[Forum Game] Who Shall Do it first? Rising World or...?

  • Let's play a little game related to Rising World of "who shall do it first?" where we see features either added into Rising World, or another game of interest. The only condition is that both games are needing said features where those features are genuinely needed, not already there..... I'll strike out the loser to then bolden (maybe add colour) winner in the list.

    • Horses - Rising World, 7 Days to Die, or Medieval Engineers - [Red51 seems to be getting these first; Medieval Engineers is in heavy need of mounts... Both games, actually yet RW is confirmed first. It's been desired to have boats in 7 Days to Die.]
    • Actual lakes and oceans - Rising World or Medieval Engineers - [Rising World shall add in actual 1 world ocean with many island continents and islands; ME really needs something on the scale of a lake, or similar. It needs water.]
    • Boats - Rising World, 7 Days to Die, or Medieval Engineers - [Rising World needs realistic boats for the water + a storage container for the cargo... ME needs water + boats. Achievement hunter were also crying out for boats that I'm adding it here with 7 Days to Die.]
    • Birds/Flying Entities - Rising World or Minecraft - [We're to gain birds & hang gliders; Minecraft is voting on [this] entity attacking players with sleep insomnia after few days. Both games need to take advantage of the sky.]
    • Water Creatures/Animals - Rising World or Minecraft - [Minecraft is voting on 4 creatures, one of which shall pull you deep under into the very depths.]
    • Scuba Gear - Rising World or Minecraft - [With the addition of Minecraft's aquatic biome Minecraft should seek out actual scuba gear for swimming in vanilla, something I'm curious if Rising World shall have. The thought parallels with RW for seeking out future shipwrecks + ruins.]

    You guys are free to vote (post wise), but do keep to the topic. Do not spam needlessly or I'll ask certain posts to be removed. Only mention what's on the list.

  • I would say actual game play. RWs strength is the building system and the world. Everything else (at the moment) is weakness. Hopefully the upcoming update can fix that.

  • Comparing MC to RW is apples to oranges, imo, as MC is pixel based, the other voxels, which have more flexibility and creative possibilities for building styles. MC is a solid game, well liked by many apparently, but MC and RW seem to me to be similar only in that you build in them.

    ME, is a game world I have not explored since I first bought the game and checked it out. My opinion then was that RW had more lead time' and I would need to go back to MC and check it out later. I can't fairly give an opinion of it at this time.

    I agree that actual game play is the important thing. I have never really seen the need to people a building world with mobs and dueling, but that is the overall system for them at this time. (I go to EQ, SW, etc for raiding, pvp, dueling and such.)

    I play RW to build, so that is the main aspect of my interest. RW has great flora and fauna, important aspects of a living breathing world and RW has beautiful graphics and good animation for the animal life. RW has a fantastic weather system, wonderful storms and sunset/sunrises. Love the fogs. RW is working on the water dynamics, and mounts.

    Building in a living world is a more enjoyable way to build and create, and RW is doing that every day.

  • Comparing MC to RW is apples to oranges, imo, as MC is pixel based, the other voxels, which have more flexibility and creative possibilities for building styles.

    A voxel is simply a point in 3d space represented by its relative position rather than absolute. Both MC and RW use voxel data to store their worlds. The difference is that MC interprets each voxel as just a cube. RW interprets voxel data using an algorithm called "marching cubes" which allows the data to be converted into a nice looking mesh with more detail than just a bunch of cubes. I believe that the "No Cubes" mod for Minecraft accomplishes the same thing but the voxel data in RW has a higher resolution which leads to nicer looking terrain detail.

    The "pixel" you are referring to I presume is the texture applied to minecraft cubes. Rising World also applies textures but is higher in resolution and not as pixelated (i believe the texture of a minecraft cube is 16x16 (so each pixel is easily visible to the player) wheras in rising wordl its 128x128 or higher. It's an art style perhaps. There are really nice texture packs you can install into Minecraft to make it look nicer. Personally I prefer something that looks like out of the box without modding.


  • While you guys spam, frustrating the hell out of me I'm going to show you the real reason of this thread again. Please look carefully.... Don't post for the sake of posting.


    - Minecraft Won the 'updating oceans' side of things by adding sea life into the game, something Red51 could have done, yet was unable to. In a race of who's done it first, it was Minecraft by adding sea life first into the game. Not about apples and oranges, but a game of WHO DOES IT FIRST.


    Minecraft wins this round! Or well, they shall if they release their biome + Mob B in public form before Red51 does.

    Minecraft is now adding a new aquatic biome to the sea floor + fish roaming about + kelp + dolphins, among other various hidden goodies. Even underwater spears, and such. Now, if only Mojang could give scuba gears, something I can now add to the above listing.

    Mob B was also voted in so Minecraft may also add in its first actual flying entity before Red51 can add birds into his game. It's now a race! An actual race down to the last turn to the finish line. 8o Who shall add in sea life to the aquatic side of things in both Rising World & Minecraft side of things. Who shall release their versions in public form?

  • Zfox you are totally off the mark. A voxel is not 'simply a point..." it is an enity with 24 manipulatible points.

    I am not referring in any way to MC as I know nothing of the game. And it does obviously not use VOXELS it uses pixels. Two totally different enities.

    We have been requested not to railroad this thread so I will not post here again on this thread.

  • Touched up on boats & horses in the main posting because of Achievement hunter desiring boats & horses for their 7 Days to Die session with how tedious traveling around is. They want other forms of transportation, and I don't blame them. In all honesty, most games needs them.

    Also, a good game to keep your eye out on is Ylands with boats and such.

    With what I'm hearing about boats for Rising World has my curiousity peaked up high. I'd love to see some teasers, or whatever.

  • It apparently took Mojang an eternity to finally get to water & ocean related content that it's quite surprising actually. This posting tags onto the #2 point that everything is still in a snapshot manner. It has turtles, plantlife and such.



    Quite interesting seeing what Mojang is up to now that it seems a bit coincidental that I'm hoping Rising World had some effect on them.

  • Wrong thread that that it's for another thread in the suggestions subforum.

    What do you see other games doing that Rising World is doing & vice-versa? But a water block would be interesting......, or a properly implemented water system being more user friendly is key. Also, it seems Minecraft finally (after so many years) added oceans & sealife into the game. Might have to thank Microsoft for nudging Mojang along eh?

    Seems like Minecraft shall add kelp into the water, swimming fish, puffer fish, breeding turtles, and such. Seeing these things I'm now curious how Rising World shall treat its sealife.

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