Can anyone please help me. Not sure what I am doing wrong, but my blueprints do not show up in my journal in game. I have downloaded several blueprints from this forum and put them in Program Files X86 Steam Steamapps Common Rising World Blueprints
The Blueprints folder did not exists so I had to create it. I have windows 10

Blueprints not showing up in game
- MandyBluestar
- Closed
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
First of all have you restarted your game after you added the blueprints in the folder? Not from the main screen but completely i.e. from steam.
If this doesn't work then check that you have spelt the word "Blueprints" correctly, if yes try spelling it with a small "b" that sometimes fixes such issues.
If you still have problems after that I would suggest removing all blueprints from your blueprints file and deleting it. Then create a blueprint in game for it to automatically generate the blueprints folder, check that you can use your newly created blueprint from the journal and if yes then place all the forum blueprints in that folder. Remember to restart your game for it to read the new blueprint list.
Restarting didn't work for me so I removed the folder and created a blueprint in game. I was able to use this blueprint from journal. So then I placed all the blueprints into that folder that the game generated and restarted game and steam completely. The only blueprint showing up after restart in journal is the one I created.
hmmm interesting, could you please point me to one or more of the blueprints you downloaded for me to try them on my client?
Small Greenhouse
Medieval House/Mittelalter Haus
San Franciscan / Victorian House
Furniture / Möbel
Garage BenchHere are a few I downloaded over 30. I think what I will try next is to put one in at a time and see if any show up.
Tried putting them in one at a time still the only one showing up is the one I made. Restarted computer, made a new game still the downloaded blueprints don't show. Tried looking online for this issue and unable to find anything similar. Not sure where to go from here.
Within the folder "Blueprints" create a subfolder e.g. "Furniture" or e.g. "all". Move the blueprint into this subfolder. My blueprints are in subfolders and it works.
Hi Arakara. Thank you for the suggestion. I tried that. Made two subfolders but the only one that shows up is the one that has my blueprint in it.
I am not a computer guru, if fact if I have a problem I holler for my husband or my friend Helmer (he's in Denmark, I have to yell really loud). But I do have Win 10 and I too had blueprint problems so I can tell you what I did (which most likely will make those computer savvy folks shake their heads). Forgive me for the times I state the obvious but I hope to make what I did clear. When I download a blueprint from the forums it ends up the download folder. I click on the file explorer icon down in my tray. Under quick access on the left I click on downloads. I created a new folder in Downloads called Blueprints. I pinned that folder to quick access. Whenever I download new bp's I go to the downloads folder and move them into the blueprint folder. Then I go through the steps to bring up the Rising World folder and open it. While Rising World is open on the right side of file explorer screen I scroll back up the the left side until I get to the Blueprint folder I pinned there. I click on the blueprint folder on the left (under quick access) and drag it over to the blueprint folder in Rising World and copy it to that folder. (A side note here - I don't speak or read German so I just copy the whole thing over. If you do, then you can do each bp separately) I hope that this helps you. Good luck!
Hi Arakara. Thank you for the suggestion. I tried that. Made two subfolders but the only one that shows up is the one that has my blueprint in it.
When you open the ingame journal, on the left-sided page at very top you probably see the group folder name of your own blueprint. At right and left of this folder name you see ">" and "<". What happens when you click on these icons? Is the second folder displayed without any content or does it not appear at all?
I remember that with my very first blueprints, I did not understand this kind of display immediately, so maybe you have the same problem which I had in beginning.
This is the reason why I ask.
Small Greenhouse
Medieval House/Mittelalter Haus
San Franciscan / Victorian House
Furniture / Möbel
Garage BenchHere are a few I downloaded over 30. I think what I will try next is to put one in at a time and see if any show up.
Ok so I tried all of these blueprints on my client and they all work, do you by any chance play on a server and not single player? I ask because some servers deny access to blueprints not created by the player who tries to use them so these don't show up in your journal at all. In SP you should be able to see all blueprints as normal without restrictions.
When you open the ingame journal, on the left-sided page at very top you probably see the group folder name of your own blueprint. At right and left of this folder name you see ">" and "<". What happens when you click on these icons? Is the second folder displayed without any content or does it not appear at all?
I remember that with my very first blueprints, I did not understand this kind of display immediately, so maybe you have the same problem which I had in beginning.This is the reason why I ask.
When I click on < and > in journal the only subfolder that will show up is the one I have my blueprint that I created in.
Ok so I tried all of these blueprints on my client and they all work, do you by any chance play on a server and not single player? I ask because some servers deny access to blueprints not created by the player who tries to use them so these don't show up in your journal at all. In SP you should be able to see all blueprints as normal without restrictions.
I have played on a server but I tried for blueprints on single player. Even made a new game they just won't show up.
Yes this is the strangest. I wrote to support mentioning this post so hopefully it will get resolved. Thank you all for trying to help me. I appreciate it.
check your permissions for your single player. it may have been denied for some reason.
check your permissions for your single player. it may have been denied for some reason.
Sorry for late response but permissions say:
blueprints create: true
blueprints undo time: 300
blueprints use: true -
was worth a try
Are the files zipped and are you unzipping the files before you place them into your folder? if so also try using another unzip program 7zip is good and free
The blueprint folder has to be with a B not b like Blueprints
The folders inside the Blueprints folder can be named anythingAlso depending on what OS your using you may need to give reading rights to the files and folders Linux often needs this, but also have seen windows 10 sometimes have the same problem. its worth looking at your folder permissions.
also antivirus protection may be doing something strange oO
The blueprint folder has to be with a B not b like Blueprint
just for the record it is Blueprints (with the 's' but yes the B should be in caps)
yes you could try either disabling the antivirus for a bit to test or setting the RW folder in the allowed section thereof.
Permissions shouldn't be an issue with Win 10 but you can check those as well just right click the Blueprints folder and under Properties check if your user has full permissions under the Security tab.
Sorry for my late response! This really sounds like a strange issue
Maybe it's indeed related to issues with zipping/unzipping, as mentioned by @yahgiggle. Make sure you do not unzip the blueprint file itself (unless it is actually stored in a .zip, .rar or .7z container). Some programs recognize the .blueprint files as a zip archive, extracting them destroys the blueprint. To avoid any issues like this, please make sure that file extensions are shown in Windows:…-file-extensions-3341794/
If this doesn't help: Can you maybe upload one of the blueprint files in question (i.e. one of the blueprints which is not shown ingame)? Just attach it to this topic (Attachments at the bottom -> Upload)
Maybe you can also post a screenshot of your blueprint folder (or the according subfolder) here.
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