[Plugin] Animal Breed Master - Viehzuchtmeister V0.81.1

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • With the new update, my bred animals have no name and show nothing else above the animal.

    Could you perhaps also include an earthworm breeding in the plugin. I like to go fishing and I need them urgently. Thank you very much.

  • earthworms are easy to find. especially if it is raining. JUst use the rake, and they will appear, pick them up. it baits the fishing pole auto when having them in inventory. cast out the line .. use right click to keep jigging it, until you get a bite or two then left click to reel catch in. can even find bags that way (with various items, like grenade etc)

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Ya Animal Breed Plugin looks like it may need to be updated. Tamed animals on my server no longer show the nametag etc.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Richtg , es gibt imm er noch das problem!
    aber an der fuktion hat sich ja nichts geaendert. ist halt echt doof das die namen nicht mher angezeigt werden. oder hat einer von euch ne loesung wie mann das beheben kann :-)

    Richtg, there is still the problem!but nothing has changed in the function. is just really stupid that the names are not displayed more. or has one of you ne solution how man can fix that :-)

  • Hallo zusammen!
    Nach einer kleinen Weile bin ich wieder zurück! :)
    Aber das ist noch nicht alles: ich habe etwas mitgebracht! :thumbsup:

    Neue Version: V0.80:

    • neue Interaktion: gib dein Tier wieder frei (es ist wieder wild), halte dazu ein Stock in den Händen
    • Kommando entfernt: /abm clearnames (war nur übergangsweise gedacht)
    • neues Kommando (nur Admin): /abm listranchers alle Rancher (Spieler mit Tieren) auflisten
    • neues Kommando (nur Admin): /abm listanimals PLAYER_ID alle Tiere vom Spieler PLAYER_ID auflisten
    • neues Kommando (nur Admin): /abm changeowner rancher OLD_ID NEW_ID alle Tiere vom Spieler OLD_ID auf NEW_ID übertragen
      (setze NEW_ID = -1 um alle Tiere an die Wildnis zurückzugeben)
    • neues Kommando (nur Admin): /abm changeowner animal NPC_ID PLAYER_ID Tier NPC_ID auf Spieler PLAYER_ID übertragen
      (setze PLAYER_ID = -1 um das Tier an die Wildnis zurückzugeben)
    • neues Kommando (nur Admin): /abm reset lock rancher ID alle angeleinten Tiere des Spielers mit ID losbinden
    • neues Kommando (nur Admin): /abm reset lock animal ID angeleintes Tier mit ID losbinden
    • neues Kommando (nur Admin): /abm reset invincible rancher ID alle Tiere des Spielers mit ID wieder verwundbar machen
    • neues Kommando (nur Admin): /abm reset invincible animal ID Tier mit ID wieder verwundbar machen
    • Schafe sind wieder fütterbar, sie werden nur geschoren, wenn du kein Futter in den Händen hältst
    • viele Code-Änderungen unter der Haube (u.a. für kommende ABM-API)

    ...zusätzlich werde ich demnächst noch eine kleine ABM-API veröffentlichen ( @noci wird's freuen )

    Viel Spaß!

    Hello everybody!
    After a little while I'm back! :)
    But that's not all: I brought something with me! :thumbsup:

    New Version: V0.80:

    • new interaction: release your animal (back to the wild), hold a stick in your hands
    • removed command: /abm clearnames (only temporarily used)
    • new command (admin only): /abm listranchers lists all ranchers (players owning animals)
    • new command (admin only): /abm listanimals PLAYER_ID lists all animals from player PLAYER_ID
    • new command (admin only): /abm changeowner rancher OLD_ID NEW_ID transfer all animals of player OLD_ID to NEW_ID
      (set NEW_ID = -1 to release all animals to the wild)
    • new command (admin only): /abm changeowner animal NPC_ID PLAYER_ID transfer animal NPC_ID to player PLAYER_ID
      (set PLAYER_ID = -1 to release the animal to the wild)
    • new command (admin only): /abm reset lock rancher ID unleash all animals of player with ID
    • new command (admin only): /abm reset lock animal ID unleash animal with ID
    • new command (admin only): /abm reset invincible rancher ID make all animals of player with ID vulnerable again
    • new command (admin only): /abm reset invincible animal ID make animal with ID vulnerable again
    • sheeps are feedable again, you can shear it only if no food is held in the hands
    • many code changes under the hood (for upcoming ABM-API)

    ...in addition I will soon publish a small ABM API

    Have fun!

