The Tower of Orthanc

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  • Hello, guys & girls!

    I am posting some screenshots from my small server. That concern a pretty project finally ended few days ago. It's the Tower of Orthanc from the Lord of the Rings movie (without the wall of Isengard), at the original scale of the Weta model (160 meters). Built in survival mode with a lot of black marble blocks and some black metal grates for the windows.


    P.S. Rising World has enormous potential in the construction and details. I secretly hope to see more constructions from movies like Lord of the Rings, or maybe the Hogwarts Castle from Harry Potter Universe, someday. :rolleyes:

  • Thanks all! :)

    This is a french casual server with only 4 slots but I can open it (can eventually allowed more slots) or try to give us a blueprint here. I don't know if blueprint has blocs limitation?

    @zfoxfire, do you talk about an entire map generated with the Middle Earth look? that sound good, but I do not know any people to make a big project like this. But if you know a community for that, I can help you with pleasure if you want!

    Happy too to meet others LOTR fans! :thumbsup:

  • I would love to see a blueprint of this! I am pretty sure blueprints can hold tons of blocks, maybe there is a limit though... I think I remember blueprinting one of my towers with over 60k blocks... doing it in sections tho would be incredibly easy!

    ps. how many times did you fall to your death during the making of the tower?

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • The blueprint is ready! (I had not created blueprint or used before and this is interesting)

    The tower contained nearly 26k blocks (using marble ID: 57 like the original texture). I didn't fall like Saruman this time because I already created this tower on two different Minecraft servers many years ago. But I died drowned in a nearby lake while I would transfer the stones from the spawn and another time for starvation at the top of a floor. :S

    Inside, only garden torches, lot of iron ladders (to access all floors include the top after the throne room), the throne or Orthanc and the "Palantíri" are present.

    This is a bit basic, but I hope you enjoy it!

  • I will check it out in a bit, thanks! Also, you may want to post the BP with pics in the blueprint channel on this forum, so it's easier to find in the future.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • Thought this tower was a great feat in engineering. Im new to Rising world but what a great piece of engineering and inspiring to new players to reach those dizzy heights. I got the blueprint to see it up close and it looks even more imposing in real life. Id like to feature it in a project im currently building as the main tower amongst these other buildings (see pic). Im going more for a dark goffic look but Ill add a plaque on the entrance of Orthanc in honour of the creator. And keep you posted on progress.

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