Hello all as promised I have started working on a standalone program to edit textures in blueprint files. Thus I wanted to update you on the progress and welcome any suggestions from your end for things to be done differently than the way I have now in mind.
My program currently looks like this (on the left hand side you find the editing interface while on the right hand side I will include a thumbnail list of all available textures with their respective in game numbers):
It has two options under the File menu i.e. Open for opening a blueprint file for editing and Save for saving the new blueprint file. Once you open a file the fields "BP Creator", " BP Name", and "BP World" show the respective information but you are only allowed to change the name field.
Then once you click one of the Edit XXX buttons you get the respective information in the Editing field (i.e. Blocks, Planks, Beams, etc.) and you can cycle through and change the various textures found in your blueprint by the Previous/Next buttons. (the current texture appears in the "Current Texture" field while you can add a custom texture number in the "New Texture" field.
Hope you like it so far and as I said any suggestions for improvement or changes are welcome
PS: I decided it was a good opportunity for me to learn java too so I am writing it in java which makes it a bit harder for me and will definitely take more time than if I had done it in another language but you will have to bear with me and be a tad bit more patient
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