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  • Having a bit of a nostalgic thought from Minecraft FTB of using Turtles in Minecraft that it be sweet having some of that in Rising World. Doesn't have to be the EXACT thing, just more 'realistic', or something. Maybe a Rising World version of that to take advantage of the graphics so you can program it to do whatever you want. To go farming, to go mining, chopping wood, and etc. It be sweet having that, even filling in holes with something that it once dug with other materials.

    What are FTB Turtles?: https://ftbwiki.org/Turtle & http://computercraft.info/wiki/Turtle

    We apparently have very wise people who can code, and even fiddle with Turtles that it be sweet if they could program some automated bots for us. They used to be my very best mining buddies for when I became too lazy to go digging. It gets insanely tedious after awhile, yet it sometimes does feel like cheating. They were however welcomed.

    NOTE!: Keep in mind that I'm not requesting this to be soon, just that it's something for the future.


    On a Side-note:

    I'm dying with laughter just imagining 15cm/6 inch NPCs digging with little shovels & pickaxes as they gain resources for you also. This is for when they're coded to go mining in an area you told them to dig, and in patterns you told them to dig in, and etc. I'm just imagining the little shovels & pickaxes swinging as they dig next to you, or something as they then go dump it into a nearby storage chest. It's too cute.....

    Later in Rising World's life, whenever possible, it be interesting to try and build robotic humanoids (androids) and such to help mine, and stuff. Not just befriending NPCs, but ones you can also program and do stuff because we have very intelligent people on this forum. We need to take advantage of this! Scripting these androids & robots to do various things to build off of what people have done for FTB Turtles. We need to harness that intelligence.

    Because it's me, and I'm into anime, I can't wait to have something called 'Busou Shinkis' (15 cm battle robots) assisting me with little chores, and even being able to be picked up in the hand, and even sat on your shoulder (like a parrot), something like with Minecraft. That part coming about because of the chickens being tamed for breeding in 'ANimal Breed Master' plugin. It's just funny, and something that makes us enjoy Minecraft & Rising World. It's these small things which are possible, and what we've done with 'Turtles'.

    Also, it be sweet if we also had various actual living Turtles in Rising World. Sea turtles, snapping (that actually attack you, if you get too close), as well as 'normal' pond turtles, and etc.

    Sorry for my obnoxiousness, yet I'm just too excited. I love Rising World with what it's capable of. Sorry for having a high post count & etc, but I love this game. :thumbsup:

  • I am already looking forward to how the plugin api evolves in the future.
    One day it will be certainly possible to implement complex a.i. behavioral patterns.

    Also, it be sweet if we also had various actual living Turtles in Rising World. Sea turtles, snapping (that actually attack you, if you get too close), as well as 'normal' pond turtles, and etc.

    I like turtles, too. I hope, you can convince @red51! :)

  • Alright, Red51 is probably going to kill me for constantly bringing this up but there's this new game that mixes Minecraft with Stonehearth type gameplay. Even Timber & Stone, but Minecrafty that I'd love to see this form in Rising World. It has what I want in it that I have to bring it up, but putting it in the FTB Turtles thing because of how these NPCs are tasked in a similar manner to FTB Turtles.


    - Colony Survival:

    Colony Survival is a Minecraft-Stonehearth-Timber-and-Stone type game where you try to get a settlement established to survive the elements. You try to build up a settlement with the basic resources to turn your settlement into something grand, yet every night monsters come attacking you to put your settlement at risk. You have to have food for your settlers, as well as a bed for them to survive in.

    Steam Page:



    - What I Wish Red51 would note:

    • Being able to rescue NPCs from the wild so they could be recruit able to your side. It could be either randomly spawning camp sites, or in a bandit cage as a hostage, or something along those lines. Even a shipwreck on a beach, yet at a low frequency so you won't be over-run with NPCs to 'rescue'. If you can't rescue them then they should go to an NPC village in an implied manner, maybe even seeing them later.
    • Being able to converse with them in a VERY basic manner via text to join you. Ask them to join you, to trade inventory, and such.
    • Each NPC could have a 'flag' customized to them to tell them where they could put stuff, where to mine, and etc. Even placed on chests claimed for them. Similar to signs, but flags.
    • They would require food, bed, & storage assigned to them to settle in your place, or go elsewhere. (you have a lot of food that they can eat through. They would burn through your food stockpile)
    • Being able to cook for you, mine for you, farm for you, and even seek out desired items for you by pointing you in its general direction (if in its POV). Or just idle about....

