    2. Also, the NPCs should have particular jobs within their village with unique names that apply to their profession.
    3. Villagers should only trade items that can be found or produced within their biome and only desire items found outside of their biome. This would be more logical and require players to do a bit of work for for trade goods.
    4. Villagers should ask for protection from some of the local predatory wildlife. This could be the initial task that needs to be accomplished in order to get them to improve their opinion of you and begin to trade.

  • Seeing as how villages have been confirmed to be in I'm all for the job purposes. I'm thinking of that Millionaire Mod in Minecraft that did this so nicely, which might be the mod the OP is thinking of.

    - You having to choose how to help them in exchange for a Civilization trade type menu. Access the list of what they can offer you for what you can then be offered in return. Doesn't have to be money. It can be anything. You can assist them with whatever they need and require for whatever you need in return. You help a friend move his furniture, you get food in return to feed yourself for a long while.
    - Being able to request their assistance (or an AI Companion befriended from there; Possibly even through a mod addition) would be interesting. If you can get the option to befriend, or even have them companions for life (not love interest) then they should be able to follow, assist you, help build, lightly mine, farm, and etc. if you don't need them then you can escort them back to their village.
    - Each villager should focus on their profession and similar. They should stick to their tasks at hand while asking you for stuff whenever necessary.


    I can now imagine railway networks, roads, and such linking player settlements to AI settlements and even merged ones. Would be an interesting mix and sights of things. Imagine shipping around supplies from one village to the next, more so on singleplayer for those that go deeper into role-play.

  • +1 I love this :D It would add sooo much depth to the game and to me that really wouldn't feel like the same old 'quest' type stuff if done properly. Especially if you could get AI assistance/workers, etc from doing tasks for them and earning favor or whatever with them.

  • No. Please, I dislike this idea. Let player's create their own community's. It was a bad idea in Minecraft and it is an even worse one here, no offense but no thanks!

  • - Being able to request their assistance (or an AI Companion befriended from there; Possibly even through a mod addition) would be interesting. If you can get the option to befriend, or even have them companions for life (not love interest) then they should be able to follow, assist you, help build, lightly mine, farm, and etc. if you don't need them then you can escort them back to their village.

    This would fit with the ghost thing we talked about, if you get your NPC buddy killed.. he would become a ghost and potentially try to kill you hehe Would be interesting if Ghosts maintained their earthly looks in some way so you could tell them apart.. so you could find your old NPC buddy after he is dead. lol

    No. Please, I dislike this idea. Let player's create their own community's. It was a bad idea in Minecraft and it is an even worse one here, no offense but no thanks!

    I hear ya, in some way I agree. But then you can just choose to not deal with NPCs right? Don't make friends with them, consider them the enemy and a resource using parasite if you want.. kill them all off! That would be another challenge if you so wished. Doesn't have to be one way or the other. Devs should balance the NPC interactions so they are not a huge advantage, or any advantage at all. Maybe treat a NPC buddy like a pet where you have to provide food and water and shelter at night so a NPC buddy is almost a problem to have. ;)

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • No. Please, I dislike this idea. Let player's create their own community's. It was a bad idea in Minecraft and it is an even worse one here, no offense but no thanks!

    If it's done the Mojang way then of course it's going to be shit. If it's done the Millienaire mod way it'll be more worthwhile. I do understand your fear though. We'll obviously create ours while stumbling across other random ones. Let's just hope the trios don't pull a Mojang while asking for templates, designs, and maybe even designs and such. People could do the structures, they could do the AI.


