Reading suggestions

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I'm feeling a little bit sorry for not responding to most suggestions currently! Please don't think we are not interested in your suggestions, it's just a really busy time right now ^^ I will reply to all suggestions as soon as I have more time, most certainly shortly after Christmas :)

  • No problem. Pardon the pun, but we'll survive.
    I'm sure you have a notebook full of ideas- both yours and ours.
    We appreciate your hard work (and we're gonna talk it up, right guys?)

    Merry Christmas!

  • Yeah we want you to work on the game you guys planned then we can give some input along the way. Are you guys currently taking a christmas break? If so then happy holidays and catch you guys in the new year:)

  • Please, by all means, focus on your priorities. And I'm sorry for my walls of text I can come up with at times haha. I love thinking of new ideas for games, and like to hash them out in my own mind and with others on forums. Feel free to inform me when/if my head is up my arse... :D

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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