    When digging my road the past few days in anticipation for horses I once again desired FTB Turtles. I don't want to harass other players to help me build that I would need NPC assistance. People ended up getting offended with me when I constantly asked for their assistance that NPCs need to bridge that gap (Not in Rising World, but in Minecraft). People only have so much focus & attention that NPCs can bridge gaps. Even waiting for the next update to add that 'mining drill', among other things. You would put food & items in their inventory if you're going on a long journey, or else risk them dying. Put a flag on a chest so it could be claimed for the survival oriented NPCs. It would be helpful if I could task NPCs to do something I've had FTB turtles do for me by digging out columns of the terrain, and even flattening specific parts. Granted, we'd treat them humanely by keeping them fed, thirsted up, and well rested.

    I would also love it if we could save NPC appearances into some sort of blueprint so we could bring them back up into our world. Carrying them from one world to the next, even with their skills that they may or may not have learned. If there is a skill system.

    Sorry Red51, but when there's a demand there has to be a way to supply that. It's painful when one game has half a side, then another game has the other half that you need a way to merge those sides together. Rising World has one side, and Colony Survival has another side..........

    [Keep in mind that the NPC I'm suggesting is something I view as 'ideal' for Rising World. One where they are themed in a RW manner, and not overblown into other people's desires of being 'slave NPCs'. I'm trying to request something balanced.]

  • I lost my other NPC thread that I'll simply post it here

    I hope we'll see roaming NPCs (not just merchants), but NPCs also on a survival manner tied to pulling players from other worlds into your world as NPCs wearing vanilla clothing, and such. Watching a Minecraft Let's Play has me wishing we would see roaming NPCs of other players (when customization sets in) so we can see them pop into our world. It be interesting to see NPCs of other players attracted to market stalls, anything shop related, and etc. Just seeing them come & go, yet curious to check things out by roaming man-made structures.

  • I hope we'll see roaming NPCs (not just merchants), but NPCs also on a survival manner tied to pulling players from other worlds into your world as NPCs wearing vanilla clothing, and such. Watching a Minecraft Let's Play has me wishing we would see roaming NPCs of other players (when customization sets in) so we can see them pop into our world. It be interesting to see NPCs of other players attracted to market stalls, anything shop related, and etc. Just seeing them come & go, yet curious to check things out by roaming man-made structures.

    i'm thinking about it..yes it could be cool, but not many people, only few and often dangerous

  • Alright, so if we ever do make use of those market stalls (or whatever else) I'd love to see NPC versions of other people roaming about in our world appropriate in quantity to how much we've placed. If we placed attraction objects then the NPCs attracted from other people's accounts would equal that. One stall for ever 1-5 NPCs, or so. We could also set a limit to being 0, 5, 10, or how many we need. They would be by default passive, yet could be made hostile, or neutral hostile. It's all up to Red51 with how he wants to allow for modding, Modding API, or even allow it vanilla. Even the plugin folks.

  • I guess I'm coming back full circle, yet should have said 'Mining Turtles' found in the FTB modpack.

    This video here is fairly close to how I view NPCS being able to modify terrain in Rising World, yet not really. It's close, yet still far. They don't have that power and complexity that those 'Mining Turtles' have, even in their simplicity. I wish for NPCs being told in what pattern they would dig in; In spiral patterns, rectangle, how far, and etc. Should be an interface with a basic pattern for digging styles, how to dig, and how far to do in Rising World's case....... Even some fail safes of being able to build with planks to cross holes (caves), and such in their inventory, or similar.

    Yeah..... You have this video to blame for me bringing this up again.

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