    Would be an interesting feature. The ghost this is something I'd love to see from the graveyards and dead corpses at night. The 'important' ones obtaining their earthly appearances eh? Be interesting. Friendlies stalk their bodies, graveyard wanders outwards, and hostiles spawn off in the forest or just out of your view inward towards you. No random shadow-spawning MC style crap. Hmm.....I'd accept the body-stalking bit. (Again. this all can be 'over-ridden' by the devs) as I'm just letting loose thoughts.Treating AI Villagers as 'pets' is something I'm seeking hoping I can mod in my OCs. If that's not going to be in then at the very least allow item trading through tasks. You give them their resources requested while you get something you're interested in for what they asked you to get. That's the least i'm going to expect from the villages. If it wants to go "Millionaire" then I guess I'll expect more when game is completed.

  • Not just "important" ghosts. All ghosts. So they really have the feeling of being people from the village who died before.

    Alright, noted then. I dont' know anymore. So little information to now work with that I'll just follow your lead in thoughts :P. I'm curious about the food update that I'm wanting to see some info about it, even on Vortac's videos. Him even being spooked by the ghosts we're talking about would be comical of them even keeping their earthly appearances. Implied ties to villages, as you said.

  • If it's done the Mojang way then of course it's going to be shit. If it's done the Millienaire mod way it'll be more worthwhile. I do understand your fear though. We'll obviously create ours while stumbling across other random ones. Let's just hope the trios don't pull a Mojang while asking for templates, designs, and maybe even designs and such. People could do the structures, they could do the AI.


    Would be an interesting feature. The ghost this is something I'd love to see from the graveyards and dead corpses at night. The 'important' ones obtaining their earthly appearances eh? Be interesting. Friendlies stalk their bodies, graveyard wanders outwards, and hostiles spawn off in the forest or just out of your view inward towards you. No random shadow-spawning MC style crap. Hmm.....I'd accept the body-stalking bit. (Again. this all can be 'over-ridden' by the devs) as I'm just letting loose thoughts.Treating AI Villagers as 'pets' is something I'm seeking hoping I can mod in my OCs. If that's not going to be in then at the very least allow item trading through tasks. You give them their resources requested while you get something you're interested in for what they asked you to get. That's the least i'm going to expect from the villages. If it wants to go "Millionaire" then I guess I'll expect more when game is completed.

    I dislike the idea of ghosts and such, seems a tad silly to me but we all can have our ideas. :P

  • It's only silly if it's done silly, could be a damn serious thing to deal with lol. Ghosts might just mess you up! ;)

    I dislike the idea of Monsters to be in the game. However, I do not mind if Monsters, to be in Dungeons/Hell so that the people who want them can be satisfied, and the realistic animals to be on the surface such as Bears, Wolves and more so that the people who want realistic animals/predators can be happy too. You understand that, right?

  • I dislike the idea of Monsters to be in the game. However, I do not mind if Monsters, to be in Dungeons/Hell so that the people who want them can be satisfied, and the realistic animals to be on the surface such as Bears, Wolves and more so that the people who want realistic animals/predators can be happy too. You understand that, right?

    It appears we might have a war brewing on the horizon. If they do it the way I'm imagining in a similar style of seriousness to Dragon's Dogma then that be interesting


    :27 - 1 minute, minus the head-grapling. Basically being foggy entities moving about while having a good chance of being hostile when lingering in the area too long. That would be most ideal for the villages that have a graveyard that want to be left alone, or have some form of regrets to take out on players.

    And I understand why you want it to be realistic. Just check out that Dragon's Dogma trailer for a moment to see how it 'could' be done. Not everywhere, just spaced out enough. VIllager ghosts from graveyards being one realistic spot to do so. I guess I should also suggest that they should be insanely hostile and aggressive down in Hell due to how much suffering is down there. There they can be brutally hostile.

    How to deal with ghosts? I'd say torches. Just holding it should be enough, no?

    (EDit: I don't know anymore. I'm simply loosely brainstorming at this point.)

  • Just had a thought about hell. Please devs do not make souls floating around down there... no religious stuffs please. I even don't like that it is called hell. Would prefer it to be considered close to RW's core. Not the core itself... but close to it. "Hell" just has so many loaded feelings attached to it.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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