horses and wagons?

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  • I am a big fan of this very early development and I'm loving the changes. I remember when water was new... anyway I would love to have a horse that can travel faster then running speed for long travels and perhaps a wagon to haul my treasures and materials. No matter the next update I'm looking forward to it. Keep up the good work!

  • yes from some other thread red said he was working on horses and donkeys if I am not mistaken.

  • Red51 does not take us seriously

    I am sorry to hear that you think that but if I may ask where does this claim come from? From what I have seen in the past few months I have been a member here, he is on the forums (and steam discussions) replying to threads and personal messages almost daily, he has been very helpful in every way possible when anyone asked for assistance with bugs/problems (even when the problems were not caused by his game i.e. antivirus-steam conflicts etc.). If you mean that he doesn't reply to the suggestions part of the forum yes that is true he only reads it as far as I know.

  • Red51 does not take us seriously

    Of course this isn't true. As @Minotorious mentioned, I barely reply to suggestions, but I read every suggestion. If I would also reply to every suggestion, there wouldn't be any time left to work on the game ;) About this particular suggestion: Horses (+donkeys +camels) and cars (as well as trains) are planned and horses are even in the works, but it will take some time until they're finally available. Horses will be ready somewhere after the new player models, cars probably not before 2018. I can't say much about wagons yet, they will be quite tricky to implement properly (they need to be physical in order to "look right" when you travel over bumpy terrain, at least if we want to avoid situations of floating wagons [or wagons stuck in the terrain] depending on the steepness of the terrain). We have to work on this feature in order to find out if this can be implemented properly without spending too much time on it (there are many other features that need to be implemented, so it wouldn't be reasonable if we spend 2-3 months solely on wagons, for example). So basically I can't say much about wagons yet.

  • I seriously can't wait for horses and wagons. Flymode is nice for traveling fast, but breaks the survival spell. Horses should be rare, and hard to catch and tame. It would be nice if we could craft wagons with interactive construction-site crafting instead of a blockbech-type gui. Maybe you start a construction site for the wagon you want, and with lumber in your hand, it snaps to the next board. Also, we should have carriages and stagecoaches to haul multiple ppl in MP games. But first, we need player model update for that mithril armor that will protect us on our undoubtedly multiple falls when trying to tame that horse!

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • We have to work on this feature in order to find out if this can be implemented properly without spending too much time on it (there are many other features that need to be implemented, so it wouldn't be reasonable if we spend 2-3 months solely on wagons, for example). So basically I can't say much about wagons yet.

    Would boats be less difficult? Because you don't have to deal with hills and such.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • @joni909 Maybe I should change it to represent what happened to foxbox yesterday... ---If all the beach was pine forest, and mountains sat on my house. If zfoxfire broke all the world, <insert amazing ending>.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • Would boats be less difficult? Because you don't have to deal with hills and such.

    Yes indeed ^^ Especially if you attach the wagon to a horse or donkey, this makes things complicated (that's why the "horse+wagon" combination looks awkward in many games)^^ Nevertheless, boats are definitely planned, basically like the horses, they will be ready somewhere after the player models ;)

  • Yes Especially if you attach the wagon to a horse or donkey, this makes things complicated (that's why the "horse+wagon" combination looks awkward in many games)^^ Nevertheless, boats are definitely planned, basically like the horses, they will be ready somewhere after the player models

    Makes sense, even to my computer-illiterate brain... I'm very curious to see how the boats will turn out, and how they will be crafted! :)

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • Thanks to the map update we received (0.8.2) I've been itching for horses with wagons more than ever now that I'm finding this thread appropriate for such. Nice to see Red51 looking into wagons because we'll be needing that in more frequency and importance the more we gain each and every update. It's also nice to see Red51 is communicating exactly why it's taking forever, because of other plans + wagon not connecting properly. I love that transparency. :thumbsup:

    Because of that I suggested auto-run, yet haven't gotten that now. With the maps it's needed more than ever now. Shame it wasn't added in the past two updates. 20 min walk is brutal that I don't want travel that often ?(

  • I think the train can only work on straight line for now

    Doing turns properly might be not very easy (I remember when I worked on the car wheel positioning for a train simulator: the math involved in turns was far from trivial); but the real challenge are variations of altitude, which may occur differently for each car wheel.

  • Oh, the timing of that 'Kingdoms' game sure is something.

    They ended up being the 'first game' to add horses in this open world pool that it's yet to be seen if Rising World or Medieval Engineers adds in horses first. I striked out what wasn't horse related also.

    This is the type of log I'd expect Red51 to make if he were to add in horses. Adding them into the wild, giving them variety/different breeds, being able to loot meat & skin off them (even though it's viewed as cruel), as well as giving them saddles. I find it amusing & curious how they added in the option to whistle so the horse would follow the player. The whistling is something I wanted to request a day or two ago, yet it got lost among the various things happening. Would be sweet to hear the horse shoe clanging on blocks, as well as whistling to get a horse in shouting distance closer to you. Maybe even yelling to get them to you.

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