  • I may be doing something wrong, but when I do a "/abm listranchers", it appears to list all players that have been on the server, not just players that own animals. I get a list of over 4000 players/ranchers, most with "0" animals. It would be handy as well if this list could be filtered by the starting letters of a player's/rancher's name. Like "/abm listranchers Jon" and it would list any player/rancher who's name starts with "Jon". With lots of players on the server it is difficult to scroll back up the list and find a particular (now inactive) player/rancher to determine their ID.

    Nice update overall!

  • Plugin looks nice so far. It would be nice if we could tame, own and breed the mounts also. Now that the animals can be released into the wild again it would be fun to breed the mounts. I am not shure if a regular player can change owners on the animals but it would be good to have an option for them to reliese ownership so they may breed and sell them to other players. :)

  • Hi!

    I did not expect so much players, but the case with zero animals still listed is not intended.
    Searching for/ listing players by starting letters is reasonable, I will add this!

    I will think about a command for regular players.
    Taming and breeding mounts: it is not really possible (at least before 0.9.4) to interact with NPCs of type MOUNT programatically. I could check if this is still the case with the new version.

  • I did not expect so much players, but the case with zero animals still listed is not intended.
    Searching for/ listing players by starting letters is reasonable, I will add this!

    Thanks @Machete. BTW... It appears when you release an animal back to "wild", if it had a name, it appears to keep that name. Would it be hard to either erase the name or make it something like "Wild SheepXXXX"?

  • I wondered @Machete if it would also be possible to include the location (coordinates) of all of a rancher's animals when an admin uses the "/abm listanimals PLAYER_ID" command. This would make it easier to find the animals of an "inactive" player/rancher to be able to "dispatch" with the abandoned animals.

    Or maybe just a command like "/abm locateanimal NPC_ID" to list the coordinates of an animal or even better "/abm gotoanimal NPC_ID" to just bring you to an animal.

  • Hi!

    I just updated the plugin. Only minor changes to admin commands.

    New Version: V0.81:

    • new command (admin only): /abm gotoanimal ID teleports you to animal with ID
    • new command (admin only): /abm goback brings you back to the last position
      (after one or more calls to gotoanimal)
    • command modified: /abm listranchers NAME(optional) if NAME is specified, then list only those
      whose name begins with NAME

    Habe das Plugin soeben aktualisiert. Es sind nur kleine Änderungen bei Admin-Kommandos.

    Neue Version: V0.81:

    • neues Kommando (nur Admin): /abm gotoanimal ID teleportiert dich zum Tier mit ID
    • neues Kommando (nur Admin): /abm goback bringt dich zur letzten Position zurück
      (nach ein- oder mehrmaligem Aufruf von gotoanimal)
    • Kommando modifiziert: /abm listranchers NAME(optional) wenn NAME angegeben, dann nur die auflisten,
      deren Name mit NAME beginnt

    After releasing an animal to the wild the name should be reset after a maximum delay of 10 seconds (since V0.80).
    IWhy this delay? It refers to database write updates every 10 seconds.

  • Es wäre super, wenn man auch Regenwürmer sammenl und vermehren könnte. Bisher kann man Regenwürmer zwar mit Zitronen und Kartoffeln füttern : ), aber bei 5 Fütterungen gehören sie dem Spieler immer nocht nicht. Es wäre toll, wenn du den abm erweiterst, indem man die Regenwürmer mit Gras füttern kann (oder den Hanfblättern) und sie so zu den eigenen Tieren machen bzw. später zur Vermehrung bringen. Das wäre praktisch fürs Angeln.

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