no luck for me. i've tried several new games, flew around underground a while, also not finding anything in the desert either. just a bunch of shacks.

Has anyone found an underground dungeon?
- zfoxfire
- Closed
same here searched for an hour or so in 3-4 new games but nothing, not even a underwater ruin
I generated several new worlds and no luck. even tried a seed of "dungeon" no luck.
However I have found a number of ruins. I am going to open a used Piano store soon because I have already got over 100 slightly used and dented pianos in stock
I generated several new worlds and no luck. even tried a seed of "dungeon" no luck.
However I have found a number of ruins. I am going to open a used Piano store soon because I have already got over 100 slightly used and dented pianos in stock
I can't find the like button. I really want to Like this post
same here searched for an hour or so in 3-4 new games but nothing, not even a underwater ruin
Someone on the Discord found an underwater shack. Its not quite the dungeon I remember seeing on the original announcement:
Upcoming: Dungeons and Plugin API -
I found an underwater shack when doing a Twitch stream. It was in a lake.
I think the shacks are screwing up the dungeon spawning because of their spawning frequency should make it 5 per biome, and maybe make a mini village out of those that do spawn in chunks. The shacks do spawn a nice village, yet they also spawn a whole rubble village also that there's no walls or anything. There seems to be major extremes to these.
Yeah, dungeons seem to be knocked out thanks to the shack spawning. I searched & searched, found nothing. I guess this is the running joke of the floating ore to water position being stuck to abandoned shacks being over-populating.........
I found one. Possibly two?
I was in creative mode on a random-seed single player game, found a shack, lost it, looked for it again, found another, decided what the hell, and just dug straight down. From it, I found a tunnel to either a second one, or another part of the first.
Seed: -9120323421395590
hehe this thread was created because when the dungeon update launched they didn't spawn properly and none of us could find one. If you create a new world now and fly below ground for a bit you will find 10s of dungeons really fast
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