Electricity Update

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • When Red51 and the dev team makes electricity into the game, I recommend the following:

    1. A survivalist generator: used to power up things like a electric furnace or a crafting machine(crafting table). So far as recipes, I am not sure, however I would think oil soils would be in the game to craft gasoline for the generator or gasoline for cars.

    2.Oil refinery: to turn oil into Gasoline for cars and for other fuel sources!

    3. Cars: cars would be a awesome transportation method in Rising World! Especially for those servers with cities!

    4. Better lights: Modern lighting would look great in Rising World! LED lights and other lights similar! (I can’t remember the names)

    5. Elevators: elevators would be great for those big, tall buildings!

    There is others that I could mention, but can’t think of!

  • A advanced electrical system is planned. I don't know many details but the desire is to make something on par with some of the industrial mods for minecraft that are out there. I do hope we get steam power in the intern. Trains and cars are coming but later on. Trains probably sooner than later. I hope we get steam powered trains to start. We can always upgrade to diesel as oil becomes available. I like the idea of a personal "generator". I'd hope that if we start out with steam power that we can craft stationary iron boilers that run on coal and wood and will create steam to power workstations. We can then upgrade to electric from there and eventually enter a high-tech age. This would mimic the progress of the industrial revolution to a degree.

  • If we get power generation, it should be a logical incremental leveling up. And should not be EASY! Start with simple watermill or windmill generation. Next up steam, wood or coal fired. Then other fuels as we are able to craft them, refining oil into gasoline is probably more complicated and should be. High capacity hydropower through dams and turbines, yes please. Then we graduate to solar and modern wind power, and lastly to nuclear reactors.

  • I would love to see Steam engines!!! Trains, cars, trucks. You can do a lot with steam!! Even clean carpets 8o .
    Another idea would be wood gasoline. I think it would be neat to see the old wood gas burning trucks out there again...


  • If we get power generation, it should be a logical incremental leveling up. And should not be EASY! Start with simple watermill or windmill generation. Next up steam, wood or coal fired. Then other fuels as we are able to craft them, refining oil into gasoline is probably more complicated and should be. High capacity hydropower through dams and turbines, yes please. Then we graduate to solar and modern wind power, and lastly to nuclear reactors.

    wow I never thought about water and wind mills lol, I feel dumb. But, yes you are definitely correct. It’s good to start out simple!

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